Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Jonina dove
venus Jonita God is gracious
venus Jonix the name means cheerful or merry. They are flexible in nature and easily adapt new changes in life. They enjoy their life and love everlast.
mars Jonjay these people work in temples, cathedrals or temples because they have responsible attitude and love helping other people. intelligent and good advisers.
mars Jonn such people are elegant and value their relations. They go in the profession of handcrafts or mechanic. They do dream big.
venus Jonna God is gracious
venus Jonnae God is gracious
mars Jonnalagadda One of the many names of Lord Shiva
venus Jonnelle God is gracious
venus Jonni God is gracious
mars Jonnie God is gracious
mars Jonny Diminutive Form Of John Or Jonathan
mars Jono God Is Gracious
venus Jonquil Reed
mars Jons Short form of Johannes.
mars Jonson these people are sweetheart and have outlook personality. They live their life in the best possible way.
mars Jontae Hebrew - Yahweh is gracious, Yahweh is merciful; A variant of name John
mars Jonty Diminutive Form Of Jonathon
mars Jony it means jenovah will increase. These people prove to be very best friend and take quick decisions.
mars Joo it means God will increase his blessings. They get success and have exotic and fun in their life.
mars Jooa Finnish short form of Joakim.
venus Joodi they learn lessons from their life and are simple going persons. They are open and joyful spirit.
venus Jooley youthful; Jove's child
venus Joolie youthful; Jove's child
mars Jools Diminutive of Julian or Julia.
mars Joon Talented
mars Joona Dove
mars Joonas it means healing of person. They easily convice people and encourage with their speech. They have joyful nature.
mars Joonatan Finnish and Estonian form of Jonathan.
mars Joon-Ho Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 준호 (see Jun-Ho).
mars Joon Woo Joon means Handsome Woo means Divine intervention, Protection or Rain
mars Joop God Will Increase
mars Joord Dutch diminutive of Jordan.
venus-mars Joos they have a funny side and are involved in many activities. They help to bring people together and have spark in their personality.
mars Joosep Estonian form of Joseph. It means he will add.
mars Jooseppi God raises
mars Joost Just
mars Joosua God is gracious. People with this name have the fun side and can convince people with their nice and jolly attitude.
venus Joosus Gift of God. Such people know how to deal with their life and what they have to do. They are nice and unselfish.
mars Joo Won Joo means Around or Circumference, Won means First or Origin
mars Joozhar they are serious thinkers and full of energy. They find their compatible level with people very easy. Friends enjoy their company.
venus Joozher they are noble and maintain their dignity level. They are natural, nice and jolly in nature. They forgive easily.
mars Jopie Hebrew - Yahweh will add; God Will Multiply; A variant of Joseph
venus Joplin Unknown
venus Joppa beautiful
venus Jora Farmer
venus-mars Jorah Early Rains
venus Jorality it means God precious gift and God has been Gracious. They bring people together and give proper time to their friends. Their joy have no bounds.
mars Joram it is spanish word which means God is gracious or Gift from God. They have passion for their life and impressive nature. They are organized.
mars Joran Farming man
venus Jorani A radiant jewel
mars Jorawar they have charm, life, upstanding personality. They are best for themselves and often seek guidance to make themselves perfect.
mars Jorcina these people are easily admired because of their intense personality. They are watch maker and jeweler in profession. They have unite attitude and develop friendship.
mars Jord people with this name are young and take care of their physcial appearance. They seek friendship and prove to be your best buddy.
mars Jorda Catalan form of Jordan.
mars Jordaan such people are refreshing and have a spark in their attitude. They cherish the memories they have and understanding capability. profession: shepherd, horsemen
venus Jordain Descend
venus Jordaine down-flowing
venus-mars Jordan descending
venus Jordana To Flow Down
venus Jordane Feminine Form Of Jordan
mars Jordanes The name of a 6th-century Roman author of Gothic background, who wrote a history of the Goths. His name is probably derived from that of the Jordan River. However, some theories [1][2] suggest that it could contain a trace of the Germanic root *erþō meaning "earth" (Gothic airþa, Old Norse jǫrð).
venus Jordanka down-flowing
venus Jordann down-flowing
venus Jordanna down-flowing
venus Jordanne down-flowing
mars Jordao From a flowing river
mars Jordell people with this name have absolute thinking and joyful in nature. They look life in a unque way . They are bee-keeper or monk.
mars Jorden Descend
venus Jordena down-flowing
venus-mars Jordence Combination Of The Names JORDAN And CADENCE
mars Jordenn down-flowing
venus Jordenne The meaning of the name Jordenne is Descending
mars Jordi Farmer
venus Jordie down-flowing
venus Jordin down-flowing
mars Jordis German form of Hjördis.
venus Jordison Son of Jordan
mars Jordon Descend
venus-mars Jordy Farmer
venus Jordyn Descend
venus Jordynn down-flowing
mars Jorel The name Jorel means God will Uplift
mars Jor-El Father
mars Jorell Father
mars Jorelle The name Jorelle means Lifted by the God
mars Joren Farmer
venus Jorenia The name Jorenia means The Woman who works with earth
venus Joretta Joretta means Descend, Down-Flowing
venus-mars Jorey down-flowing
venus Joreyl Joreyl is a female name and means The one Who is Flowing Down
mars Jorg Farmer
mars Jørg Norwegian short form of Jørgen.
mars Jorge Farmer
venus Jorgeanne farmer
venus Jorgelina farmer
mars Jorgen Form of George
mars Jørgen Danish and Norwegian form of Jürgen.
mars Jorgey Farmer
venus Jorgina farmer
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