Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Jol Great lover of art and culture
venus Jola Violet Flower
venus Jolaife Violet Blossom,violet flower,in German its meaning is countly
venus Jolaine violet flower
venus Jolan violet flower
venus Jolana Violet flower
venus Jolanda Violet Flower
venus Jolande violet flower; purple
venus Jolanka Derivative of the word Jolan,meaning good girl,violet blossom
venus Jolanna violet flower
venus Jolanne violet flower
venus Jolanta form of IANTHE - violet blossoms
venus Jolantha violet flower; purple
venus Jolanthe violet flower; purple
venus Jolasun Let the wealth come forth.
venus Jolayne the name means God exceeds. People with this name are loyal, honest, reliable and sincere. They have a clever mind and try their best to keep others happy.
mars Joldewin people with this name are highly imaginative and are dreamers. They desire for true love and friends. They are visionary and also inspired by others.
venus Jolean it means gracious, pretty and merciful. Expressive, fun loving and have good sense of humour. They are creative and happy persons.
venus Joleane it means He (God) will increase. People with this name always seek the quality of life and desire to get the best. They are sensitive in nature.
venus Jolee pretty
venus Joleen it means something well established. People with this name are organized and love making friends. They have bold and mature attitude.
venus Joleicia honest, brilliant, high of inspiration people. they posses the leader quality and believe in law and methodical behaviour in every thing.
venus Joleigh pretty
venus Jolena it means God will increase and well established. People with this name are cheerful and flexible in nature. They easily adopt changes in life and never regret their decisions.
venus Jolene Combination Of Jo And Eileen
venus Joleta youthful; Jove's child
venus Joletta youthful; Jove's child
venus Jolette youthful; Jove's child
mars Joley pretty
venus Joli Pretty
venus Jolicia they love adventure and ecxcitement in their life. They are clever and are capable to do almost anything in their life. They are usually artist in profession.
venus Jolie Pretty
venus Joliet pretty
venus Jolietta pretty
venus Joliette pretty
venus Jolina it is a combination of two words jo and Lina. Such people remain quiet and keep on analyzing the people and the place where they live. They are scholrs and teachers mostly.
venus Joline he will increase
venus Jolinn such people have high patience and independent. They fight for their right and posses the leadership quality.
venus Jolisa Created Name
venus Jolissa Combination Of Joe And Melissa
venus Jolivette Joyful
venus Jolleen people with this name are stubborn, proud and impatient. However they prove to be very courageous but are aggressive as well.
venus Jollene such people are powerful and are focused towards their aim. They attain good wealth in their life. If they will implement their ideas, they will surely be successful.
venus Jolly Cheerful; Happy; Merry; Joyous;
venus-mars Jolon Valley Of Oaks
venus Joly Pretty
venus Jolynn people with this name are natural and doesnot have tolerance. They are organized and joyful. They are funloving and spread laughter where ever they go.
mars Jolyon Youthful, Downy
venus Jomaira people with this name are mild and gentle in their attitude. They keep on making new friends and always bring joy.
venus Jomana people with this name are noble and most admired. They love music and are cheerful. They never regret their decisions and are old fashioned.
mars Jomar the name is a combination of two persons name Hoseph and Mary . People with this name have power to convince people and please every one.
venus Jomarie people with this name are radiant in their personality and impressive. They always share the knowledge and eager to learn new things.
mars Jomei people with this name always bring joy and love music. They adopt passion for whole life and always show interest in others for friendship.
mars Jomo people with this name are jolly and posses the life long passion for their aims. They have a funside and love laughing.
mars Jomon it means natural and joy. Such people doesnot express their feelings very easily and are mysterious. They are geunine and ornate.
mars Jon Form Of John Or Diminutive Form Of Jonathan
venus-mars Jona dove
venus Jonae God is gracious
mars Jonah dove
venus Jonakhi people with this name are honest and easily impress other people with their sense of honesty and outlook. They have a greed for knowledge.
venus Jonalyn God is gracious
venus Jonalynn God is gracious
mars Jonan God Is Gracious, Wolf
mars Jonaraaja Name of a talented individual; dedicated being
mars Jonas Dove
mars Jonasz Polish form of Jonah.
mars Jonatan Gift from God. They have the spirit to achieve their goals and have loving nature. They are honest and genuine in attitude and have long term friends.
mars Jonatas God gives
mars Jonatha God Has Given
mars Jonathan god gives
mars Jonathen it means Gift From God. Such people have strong spirit and nice in nature. They have absolute personality and noble.
mars Jonathon God Has Given
venus Jonati dove
venus Jonay God is gracious
venus Jonbenet such people love to spend time with their friends and have the jolly side. The name is very pleasant which means blossom and exotic personality.
mars Jonco Diminutive Form Of John Or Jonathan
venus Jonda they are joyful and able to share their secrets with anyone theyr trust. Their perosnality have a spark and natural, honest and sincere person.
mars Jondalar Created Name
venus Jondi they are loyal and sincere friends. The ideas given by such people are very efficient to implement. Noble. Joyful and outlook persons.
mars Jondor God Is Gracious, Thunder
venus Jondy they have dazzling and sparkle in nature. They are nice and joyous attitude. They keep onacheiveing their innermost desires.
venus Jone God is gracious
venus Jonee God is gracious
mars Jonel God is gracious
venus Jonell Created Name
venus Jonella God is gracious
venus Jonelle God is gracious
mars Jones Son Of John
mars Jonesy people with this name are jubilant and are youthful. They focus on their physical appearance and easily forgive others.
venus Jonet the name means rejoicing, people with this name love to travel and are involved in many social activities. They are active and fast.
venus Jonetta God is gracious
venus Jonette God is gracious
venus Joneva juniper tree
venus Jonevah juniper tree
mars Jong Silent and chaste
mars Jong-Su From Sino-Korean 宗 (jong) meaning "lineage, ancestry" and 秀 (su) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding", as well as other combinations of hanja characters with the same pronunciations.
venus Joni God is gracious
venus Jonie God is gracious
venus Jonila Combination Of Jon And Nila
mars Jonilde God Is Gracious, Battle
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