Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Kaya Pure
mars Kayaan Kayaan is the name of the Dynasty of King Kaikobad
venus Kayah Kayah means She is Little, but Wise
mars Kayaliya Unknown
mars Kayan Kayan means Important Person
venus Kayana Old Greek - Pure; Torture; A variant form of Kay; Kayanna is a spelling variant; Keeper of the Keys
venus Kayani Kayani means King-Like or Queen-Like
venus Kayanna Combination Name
venus Kaybella Unknown
venus Kayce From The Initials K.C.
venus-mars Kaycee Initals K And C
venus Kaycey alert, watchful
venus Kayci Vigilant
venus Kaycie From Celtic origin meaning 'descendant of Cathasaigh' a variant spelling of the English Casey.
venus Kayda Kayda means Looks like a little Dragon
mars Kaydan This name is a variation in spelling of the name Caden which means 'son of Cad
mars Kayde Round
venus Kaydee Musical
mars Kayden From the wetlands
venus Kaydence Musical
venus Kaydi pure
venus Kaydie One of the many variations on the name Kady meaning 'first'.
mars Kaydon Derived from Celtic origin meaning 'son of Cadan' a varient form of Cathan, meaning 'battle'.
venus Kaydra The name means She keeps the Keys
venus Kaye pure
venus Kayeeda A commander, or the rules of something
venus Kayelee The name means She is the Pure One
venus Kayelin pure
venus Kayelyn pure
mars Kayen Kayen name means He is Celebrated
mars Kayid Kayid means The Cunning One
mars Kayilai Kayilai means The Place Where God Sivan Resides
mars Kayilainathan One of many names referring to Lord Shiva representing him as dweller of Mt Kailash
mars Kayim Kayim means Love
venus Kayin Long-Awaited Child
venus Kayiyn The name means Spotless, Pure one
mars Kayl Living near a narrow channel
venus Kayla Beloved Or Who Is Like God?
venus Kaylah Slender
mars Kaylan The name Kaylan means 'keeper of the keys' or 'pure'.
venus Kaylana Created Name
venus Kaylani Majestic
venus Kayle From the Yiddish name Kelila meaning 'crown of laurels' refering to the brides headress. Also means 'lightness'.
venus Kaylea slender
venus Kayleah Combination Of Kay/Kaylee And Leah
venus Kaylee Who Is Like God?
venus Kayleen Pure Lass
venus Kaylei slender
venus Kayleigh Who Is Like God?
mars Kaylem Probably derived from the name Kylan, meaning 'narrow' or 'slender'.
venus Kaylen Variation of Kaylen or Kayla which means Laurel or Crown
venus Kaylene slender
venus Kayley Who Is Like God?
venus Kaylha slim and fair
venus Kayli Slender
venus Kayliana Kaylliana means Pure One, Summer Forest
venus Kaylie Slender
venus Kayliegh An anglicized spelling of the Gaelic word for 'dance' or 'celebration' - ceilidh.
venus Kaylil The name means The Key Keeper
venus Kaylila Kaylila means Sun of the World
venus Kaylin Slender
venus Kaylinh Form of CAELYN - Meadow, waterfall pool
venus Kaylinn Form of CAELYN - Meadow, waterfall pool
venus Kaylinne Form of CAELYN - Meadow, waterfall pool
venus Kaylla slim and fair
venus Kaylleigh slender
venus Kaylley slender
venus Kayllie darling, beloved
venus Kayloni Kayloni means Summer Forest
venus-mars Kaylor Created Name
mars Kaylum Probably a varient spelling of the name Callum derived from the name Columba meaning 'dove'. Or a variant of the name Kalen meaning 'thin' or 'slender'.
mars Kayly Kayly means Faitful like a Dog
venus Kaylyn Combination Of Kay And Lyn
venus Kaylynn Slender
venus Kaylynne Combination Of Kay And Lynne
mars Kaymari Unknown
venus Kayna Kayna means Rebel
venus Kaynat Kaynat means The Whole World
mars Kayne Battle, Fighter
mars Kayo From Initials K.O.
mars Kayode He Who Brings Joy
venus Kayoko Addition, Generation, Child, Fragrance
mars Kayomars Mortal life. It's the another form of Gayomard.
mars Kayonga Ash
mars Kayosh Rain; Cloud; Rain bearing clouds
mars Kaypha One who exists; has a lot of might
venus Kayra Kayra means She is a Peaceful and Unique Girl
venus Kaysa pure
mars Kaysan Wise
mars Kaysar King
mars Kayse alert, watchful
venus Kaysee alert, watchful
mars Kaysen Modern Invented Name
mars Kaysey alert, watchful
venus Kaysi alert, watchful
venus Kaysie alert, watchful
mars Kayson Rejoice, The Healer
venus Kaysy alert, watchful
venus-mars Kaysyee alert, watchful
venus Kayteequa Female Eagle
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