Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Jessenia Flower
mars Jessey He sees
venus Jessi God beholds
venus Jessia God Beholds
venus Jessica God Beholds
venus Jessicaamy A beloved person beholden by God
venus Jessicah God beholds
venus Jessicia He sees
venus Jessicka He sees
venus Jessie Diminutive Form Of Jessica Or Jean
venus Jessika God looks at
venus Jessilyn He sees
venus Jessimine jasmine
venus Jessina He sees
venus Jessiqua He sees
venus Jessique Wealthy in God's grace
venus Jessiya He sees
venus Jesslyn He sees
venus Jesslynn He sees
mars Jessop Variation of Joseph
mars Jessup Jehovah increases in amount or degree
mars Jessy He sees
venus Jessyca He sees
venus Jessye He sees
venus Jessyka He sees
venus Jestina Feminine form os justin, derived from latin justinus which means rightful
mars Jeston A just and upright person
mars Jesualdo Christian Soldier
venus Jesulayotimoni Jesus is the joy I have.
mars Jesus God Is Salvation
mars Jesusa Saviour
mars Jesutosin Jesus is worthy of worship.
mars Jeswanth A brilliant Boy
venus Jesyka He sees
mars Jet A black gemstone
mars Jeter To Throw
mars Jeth plenty, abundance
mars Jether One who excels in something
venus Jethra plenty, abundance
mars Jethro Abundance
mars Jethwik Self-confidence
mars Jetmir A good life
mars Jeton Life
mars Jetsam Stuff Thrown Overboard
venus-mars Jetson Son Of Jet
mars Jett Jet Black
venus Jetta Diminutive Form Of Henrietta Or Marietta
venus Jette Home Ruler
venus Jettie Surrounded by things or people
mars Jetva To Be Gained; Earned
venus Jetzabel not exalted
venus Jeulie A form of Julie, meaning youthful.
venus Jeunesse Means "youth" in French. It is not used as a given name in France itself.
venus Jeustene Just
venus Jeva Easy to give forgiveness
mars Jeval Full of Life; Full of Spirit for life;
mars Jevan Son of japheth, the son of noah in the old testament
mars Jevaun Jevaun is the Jamaican form of Evan and means young warrior.
venus-mars Jeven Created Name
mars Jevera Life
mars Jevesh Full of courage
mars Jevgeni Estonian form of Eugene. It means well born or noble.
venus Jevgenija Nobility or well born.
mars Jevgenijs Latvian form of Yevgeniy.
mars Jevic An easy-going and energetic being
mars Jevin Created Name
mars Jevon Youth
mars Jevonte Created Name
mars Jevrem Serbian form of Ephraim.
venus Jewel Precious Stone
venus Jewelene plaything, delight
venus Jewelia Jupiter's child
venus Jeweliana Youthful
venus Jewelianne Latin feminine form of julianus, which is a derivation of julius the first down the chin, downy-bearded
venus Jewelisa plaything, delight
venus Jewell Form of JEWEL. Joy
venus Jewella Gemstone
venus Jewelle Gemstone
venus Jewelyn plaything, delight
venus Jewliett Youthful
venus Jexi A person who is beloved by God
mars Jey blue crested bird
mars Jeyandran Indran is god, indran means victory
mars Jeyaram Heart of the lord rama
mars Jeyasilan A victorious warrior; Lord Shiva
mars Jeyden A strong and open-minded person
mars Jeydon In old testament, a cross of jacob and aidan
venus Jeyla blue crested bird
mars Jeyne Came from the cognate of french names jehanne and jeanne which is a cognate of john which means God is gracious
venus Jez Short for Jeremy, Jezebel
venus Jezabel not exalted
venus Jezabella not exalted
venus Jezebel Unexalted
venus Jezebell Variation of Jezebel which means not exalted
venus Jezebelle not exalted
venus Jezeca He sees
mars Jezek Refers to a tiny nocturnal old world mammal.
venus Jezel Unexalted
mars Jeziah Sprinkling of the Lord; Exults of jehovah sprinkles
venus Jezibel not exalted
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