Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Kenndrea greatest champion
venus Kenneally Imperial meadow
venus Kennedale The meanin gof the name is She comes from the Valley
venus Kennedee Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kennedi Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kennedie Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus-mars Kennedy Ugly Head
mars Kennen Kennen means He posseses Knowledge
venus Kennera Kennera means Woman Leader
mars Kennesaw Kennesaw means Grass
mars Kennet Handsome, fiery
mars Kenneth Handsome
mars Kennett Kennett means Born from Fire and Flames
mars Kennette fire born; good-looking
venus Kenney The name means Flame Born
venus Kennia fire born; good-looking
venus Kennice Beautiful
venus Kennidi Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kennidy Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
mars Kennie Handsome, fiery
venus Kennina fire born; good-looking
venus Kennis beautiful
mars Kennison Kennison means The Son of the Beautifyl Woman
venus Kennita Created Name
mars Kennith Handsome, fiery
mars Kenno Tribe and shiny
mars Kenny Handsome
mars Keno Tribe and shiny
mars Kenojuak Variant of Qinnuajuaq.
mars Kenric Hill, power
mars Kenrich Kenrich means Royal Ruler, A Great Champion
mars Kenrick Kenrick means The Ruler of Royal Blood
mars Kenricks Kenrick means Royal Ruler
mars Kenricus The name means Brave Ruler
mars Kenriek Kenriek means The Royal one who Rules
mars Kenrik Celtic - High Summit; Greatest Champion; Royal Ruler; Son of Harry; Royal Chieftain;
mars Kenryk Kenryk means He is Royal and he Rules
venus Kensa Kensa means First
venus-mars Kensey King's Victory
mars Kenshin Modest, Truth
venus-mars Kensington The Town Of Cynsige's People
venus-mars Kensley Created Name
mars Kent High Or Coastal Land
mars Kenta Healthy, Strong, Thick, Big
mars Kentan From Kent
mars Kentaro Kentaro means Big Man. Big Boy
mars Kentavious Created Name
venus Kentekee The land of tomorrow, a state in America
mars Kentigern The name means The Chief Lord
mars Kentley The name means From the Edge of the Meadow
mars Kenton From The Town Of Kent
mars Kentoroabasi I am glorifying God.
mars Kentrell The name means the Chief of Royal Blood
venus-mars Kentucky Land Of Tomorrow
mars Kenver Kenver means A Great Leader
mars Kenward Kenward means Guardian, The Bold one who Guards
mars Kenway Kenway means The Warrior who is Bold and Brave
mars Kenweard The name means The One who is Bold, The Guardian
venus Kenwei Kenwei means She is like Water Lilly
mars Kenwood King's wood
mars Kenwrec A Royal leader of a clan or a group
venus Kenya Animal Horn
mars Kenyada The name means Gem
mars Kenyan Blond
venus Kenyangi White egret
venus Kenyatta Form of Kenya
mars Kenyi Male Born After 3+ Girls
mars Kenyon From The Mound Of Einion
venus Kenza the fair one
venus Kenzi An alternative spelling to the name Kenzie, meaning 'the fair one'.
venus-mars Kenzie Descendant Of The Handsome Man
venus Kenzington Kenzington is a place name, of the English town Kensington
venus Kenzinton The name means place name, from British town Kensington
mars Kenzo Meaning 'wise' and 'three' and an alternative to its root name; Kenzou.
mars Kenzou Wise three
venus Kenzy the fair one
mars Keoki A farmer
venus-mars Keola The Life
venus Keomi Keola means The Life
mars Keon God Is Gracious
venus Keona God's Gracious Gift
venus-mars Keonaona Soft aroma
mars Keondryc Hill, power
mars Keone Young warrior
mars Keoni God Is Gracious
mars Keonne Young warrior
mars Kepa stone
mars Kepakiano Keoni means God's Gift
mars Kepano Garland or crown
mars Kephalos Greek form of Cephalus.
mars Kephas Greek form of Cephas.
mars Kepheus Greek form of Cepheus.
mars Kepler The name means Men Of Sebastia
venus Ker house
venus Kera Pure
venus Keraja Kera means Beloved
mars Kerak Name of an ancient Hindu Warrior
mars Keran Wooden Post
venus Kerani Sacred Bells
venus Kerbanu A girl with tremendous strength, power and happiness in her heart.
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