Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Kecia Kecia means Great, Big Joy
venus Keda The name Keda means Like That
mars Kedaar A Field; One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Kedar Potter
mars Kedaresh The name means Lord Siva
venus Kedarika The name means Water arounf the Tree
mars Kedarnath Lord Shiva
mars Keddrick Keddrick means Gifted with Splendor
mars Kedem Old, Ancient
mars Kedhareshvar Lord of Mount Kedara in Himalayas; One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Kedia Title; Designation; An Indian Surname used in various cultures
venus Kedma Towards The East
mars Kedric Name of a West Saxon King
mars Kedrick Chief
mars Kedron Of The Cedars
mars Keduse The name means She is a Gift of Splendor
mars Kee Kee means Horns of the Animal
mars Keeandre The name means Keen Power
venus Keearra black
mars Keebler Property Owner
mars Keefe Handsome, Beloved
mars Keefer Pine Tree/barrel Maker
mars Keegan Descendant Of The Fiery One
venus Keela beautiful, graceful
venus-mars Keelan Slender
venus Keeleigh Variant of Keely.
mars Keelen Keelen means He is a Slender One
mars Keeler The name means She is Full of Grace and Beauty
venus Keeley Slender
venus Keeli slender, pretty
venus Keelia Beautiful
venus Keelie slender, pretty
venus-mars Keelin Fair And Slender
venus Keelty Descendant Of The Slender One
venus Keely Beautiful
mars Keelyn slender, pretty
venus Keemaya Keemaya means Miracle and Devine One
venus-mars Keemeone Rain
mars Keen Wise, Proud
venus Keena Brave
mars Keenan Descendant Of The Fair Child
mars Keene Wise, Proud
mars Keenen Keenen means Acient Gavin
venus Keera lord
venus-mars Keeran Little Dark One
venus Keerat One who sings glories of God
venus Keeratdeep Keeratdeep means She who sings praises of Gos
venus Keerath The name means Praises God through Song
venus Keereti The meaninf of the name is She is of a Good Name
mars Keeria Keeria means Boy With Dark Hair
mars Keerin Dark-haired
venus Keersten Keersten means The CHristian
venus Keerstin follower of Christ
mars Keert Estonian form of Gerald, meaning bold ruler.
mars Keertan Keertan means Worshiping through a Song
venus Keertana Keertana means a Hymn, Song praising the Lord
mars Keerth Keeth means From the Woods
mars Keerthan Famous; Holy Song; Divine hymns praising the God
venus Keerthana The name means A Devoted Melody
venus Keerthi Glorious; Famous; Renowned; Well Known; Popular
venus Keerthika The name means One who is Famous
mars Keerthimanth Famous Person; Renowned; Eminent; Distinct; Popular
mars Keerthinath The meaning of the name is He who is very Famous
mars Keerthivanth Famous Man; Renowned; Eminent; Distinct; Popular
venus Keerti Keerti means Famous Person
mars Keertik Famous Man; Renowned; Eminent; Distinct; Popular
mars Keertinath Famous Person; Renowned; Eminent; Distinct; Popular
mars Kees Horn
venus Keesa Kitten
venus Keesha African - Favorite; Hebrew - Cassia; Cinnamon; A spelling variant of Keisha
mars Keeth Forest, wood
mars Keethan Famous; Holy Song; Divine hymns praising the God
mars Keeton Hawk's Town
venus Keeva Kind, Beautiful, Gentle
venus Keevah protect, shelter; gentle, beautiful, precious
venus Keeya Garden Flower
mars Keezheekoni Fire Briskly Burning
venus Kefeera young lion
venus Kefeira young lion
venus Kefilwe Means "I was given" in Tswana, derived from filwe "given".
mars Kefir Lion cub
venus Kefira young lioness
venus Kefirah young lion
venus Kefirra young lion
mars Keften Town Of Kevin
mars Kegan Descendant Of The Fiery One
mars Kegayyan Descendant Of The Fiery One
mars Kegen Fire
mars Keghart Western Armenian transcription of Geghard.
venus Keha This is the name of an American Pop Singer,from the name Kesha that is Native American for Robe or Dress
mars Kehar Kehar means Tiger, Lion
mars Keharbir The name means Lion
venus Kehau Kehau means Heavenly dew
venus Kehaulani Dew from the sky
venus Keheley Keheley means She is a Slender Woman
mars Kehepa Unknown
mars Kehinde Second Born Of Twins
venus Kehlani Sea and Sky
mars Kehyrdius The name means Being Slender
venus Kei Sandy, White
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