Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Kesav One of many names of Lord Vishnu
mars Kesava He who has long curling hair
mars Kesavan One of many names of Lord Vishnu
venus Kesavaraj Kesava means She of the Beautiful Hair
mars Kesean God is gracious
mars Kesh Kesean means God's Gracious
venus Kesha Created Name
mars Keshab One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna
mars Keshan Home Sweet Home; One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna; A variant of Keshav
venus Keshar Kesha means Immense Joy
venus Keshari Keshar means Saffron or Lion
mars Keshaun The name means Horse Line
mars Keshav Lord Vishnu
mars Keshava The name generally means Lord Vishnu
venus Keshavi Keshava is the name of Vishnu from within the Hindu tradition
mars Keshaw One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna
mars Keshawn God Is Gracious
mars Keshen Means God is Gracious
venus Keshet Means "rainbow" in Hebrew.
venus Keshi Beautiful hair
venus Keshia Favorite
venus Keshika Beautiful hair
venus Keshin The name means Woman who has beautiful hair
venus Keshini Beautiful hair
mars Keshon God is merciful
venus Keshori Daughter
mars Keshto Lord Hanuman
venus Keshvi Attachment; Long Beautiful Hair;
mars Keshwanand Keshto means Lord Hanuman
mars Keshwar A country or a territory, a state, ruled by a king
venus Kesi born when the father was in trouble
venus Kesia favorite
mars Kesin The name means Earth-Bound
mars Kesiraju An Indian Surname used mainly from state of Andhra Pradesh
mars Keskar Kesin means Beggar
mars Kesler Independent And Energetic
venus-mars Kesley Created Name
venus Kesor A heavenly woman.
mars Kesri Kesley means Ship, Victory
venus Kessie fat at birth
venus Kesslee Kessie means Chubby Baby
mars Kessler Maker of kettles
venus Kessy cassia tree
mars Kessya Unknown
mars Kest Bearer of Christ
mars Kestas Diminutive of Kęstutis.
mars Kesten Croatian word for chestnut.
mars Kester from the camp of the roman army
venus Kestrel Bird, rattle
mars Kestutis From Lithuanian kęsti meaning "to cope, to endure" combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a 14th-century ruler of Lithuania.
mars Kestyn The name means Bird Pray, Rattle
mars Kesu One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna
mars Ketak Flower
venus Ketaki Flower
mars Ketama A naive and compassionate person
mars Ketan Home
venus Ketana Ketana means Home, it's a name of the Goddes Lakshimi
venus Ketara A Crown
mars Ketav One of many names of Lord Vishnu
venus Ketevan The name means The Wife of the House
mars Kethan Kethan means Pure Gold
mars Kethar Kethar name means of Pure Gold
venus Keti Keti is a diminutive of Ketevan, which means pure
venus Ketifa flowering
venus Ketika Flower
mars Ketikhi Ketikhi means Golden and Pure
mars Ketil From the Old Norse name Ketill meaning "kettle, cauldron" (later also acquiring the meaning "helmet"). In old Scandinavian rituals the ketill was used to catch the blood of sacrificed animals.
mars Ketill Helmet, Small Pot
venus Ketillaug Old Norse form of Kjellaug.
venus Ketilriðr Old Norse form of Kjellfrid.
venus Ketina Ketina means a Yougster, Young one
venus Ketita Ketita means Like a Flower
venus Ketki Flower
mars Keto Depth
venus Ketreina pure
venus Ketrina pure
venus Ketryna pure
mars Kettil Cauldron
venus Kettra Kettra means Crown from Hebrew origins
venus Ketty Ketty means Ruler
mars Ketu Lord Shiva
mars Ketubh Cloud
mars Ketubha Ketubha means Cloud, Mist
mars Ketubhuta Having a Symbol; A Banner
mars Ketul Name of Planet Ketu
mars Ketumal Bright; Splendid; Magnificent; Wonderful; Brilliant; Marvellous;
venus Ketura incense
venus Keturah Incense
mars Ketut Possibly from a Balinese word meaning "small banana". This name is traditionally given to the fourth child.
venus Ketutra A fragrance or a sacrifice by someone
venus Ketzia surface, cinnamon-like bark
venus Ketziah cassia tree
mars Keung Cosmos
mars Kev Short form of Kevin.
venus Keva gentle, beautiful, precious; handsome beloved
mars Keval Only
mars Kevala Kevala means To be Alone
mars Kevalan Kevalan means The one who is ALone and Absolute
mars Kevalin Kevalin means He who seeks the Absolute
mars Kevalkishore Absolute
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