Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Ksenia Wanderer; Hospitable
venus Ksenija Ksenija means hospotality, a stranger or a guest
venus Kseniya Woman of hospitality
venus Ksenya Ksenya means a Guest
venus Kshama Forgiving
mars Kshamakaram The name means The Place Where there is Forgiveness
mars Kshamasheel He who forgives; One who absolves; Exonerate; Pardon; Excuse
venus Kshamya Pardon
venus Kshanaprabha The name means Lightening
venus Kshanika Kshanika means Momentary
mars Kshantu The name Kshantu means The Patient One
mars Kshapesh The Moon; Lord of the Night; Bright, Radiant and Luminant Moon
mars Kshathra Vairya Alternate transcription of Avestan 𐬑𐬱𐬀𐬚𐬭𐬀⸱𐬬𐬀𐬌𐬭𐬌𐬌𐬀 (see Xshathra Vairya).
mars Kshatradharma The duty of a warrior, or a warrior's religion
mars Kshatragna Kshatragna means Person who Has na All-around Knowledge
mars Kshatriya Royal Warrior; Soldier; Fighter; Defender; One who fights to protect the clan
mars Kshaunish The name means The King
venus Ksheera Ksheera means Sap of a tree, Juice
venus Kshema Kshema means She is Peaceful and Tranquil
mars Kshemandhar Name of a Manu in Jain Mythology; Lord of Welfare and prosperity
venus Kshemaraja The name means The Place of Peacefullness
mars Kshemendra Lord of Welfare; Lord of richness; God of prosperity
venus Kshemya The name means One Who Brings Welfare
venus Kshipa Kshipa means Darkness, Night
venus Kshipra Kshipra in a name of an Indian River
venus Kshipva The name means The Elasticized One
mars Kshira Moon; Lotus; Conch Shell; Bright, Radiant and Brilliant Moon or like Lotus
mars Kshiraj Moon, lotus
venus Kshiraja Kshiraja means Goddes Lakshmi
venus Kshirin The name means Flower
venus Kshirja The name means The Goddes Lakshmi
mars Kshirodprasad Prasadam of Lord Krishna; A blessing of Lord Krishna; One who is offered by Lord Krishna
mars Kshiteendra A King; Ruler; Emperor; Chief; Leader
venus Kshitesh Kshitesh means Earth
mars Kshithij Point where the Sky and Sea Appears to Meet; Horizon; A variant spelling is Kshitiz
venus Kshiti Kshiti means Earth
mars Kshitidhar Mountain
mars Kshitij Horizon
venus Kshitija Horizon
mars Kshitipal A King; Ruler; Emperor; Chief; Leader
mars Kshitish King of God; God of God's; Ruler of God; Emperor of God
mars Kshitiz Point where the Sky and Sea Appears to Meet; Horizon; A variant spelling is Kshithij
mars Kshmya The name means He is Capable
mars Kshrugal Kshrugal is a name of Lord Shiva
mars Ksipanu Ksipanu means Moving Air, Wind
mars Ksitisa The name means The Earth Lorg
venus Ksyusha Diminutive of Kseniya.
mars Kualii Unclear
mars Kuanish Happiness
venus Kuaybah A daughter of the Saad al-Asmaliyah who offered allegaence to Prophet PBUH
mars Kuba Kuba is a Polish name that means 'may protect', 'holder of heel'. It is a variation if the name Jacob.
mars Kuber Kuber means God of Wealth
mars Kubera The name means God's Wealth
mars Kuberan Kuberan means Rich
mars Kuberchand God of Wealth; God of Prosperity; God of Richness; God of Sampanth
mars Kubernath God of Wealth; God of Prosperity; God of Richness; God of Sampanth
venus Kubilay Turkish form of Kublai.
mars Kublai From the Mongolian name Khubilai, of unknown meaning. Kublai Khan was a 13th-century grandson of Genghis Khan (being the son of his son Tolui), and the fifth ruler of the Mongol Empire. He is also considered the first ruler of the Chinese Yuan dynasty.
venus Kubra Kubra means Great,Senior
venus Kubrea Kubrea means Older, Senior
venus Kubria Kubria means Great,Older
venus Kubwa Kubwa means Large
venus Kuchasthala The name means A city where Krishna stayed the night on his way to the court of Dhritarashtra.
mars Kuchela Kuchela means Friend of Lord Krishna
venus Kuchika The name means Painter Brush
venus Kudesia A pure person, a pure angel
mars Kudhara One who supports the Earth
mars Kudiarasan The name means King
venus Kudrat Nature; Life;
mars Kudret Mighty
mars Kueng The name means Universe
mars Kuepper Barrel maker
mars Kugan Kugan means Son of Lord Shiva
mars Kuhaan Well Organised Men; Controlled; Ordered; One who is well prepared
venus Kuhaki The name means Enchanter
venus Kuhakini Kuhakini means a Female Magician
mars Kuhan One who is diligent and persevering worker
venus Kuhelika Kuhelika means Fog, Mist
venus Kuhoo The name means The Note of the Cuckoo
venus Kuhu Bird song
venus Kuhuk The name means Koyalia, Bird
venus Kuja Goddess Durga
mars Kujapa One whose protector is Mars; One whose defender is Mars
mars Kujtim Means "memory, remembrance" in Albanian.
mars Kukane Man like
mars Kukil Kukil means Koyal Birds Sound
mars Kukila Kukila means A Bolt of the Earth
venus Kukka Means "flower" in Finnish.
mars Kukulkan Variant of K'uk'ulkan.
mars K'uk'ulkan Means "feathered serpent", from Classic Maya k'uk' "quetzal, quetzal feather" and kaan "serpent, snake". This was the name of a snake god in Maya mythology, roughly equivalent to the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. This is the Yucatec Maya form — the K'iche' name is Q'uq'umatz (which is only partially cognate).
mars Kul Kul means Family, Relative
venus Kulabati The name means Belonging to the Respectable Family
mars Kuladeva God; Family God; God of the clan; God of the Kul
mars Kuladipa Means Light of the Family
mars Kulaja Kulaja means Well Borne
venus Kulamani Means Jewel of the Family
mars Kulandaisami Kulandaisami means Another name of God Murugan
mars Kulani Resembling heaven
venus-mars Kulap Rose flower
mars Kulapati The name means Chancellor
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