Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Keian From the surname meaning 'ancient one'.
venus Keiandra Combinatino Of Keisha And Andra
venus Keiani Keiani means She is Ancient
venus Keiara Keiara name means She Has Beautiful Black Hair
venus Keiba sunrise
mars Keifer German - Pine Tree; Barrel Maker; Hebrew - Son of Lion;
venus Keighan Keighan means Small Flames
venus Keighley slender, pretty
venus Keighly slender, pretty
mars Keihinn Created Name
mars Keiji Lead Cautiously
mars Keijo Keijo means Elf
venus Keiki Child
venus Keikilani Heaven's child
venus Keiko Blessing
mars Keil Clumsy or awkward
venus Keila citadel
venus Keilah Citadel
venus Keilana glory; calmness
venus Keilani heaven, sky; glorious and royal one
venus Keilee Kailee means She is a Warrior and a Fighter
venus Keiler Clumsy or awkward
venus Keili slender, pretty
venus Keilidh visit, visiting
venus Keilie slender, pretty
venus Keily Keily means Boomerang
mars Keiman Keiman means Strong
mars Keimoni The ocean of uniqueness or knowledge
venus Keina Keina means Prosperity
mars Keion Follower of Zeus
mars Keir Black
venus Keira Dark-haired
venus Keiralee The name means The Lord
mars Keiran Dark
mars Keirnan Keirnan means Little and Black-Haired
mars Keiron Keiron is both a Celtic and Gaelic name that share the meaning 'dark-haired one'. It is a spelling variation of Kieran
venus Keirsta The name means Woman of Christian religion
venus Keirstin follower of Christ
venus Keiryn The meaning of the name is Black
venus Keisha Cassia tree
venus Keishla Keishla name means Her Life
mars Keisho Kaisho means He Promotes The Wisdom
mars Keisuke Save
venus Keisy Keisy means She shines bright
venus-mars Keita Blessing
mars Keitaro Blessed
mars Keith forest
venus Keitha forest
mars Keithan Keithan means Wind
venus Keithana forest
mars Keithe Forest, wood
mars Keizo Respect, Third, Rejoice
venus Kejal Gazelle
venus Keje A girl of radiant beauty
venus Kejsi Albanian form of Casey.
mars Keka Keka means Chosen, Selected, Appointed
venus Kekala Kekala means She is Chosen
mars Kekapa Tapa Cloth
venus Kekavala Kekavala means The Song of Devotion
venus Kekaya Kekaya means Full of Water
venus Kekepania Woman with crown
venus Keki Keki means From the Ship's Island
venus Kekilia blind; sixth
mars Kekoa Courageous
mars Kekona second-born
venus-mars Keladry Not Available
mars Kelaghan Strife
venus Kelaiah Voice Of The Lord
mars Kelairn Unknown
mars Kelan Slender
venus Kelani Heaven
venus Kelayshia Created Name
venus-mars Kelbea farmhouse near the stream
venus Kelbeigh farmhouse near the stream
mars Kelbey farmhouse near the stream
venus Kelbi Kelbi means Farm by the Spring
venus-mars Kelby From The Ridge Farm
venus Kelce From Cenel's Island
venus Kelcee The name means Brave
venus Kelcey victorious ship
venus Kelci Kelci means A Ship of Victory
venus Kelcie victorious ship
mars Kelcy victorious ship
mars Keld Large pot
venus Kelda A Fountain
mars Keldan From the port
mars Keldon Keldon menas Town of the Keels
mars Keldrie Unknown
mars Kele Sparrow Hawk
venus Kelebek Butterfly
venus Kelebogile Means "I am thankful" in Tswana, derived from leboga "to be thankful, to thank".
mars Kelechi Glorify God.
mars Keleidy Unknown
mars Kelekokio Seahorse
mars Kelekolio Kelekolio is a form of Gregory. It means watchful, alert.
venus Kelela Beloved
mars Keleman Gentle; Kind; A variant of name Clement
mars Kelemen form of CLEMENT - gentle, kind
mars Kelemete Kelemete is a variation of Clement. It means gentle.
venus-mars Kelemon Child of Kei
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