Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Jogen King of the Universe; Supreme Being of the Universe; One of the many names of Lord Shiva
venus Jogendra Establishing union,consolidation ,agreement with Lord Shiva.Ruler of Yogis
mars Jogesa King of the Yogis,renewed ambition or a fresh start
mars Jogesh Lord Shiva
mars Jogesha King of the Yogis; Master or one who is adept in Yoga and Yogic practises
mars Jogindar Establishing Union With God; Attain union with God; Attain salvation; One who is one with God
mars Joginder Lord Shiva
mars Joginderbir A master of yoga who is a brave, courageous and mighty warrior
mars Jogindermeet A master of yoga who is friendly, compassionate and kind towards everyone
mars Joginderpal Preserver , protector, old guard and standpat of yoga
mars Joginderpreet One who loves to be a master of Yoga; One who likes to perform yoga for attaining union God
mars Jogindra Lord Shiva
mars Jogishwar Master of Yoga; Expert in Yoga; One who is adept in Yoga and yogic practises
mars Jogprakash Union with the Light; One who attains the light of enlightment;
mars Jograj Lord Krishna
mars Jograja The Lord is Gracious,patient.Lord Krishna,Lord Shiva,fearless,skillful and creative
mars Jogvan Faroese form of Iohannes (see John).
mars Jogvichaar Reflections to Attain Union with God; Thoughts of attaining salvation and being one with God
mars Joh God is Gracious,merciful,God has favoured,one who wants to improve the lives of others
venus Joha God gives life, Johavah gives life or one who is revived by Johavah
mars Johaar Glorious union with the God,Jewel.One who is skillful,proficient and practical.
mars Joham God Is Gracious
venus Johamma Asssociated form of name Johannese means God is mild and good hearted
mars Johan God Is Gracious
venus Johana God is gracious
mars Johanan Endowment, favour and Gift of God.Name of many men in Bible
venus Johane Dignity , elegance and Grace of God
mars Johanizmin Johanizmin name means Garden of Paradise
venus Johanka Czech diminutive of Johana.
mars Johann God Is Gracious
venus Johanna God Is Gracious
venus Johannah God is gracious
mars Johann Baptist Combination of Johann and Baptist, in honour of Saint John the Baptist.
venus Johanne God is gracious
venus Johanneke God is merciful
mars Johannes God Is Gracious
venus Johanny A Dominican variation of John. It means God is gracious.
mars Johano Esperanto form of Iohannes (see John).
mars Johansen A Scandinavian version of Johanson, meaning 'son of Johan'.
mars Johar Salute
venus Johara Jewel,one who is treasured ,idolized and considered to be important
venus Johari Jewel
mars Johathan Jehova has given, the gift and blessing of Jehova,given of God
mars Johen God is Gentle ,kind patient ,merciful and Gracious
venus Johi Name of a flower called Jasmine,having unique fragrance
venus Johila River
mars Johll The most enduring,God is Kind ,patient and gracious
mars John God Is Gracious
venus Johna God is gracious
mars Johnathan God Has Given
mars Johnathon Form Of Jonathon Influenced By John
mars Johnavan Combination Of John And Avon
mars Johnavon Combination Of John And Avon
venus Johnda Combination Of John And Glenda Or Brenda
mars Johne The modern feminine of the name John or Jon,person having a need to analyze the world
mars Johnel God is gracious
venus Johnella God is gracious
venus Johnelle God is gracious
venus Johnetta God is gracious
venus Johnette God is gracious
venus Johni God is Gentle ,kind patient ,merciful and Gracious
mars Johnie The most enduring,God is Kind ,patient and gracious
mars Johnn Feminine form of John,one who is competent
venus Johnna God is gracious
venus Johnnae God is gracious
mars Johnnes God is gracious
mars Johnnie God is gracious
venus Johnniemae Jehova has given, the gift and blessing of Jehova,given of God,he has shown favour
mars Johnny Diminutive Form Of John
mars Johnpaul John(God is gracious); Paul(small)
mars John-Paul Combination of John and Paul. This name was borne by two 20th-century popes, notably the sainted John Paul II (1920-2005).
mars Johnson Son Of John
mars Johnston God is GraciousSon of Jack He who Supplants Diminutive of Jack -
mars Johntel God is merciful
mars Johny One who is a delight, rejoicing , who creates happiness
mars Johonaa'ei Means "sun" in Navajo. In Navajo mythology this is the name of the sun god.
venus Johrdan down-flowing
venus Joi Joy
venus Joia merry
venus Joice joy; lord
mars Joideep Happiness
venus Joie Joy
venus Joiha Originated from the old word joy meaning happiness and pleasure
mars Joindah Searcher,have a great affection towards creativity, beauty and domestic activities of life
venus Jois Associated form of the name Joyce meaning liveliness, charm and bless
venus Joisse Variant of Joyce.
venus Joiya Searcher,who is adventurer and seeker to look and explore for new things
mars Jojen Created Name
venus Joji Second Son
venus-mars Jojo Nickname For Names Beginning With JO
venus Jok Gift from God,God is kind soft hearted and merciful,Blessed by God
mars Joka compassion,reminisence, to be able ,to succeed ,to advance,going towards
mars Jok?bas The name Jok means God is Merciful
mars Jokin Basque form of Joachim.
mars Jokith Icelandic name meaning Glacier of ice
mars Joko From Javanese jaka meaning "young man, boy". A notable bearer is Indonesian president Joko Widodo (1961-).
mars Joktan Means "small" in Hebrew. This is the name of a son of Eber in the Old Testament.
mars Jokubas Lithuanian form of Jacob (or James).
mars Jokull Glacier Of Ice
mars Jokum Established by God
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