Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Ken Handsome
venus Kena Handsome, fiery
mars Kena'an Hebrew form of Canaan.
venus Kenabeth Kenabeth means Solid, Steady
venus Kenadee Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kenadi Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kenadia Chief
venus-mars Kenadie Ugly Head
venus Kenadona Kenadona means Clean Water
venus Kenadone Kenadone means Clear, Pure Water
venus Kenady Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
mars Kenai Kenai means From the Clean Waters
mars Kenal The name is derived from the ancient British word Cunosaglas, which means generous chief.
mars Kenan To Take Posession
mars Kənan From the Azerbaijani name for the ancient region of Canaan.
venus Kenaniah Means "Yahweh establishes" in Hebrew, from כָּנַן (kanan) meaning "to establish" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This was the name of two minor Old Testament characters.
mars Kenanyahu Hebrew form of Kenaniah.
mars Kenard Old English - Bold; Keen; Royal; Warden; Guard; Brave; Hardy
mars Kenaz Bright
mars Kenchiro Good Luck, Son
mars Kenchirou Good Luck, Son
venus Kencil An intensive and emotional being
venus Kenda Child Of Clear, Cool Water
venus-mars Kendahl From The River Kent
venus Kendal Of Old English origin meaning 'valley of the River Kent' it is a popular name in Welsh and English.
venus-mars Kendale Valley Of The River Kent
venus Kendaleigha Valley Of The Storm
venus-mars Kendall Valley Of The River Kent
mars Kende From the Hungarian royal title kende or kündü, which referred to the ceremonial Magyar king (who ruled together with the military leader the gyula in the period before the Magyars settled in Hungary).
mars Kendel Kendel means The Royal Valley
mars Kendell the Kent river valley
mars Kender Unknown
venus-mars Kendi The Loved One
venus Kendice clarity, whiteness
venus Kendis Pure
mars Kendon Kendon means The Brave Chief, The Brave Ruler
venus Kendra Water Baby, Magical
venus Kendrah greatest champion
venus Kendre Kendre means She is a Phropet
venus Kendrea greatest champion
mars Kendrew Handsome; Manly
mars Kendri greatest champion
venus Kendria Water Baby, Magical
mars Kendric Hill, power
mars Kendrick Bold Ruler
venus Kendrie greatest champion
mars Kendriek Kendriek means Royal Chieftain
mars Kendrik Hill, power
mars Kendrix Bold Ruler
venus Kendry Kendry means A Man that is Wise
venus Kendrya greatest champion
mars Kendryck Kendryck means Son of Hary, A Brave Lader of Tribe
mars Kendryk Kendryk menas Son a Hary, Chief
mars Kendul Kendul means Chief is Brave
mars Kendy Kendy mens The One who is Loved a Lot
venus-mars Kendyl the Kent river valley
venus Kendyll Kenyll means Kent Valley
mars Kenechukwu Thank God
venus Kenede Kenede means Child of clear Water, Kent River
mars Keneder The name is derived from ancient British name Cunosetros, which means bold chief.
venus Kenedi Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kenedy Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
mars Kenelm Bold Helmet
mars Kenen Kenen means Possesion
mars Kenesaw Kenesaw means Grass, it is a name of the Mountin in USA, Georgia
mars Keneth The name means Good-looking and a Handome Man
mars Keneweard The name means Royal Protector
mars Kenewrec Kenewrec means Royal and Brave
venus Kenga River
mars Keni greatest champion
venus Kenia Handsome, fiery
mars Kenica Combination Of Kenneth And Jessica
mars Ken'Ichi The name means Healthy, Strong
mars Kenil One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Kenina Handsome, fiery
venus Kenise Beautiful, gorgeous
venus Kenisha Beautiful And Prosperous
mars Kenit A Handsome Man; Born of Fire; One of many names of Lord Shiva who is believed to have born from fire
mars Kenith Variant of Kenneth.
mars Kenji Study, Two
venus Kenlea Kenlea meansShe is from the Royal Medow
venus Kenlee Kenlee means King's Meadow
venus Kenleigh Kenleigh means She is from the Meadow of the Kings
venus-mars Kenley Royal Meadow
venus Kenlie Kenlie means the Meadow of King's and Queen's
venus Kenly Kenly means Comes from the King's Meadow
venus Kenlyn Kenlyn means Girl from the Royal Meadow
mars Kenmaur A boy who has a charming and nice nature
mars Kenn Kenn means The water is clear
venus Kenna Beautiful
venus Kennadee Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kennadi Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kennadie Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kennady Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kennah greatest champion
mars Kennaird Kennaird means Bold
mars Kennald Kannald means He is Bold
mars Kennan Descendant Of The Fair One
mars Kennard Royal And Brave
venus Kenndra greatest champion
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