Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Kausick A variant of Kaushik which is a gotra of Brahmins
mars Kausik Kausik means Affectionate and Lovable
mars Kausikam Kausikam means Love and Affection
mars Kaustav Kaustav means Gem that Lord Vinshu wore
mars Kausthub Kausthub means a Gem of Lord Vinshu
mars Kaustubh Immortal
venus Kaustubha The name means Jewel of Heaven
venus Kaustubhi The name means a jewel in Lord Vinshu's necklace
mars Kaustuv A Gem in Lord Vishnu's Breast; An ornament on Lord Vishnu
mars Kautav Name of a gem worn by Lord Vishnu
venus Kauthar Kauthar means Fountin found in Paradise
mars Kautik Joy
mars Kautilya Chanakya
venus Kautirya The name means She lives in a hut
mars Kautsar Kautsar means River in Paradise
mars Kautuk To Praise; Wonder; Appealing and appreciable
mars Kauzlarich Screeching owl
mars Kava Kava name means Hero of Ancient Times
mars Kavach Armour; One of many names of Karna as he was born wearing a kavach as in armour;
mars Kavachin The name means He who has an Armor
mars Kaval Dark Skinned; Black toned
mars Kavalan Bodyguard; Protector; Guardian; Defender; Safe-guarder
mars Kavalesh One of many names of Lord Vishnu signifying him as protector of universe
mars Kavan Hollow
venus Kavana Poem; Verse; Poetry
venus Kavanagh chubby; comely
mars Kavanaugh chubby; comely
mars Kavasa One of many names of Karna as he was born wearing a kavach as in armour;
mars Kavash Kavash means Shield
venus Kavasha Kavasha means Having a Shield
mars Kaveen Beautiful Poet; One who is talented in writing poems
mars Kaveesh Kaveesh means The Ruler of the Poers
venus Kaveesha Kaveesha means the Lord of the Poets
mars Kaveh Royal
mars Kavel Kavel name means Lotus Flower
mars Kaven Handsome; Appealing; Attractive; Charming
mars Kavendu The brigtest poet, a moon among the poets
venus Kaver Kaver is a Name of the River
venus Kavera Kavera means The Sacred River
venus Kaveri River
venus-mars Kavi Wise Poet
venus Kavia Poetry in motion, poem
mars Kaviarasan King of Poetry; Expert in Poetry; Best of all the Poets
mars Kavika Kavika means A Woman of Poetry
mars Kaviko Kaviko means Who is Great in Poetry
mars Kavin Handsome
mars Kavinath The name means "What
venus Kavindra Poet
mars Kavindu Kavindu means The Moon Poet, He who sings about the Moon
mars Kavinesh Lord of Poets; God of Poetry;
mars Kavinra A Poet; Well-versed Poem Writer
mars Kavin ram Kavin Ram means He is Beautiful
mars Kavinyan A Poet; Well-versed Poem Writer
mars Kavir The Sun; Fire; Bright and Radiant Light
mars Kaviraaj Kaviraaj means Poet or a Doctor
mars Kaviraaya A Wise Man; Poet; Well-versed Poem Writer
mars Kaviraj Kaviraj means Doctor, Healer
mars Kavish Kavish means He is the King of All Poets
venus Kavisha Lord of poets, a small poem
mars Kavishkumar Kavishkumar means God
mars Kavishraj The name means Lord Vinayaga
venus Kavishree Kavishree means a Wise Poet
venus Kavishri The name means She is a Poetess
mars Kavishwara The name means He is the Lort of the Poets
mars Kaviswara The name means Best of All the Poets
mars Kavit Poem; Verse; Poetry
venus Kavita Poem
mars Kavith Poet
venus Kavitha Kavitha means Rime to Write Poetry
venus Kavitva Kavitva means a Poem, a Composition
venus Kaviya Kaviya to do Poetry
mars Kaviyarasan The name means The One King of Poets
mars Kavneer Kavneer means He who is a Great Poet
venus Kavni Poem
mars Kavon Combination Of K And Avon
mars Kavy Kavy means Book
venus Kavya Poem
mars Kavyanand Poetic Enjoyment; One expresses happiness and delight with Poems
mars Kavyansh Intelligent and Born with Poetry; Well-versed Poem writer
mars Kavyarajsinh The name means Born of Poetry
mars Kawa Kawa is the name of a mythical figure in Kurdish mythology.
mars Kawacatoose From Cree ᑲᐋᐧᐦᑲᑐᐢ (Kawâhkatos) meaning "poor man, weak from hunger". This was the name of a 19th-century Plains Cree chief in Saskatchewan.
mars Kawai Coming from water
venus Kawakib Kawakib means Satellites
venus Kawal Kawal means She who Sings
mars Kawaljeet Kawaljeet means He who Sings of Victory
mars Kawaljit Singer of Victory
venus Kawalpreet The name means The Lover that Sings
venus Kawehi The Adornment
mars Kawelo Family feature
mars Kawena Rosy Reflection In The Sky
venus Kaweria The loving one.
mars K'awiil Variant of K'awil.
mars Kawika Beloved of the Lord
mars Kawikani Strong person
mars K'awil Possibly means "powerful one" in Classic Maya. This was the name of the Maya god of lightning, generations and corn. He was sometimes depicted with one of his legs taking the form of a serpent. His name was also used as a title for other gods.
venus Kawisenhawe Means "she holds the ice" in Mohawk, from ka- "she", ówise "ice" and -hawe "hold, have".
mars Kawkab Star
venus Kawthar Much; Abundant; Copious; Name of a River in Paradise
venus Kay Rejoice
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