Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Kaytlin Kaytlin means Torture
venus Kaytline The name means She is a Pure Ona and a Torture
venus Kaytlinn The name means A Pure and Bright Woman
venus Kaytlyn The name means She is very Pure
venus Kaytlyne The meaning of the name is Pure
venus Kaytlynn Kaytlynn means Decent and Pure Woman
venus Kaytlynne The name means Chaste and Honest Woman
mars Kayvan Hollow
venus-mars Kaywar Created Name
mars Kaz Dim. Of CASSIUS
venus Kazandra Kazandra means To Shine and Excel
venus Kazane Sound Of Wind
venus Kazbi Biblical Hebrew form of Cozbi.
mars Kazeem Kazeem means The One with Good Temper
mars Kazem Persian form of Kazim, as well as an alternate Arabic transcription.
mars Kazi Work
venus Kazia plant with cinnamon-like bark
mars Kazik Diminutive of Kazimierz.
mars Kazim Controlling his anger
mars Kazım Turkish form of Kazim.
venus Kazima Kazima name means To hold back anger
venus Kazimiera The name means The Peace Destroyer
mars Kazimieras To destroy a peaceful world.
mars Kazimierz Destroyer of peace
mars Kazimir Keeper or destroyer of peace
mars Kazimiru Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Kazimierz (see Casimir).
mars Kazio Peacemaker
mars Kazmer Hungarian form of Casimir.
mars Kazou One, Harmony, Husband, Man
mars Kazu Kazu means The First One
mars Kazuaki Peace, Harmony, Bright
mars Kazue Single blessing
mars Kazuha Peace
mars Kazuhiko From Japanese 和 (kazu) meaning "harmony, peace" or 一 (kazu) meaning "one" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince". Other kanji combinations can also form this name.
mars Kazuhito Peace, Harmony
mars Kazuki Peaceful Tree
venus Kazuko One, Harmony
mars Kazuma Peace, Harmony
venus Kazumi Beautiful peace
mars Kazuno Harmony, Peace, You
mars Kazuo Husband Of Harmony
mars Kazushige First, Growth, Harmony
mars Kazutaka Peace, Harmony, Calm, Precious, Valuable
mars Kazuto Peace, Harmony, First
mars Kazuya Peace, Harmony, Calm
venus Kazuye Harmony, Peace, Blessed
mars Kazuyuki Peace, Harmony, Calm
mars Kazz Kazz means He who makes Peace
venus Kazzandra Kazzandra means She who Shines at the Men
venus KC Vigilant
venus Kea Kea means Cool, Cold Breeze
mars Keagan Descendant Of The Fiery One
mars Keagen Fire
venus Keaghlan Slender
mars Keahi Flames, Fire
mars Keahilani Heaven's fire
venus Keaira Little Dark One
mars Keaka Person of shadows
venus Keala Path
mars Kealahan Strife
mars Kealamauloa Eternal path
venus Kealani Clear skies
venus Kealey slender, pretty
venus-mars Kealii Chief
venus Kealoha The dear one
venus Kealohi Brightness of a star
venus Kealohilani Bright heaven
mars Kealy slender, pretty
mars Kean Ancient
venus Keana Keana means She is Acient
mars Keanan Keanan is an Irish name that means 'ancient' or 'little ancient one'.
mars Keandre Combination of Ke and Andre
mars Keane sharp, bold
venus-mars Keani The Wave, Breeze
mars Keanie Cool breeze
mars Keanjaho A mountain of beans.
venus Keanna Gracious, merciful
mars Keannen The name means He is Very Old
mars Keano Perhaps a variant of Keanu. It was popularized by a child (born 2004) on the Flemish reality show De Pfaffs (2002-2011).
mars Keanu Cool Mountain Breeze
mars Keao The light of the day
mars Keaon Young warrior
venus Keara Dark-haired
mars Kearney warrior
mars Kearson Kearson means The Follower of the Christ
mars Keary Keary name means Dark
mars Keashyllin Unknown
mars Keath Forest, wood
mars Keating Urbane
mars Keatley The name means Shed Town, mostly used as a surname
venus Keatlyn Keatlyn means She is Pure, Bright and Chaste
mars Keaton Hawk's Town
mars Keats Shed Worker
venus Keavy Derived from the Scottish name Caoimhe , meaning 'fair' or 'gentle'.
mars Keawe Thread
mars Keb Earth
venus Kebe Strong man with no fear
mars Kebede Means "heavy, serious" in Amharic.
mars Kebi Unknown
mars Kechik Small or little
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