Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Kevalkumar Absolute
mars Keval kumar The name means He is Absolute
mars Kevan Handsome at birth
mars Kevani Kevani means A Gentle Child
mars Keven Handsome at birth
mars Kevern Kevern means Handsome Youngster
venus Kevia handsome beloved
venus Kevika Kevika name means She is like a Flower
mars Kevin Handsome, Beautiful
venus Kevina Handsome, Beautiful
venus Kevine Beautiful
venus Kevinne handsome beloved
mars Kevit One of many names of Lord Krishna
mars Kevlar A Living God
venus Kevlyn Beautiful
mars Kevon Handsome at birth
mars Kevork Farmer
mars Kevyn Handsome at birth
mars Kevynn handsome beloved
venus Kevynne handsome beloved
mars Kew Cook; short for McHugh
mars Kewal Kewal means Only
mars Kewalbir The name means Indenpendent and Brave
mars Kewaldeep The maning of the name is an Indenpendent Lamp
mars Kewaljeet The name means Indenpendant Victory
mars Kewalpreet The name means Only Love for God
mars Kewin Polish form of Kevin.
mars Key Fiery
venus Keya Flower
mars Keyaan This name means 'little battle' in Celtic and 'beautiful' in Welsh.
venus Keyah In Good Health
mars Keyair Dusky or the one who has dark hair
mars Keyan Celtic - Born of the Yew; Greek - Well Born; Noble; A variant of Keon
venus Keyanna Living With Grace
venus Keyara Keyara means The Small One with Dark Hair
mars Keyath Keyath means He who came from the Battlefield
venus Keyely boomerang
mars Keygon Fire
venus Keyla slim and fair
venus Keyley slender, pretty
venus Keylie slender, pretty
venus Keylley slender, pretty
venus Keyllie slender, pretty
venus Keyma Keyma means Stronger than Others
venus Keyna Keyna means Precious Stone, Jewel
mars Keyne beautiful and white, blessed
mars Keyon Fiery
venus Keyona Keyona means He Who is Leading the People
venus Keysha Variant of Keisha.
mars Keyshawn Combination Of Key And Sean
venus Keyshia A girl who is favorite of everyone.
mars Keyson Keymaker
mars Keytcn A nurturing and creative individual
mars Keyton A place where the hawks fly.
mars Keyur Armlet; A golden jewellery worn by Lord Krishna on his hand
venus Keyura Armlet; A golden jewellery worn by Lord Krishna on his hand
venus Keyuri Armlet
mars Keyush Armlet; A golden jewellery worn by Lord Krishna on his hand
mars Keyvan Keyvan name means Universe
venus Kezia Tree Bark
venus Keziah cassia tree
venus Kezya Kezya means Cinnamon
venus Kezziah The meanning of the name is from Hebrew, means Cassia, Cinnamon
venus Kezzie cassia tree
mars Kfir Kfir means Lion Cub
venus Kfira Lion Cub
mars Kgosi Means "king, chief" in Tswana.
mars Khaadim The name means Attendant
mars Khaalid Khaalid means Eternal, Immortal
venus Khaalida Khaalida means Deathless, She is Immortal
mars Khaaliq The name means The Creator
mars Khaan Khaan means Ruler, He who is The King
venus Khaanam The name means The Wealthy Wife
mars Khaatim Khaatim means Seal, Stamp
mars Khaatir Kgaatir means Good Idea, Heart
venus Khaatoon The name means A Noble Lady
mars Khaawar Khaawar means East and West
mars Khaazin The name means He who Guards the Treasure
mars Khabbab The name means He who Walks
mars Khabir Khabir name means Knowledgeable
venus Khabira Khabira means The Knowing One
mars Khachatur Means "given by the cross" in Armenian.
venus Khachita The name means Joined
mars Khadavaprastha Spreading with the fleet of foot, an anciant capital ruled by Pandavas
venus Khadeeja Khadeeja means Premature Daughter
mars Khadeem Khadeem name means Servant
venus Khadeja Khadeja name means Loyal, To be Trusted
venus Khadejah Unknown
venus Khadejha The meaning of the name is She who is Loyal
mars Khader King; Capable; All Powerful
venus Khadeshia The name means The Sun That Shines on the World
mars Khadga Sword; Large sacrificial knife; A warrior of Skanda; One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Khadiga Youthful
venus Khadija Premature Child
venus Khadijah early baby
venus Khadijeh Persian form of Khadija.
mars Khadim Servant
mars Khadir Khadir means Tree, Heavenly
venus Khadisah Khadisah means Premature Daughter
venus Khadiya early baby
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