Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Jobanwant Full of Charm; Full of Beauty; Embodiment of attractiveness
mars Jobe Jobe is a male name of Hebrew origins and means Persecuted. It is represented in Christian religion.
mars Joben The name Joben is a Japanese male name and means Enjoy Cleanlies
venus Jobeth Combination Of Jo And Beth
mars Jobey persecuted
venus Jobi persecuted
mars Jobie persecuted
venus Jobina persecuted
mars Jobon Jobon is a male name of Japanese origin and means The one who enjoys cleanliness.
mars Joby persecuted
venus Jobyna persecuted
venus Jocasta Cheerful
venus Jocatta Jocatta is a female name and means Joy. It is represented in Christian religion and has many different variations.
venus Jocea Joyous
mars Joceaume The name means Joy. It is a male name of Latin origin and is mostly given to people of Christian religion.
venus Joceleyn Joceleyn means member of the Gauts Tribe
venus Jocelin Little Goth
venus Jocelina a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
venus Jocelinda a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
venus Joceline a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
venus Jocelle a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
venus Jocelyn Little Goth
venus Jocelyne a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
venus Jocelynn a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
venus Jocelynne a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
mars Joceran Great Raven
venus Jochebed God's Glory
mars Jochem Established by God
mars Jochen Established by God
mars Jochi Son of Chenghiz
mars Jochim Established by God
venus Joci a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
venus Jocia a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
venus Jocinta a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
mars Jocjo Esperanto diminutive of John or Joseph.
mars Jock Diminutive Form Of John
mars Jockel Diminutive of Jakob, Jörg or Joachim.
mars Jockie God is merciful
mars JockJake God is gracious
mars Jockum Established by God
mars Jocky Scots diminutive of Jack.
venus Joclyn a member of the German tribe, the Gauts
venus Jocosa gleeful
venus Joda Praised
mars Jodari Unclear
venus Jodee Afflicted,persecuted,nickname for joseph and jude.
venus Jodell Combination Of Names Joanne And Delbert
venus Jodelle The lord is gracious,God,salvation,means last name,reliable,honest.
venus Jodene Feminine elaboration of Jody.
venus Jodette Praised, admired, playful means a woman,one that is regarded.
mars Jodge Unknown
mars Jodh Brave; Warrior; Mighty Fighter; Courageous Soldier
venus Jodha Brave; Warrior; Mighty Fighter; Courageous Soldier; Name of a Rajput Princess
mars Jodhbir Brave Warrior; Mighty Fighter; Courageous Soldier
venus Jodhdeep Brave warrior having a warrior soul,one who is a battler.
mars Jodhpal Brave Protector; Mighty and Fierce Guardian; Courageous Defender
mars Jodhpreet One who is Loveable as well as brave,likable and daring.
mars Jodhveer Ready to stand firm,unbeatable,true warrior and unfearful in war.
venus Jodi Form of JOANNE. God is Gracious
venus Jodie An English name of Hebrew origin, meaning woman from Judea.
mars Jodin God is my judge my justice of peace and my evaluator
mars Jodoc Bretons variant of Joyce, meaning lord
mars Jodocus One who is experienced in battle
mars Joðurr A guardian
venus-mars Jody Diminutive Form Of Names Beginning With J
mars Joe God Will Increase
venus Joeane God is gracious
venus Joeanna God is gracious courteous and benevolent,smartest and athletic
venus Joeanne God is mild, obliging beneficent and gracious.Feminine of John,to be kind
venus-mars Joed God Is Witness
venus Joehannah God is gracious
mars Joel God Will Be Willing
venus Joela Jehova is the Lord
mars Joele Variant of Gioele.
venus Joelene God is merciful and linient in french meaning is pretty, beauty,
venus Joelin God
venus-mars Joell Jehovah is God
venus Joella God Will Be Willing
venus Joelle God Will Be Willing
venus Joellen Jehovah is God
venus Joelliane Jehovah is God
venus Joellin Jehovah is God
venus Joelly God
venus Joellyn Jehovah is God
venus Joely God Will Be Willing
venus Joelynn Jehovah is God
mars Joeonto Splendour and dazzle of the flame
mars Joep Dutch diminutive of Jozef.
mars Joeri Dutch form of Yuriy.
mars Joeseph Jacod's eleventh son meaning increase , addition,Jeovah increases,may He add
mars Joesph Joesph means 'will add another son' It is a variaition in spelling of Joseph
venus Joetta Jehovah is God
venus Joette Jehovah increases
venus-mars Joey God Will Increase
mars Joffrey Peace Of A Stranger
mars Jofre Catalan form of Geoffrey.
mars Joga A person of value , moral, pleasing.Name of sacrifice and victimization
mars Jogaraja Lord of Ascetics; One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Jogdhiaan Attain union with God; Attain salvation; One who is one with God
mars Jogedra Lord of Ascetics; One of many names of Lord Shiva; A variation of name Jogendra
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