Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Kelenna Kelenna means Town of Keels
mars Keli The name Keli means War, Strife
venus Kelia Kelia means Wood
venus Keliah Keliah means Citadel
mars Kelian Belgian term for a small water channel
venus Kelianne strife, war
venus-mars Kelii Chief
mars Kelika Kelika means Strong-Willed
mars Kelil Crown or coronet
venus Kelila Drinking Cup
mars Kelin Slender Boy
venus Kelis Beautiful
venus Keliyah The name means Citadel, Fort
mars Kell from the spring
venus Kella Warrior
mars Kellagh Battle suffering
mars Kellan Descendant Of The Brightheaded One
mars Kelland From a place called Calandre or Callands
venus-mars Kellbie farmhouse near the stream
venus Kellda spring, fountain
venus Kellee Form of KELLY. farm by the spring
venus Kelleen strife, war
venus Kelleigh strife, war
mars Kellen Descendant Of The Brightheaded One
venus Kellene Kellene means Church, Monastery
mars Keller Little companion
venus Kellesha The name means Woman Warrior
venus-mars Kelley Bright-headed
venus Kelli Bright-headed
venus Kellie Strife
mars Kellii The name means Chief
mars Kellin Kellin means Slender, Little
venus Kellina strife, war
venus Kellsey victorious ship
venus-mars Kellsie Island Of The Ships
venus-mars Kelly Bright-headed
venus Kellyann strife, war
venus Kellyanne strife, war
venus Kellye strife, war
venus Kellyn Descendant Of The Brightheaded One
venus Kellynn The name means Lean, Little
venus Kelpie heifer, colt
mars Kelren Kelren means Clothes, Wearing
venus Kels Kels means Island, Beautiful Island, Shipping Harbor
venus Kelsa victorious ship
venus Kelsea Island Of The Ships
venus Kelsee victorious ship
venus Kelseigh victorious ship
venus-mars Kelsey From Ceol's Island
venus Kelsi Victory ship
venus Kelsie Victory ship
mars Kelso Scottish town
venus-mars Kelson Son Of Kelsey
venus Kelsy Victory ship
venus Kelsye The name means Valiant, Strong
mars Kelten Kelten means Town of Keels
venus Kelti Kelti means Clans of the Keltie, Callander
venus-mars Keltie Place Name
mars Kelton From The Calf Farm
mars Keltonn The name means Town where the Celts are
venus Kelula crown of laurel
venus Kelulah crown of laurel
venus Kelulla crown of laurel
venus Kelva Kelva means I am Stronger Than You
mars Kelvan River, narrow
mars Kelven Kelven means Man from the River
mars Kelvin from the narrow river
mars Kelvun River, narrow
mars Kelvyn Kelvyn means Man From the Narrow River
mars Kelvynn River, narrow
mars Kelwin The name means From the Small River
mars Kelwyn Means From the Slender River
mars Kely Kely means Brave Warrior
venus Kelynen Cornish vocabulary name meaning holly.
mars Kemal Kemal means Perfection
mars Kəmal Azerbaijani form of Kamal 1.
venus Kemala Beautiful stone
venus Kəmalə Azerbaijani feminine form of Kamal 1.
mars Kemalettin Turkish form of Kamal ad-Din.
venus Kembang Flower, or blossom
venus Kemberly Variation of Kimberly (ruler)
mars Kemble Kemble means From Beside the Water Pipe
venus-mars Keme Secret
mars Kemen Strong
venus Kemery Kemery means From the place Cambrai
mars Kemi God Takes Care Of Me
venus Kemilla helper to the priest
venus Kemma Kemma means Stronger than You
mars Kemonte Kemonte means Island of the Ships
mars Kemp Fighter
mars Kempe Kempe means Champion, Athlete
mars Kemper Kemper means Champion, Winner
venus Kemplea fighter's meadow
venus Kempleigh fighter's meadow
venus Kempley fighter's meadow
venus Kemplie fighter's meadow
venus Kemply fighter's meadow
mars Kempton Military town
mars Kemuel God raises him up
venus Kemuning A yellow flower found in Indonesia.
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