Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Kularanjan Star of Family; Star of the clan; Star of the Kul
mars Kulavira The bravest of the generation, a brave person
mars Kulayb A fresh and delightful individual
mars Kulbart Kulbart means Bright and Calm
mars Kulbhooshan Brings honour to the Family; Brings pride to the clan or Kul
mars Kulbhushan Ornament of Family; Precious jewel to the clan or Kul
mars Kulbir Kulbir means The Great Warrior
mars Kuldeep Light
mars Kuldeepa Lamp of Family; Light of the clan; Brightness and Radiance of the Kul
mars Kuldev Deity
mars Kuldip Kuldip means The Lamp of the Family
mars Kuleen The name means Of High Descent
mars Kuleswar God; Family God; God of the clan; God of the Kul
mars Kulik Well Born; Born in a good Clan; Well Born in good Kul; From Good Family
venus Kulika Kulika means from a Good Family
mars Kulin A Person Born in a Royal Family; Born in a good Clan; Well Born in good Kul
mars Kulisaya Means That Which is as Hard as Thunderbolt
mars Kuljeet The name means Victory of House
mars Kuljesh A modern name and means from savior of the Kul, Salvation of the Clan
mars Kuljit The name means House Victory
venus Kuljot Kuljot means Light of the Family
mars Kullen Kullen means Hansome
mars Kullervo Derived from Finnish kulta "gold". In the Finnish epic the Kalevala this is the name of tragic character, a young man who seeks revenge on his uncle Untamo for destroying his tribe and selling him into slavery.
venus Kulli Originally a short form of Külliki, now used independently.
venus Kullike Estonian form of Kyllikki.
venus Kulliki Estonian form of Kyllikki.
mars Kulluka Land covered with High Mountains; Land of the Clan; Land belonging to Kul
mars Kulmeet Kulmeet means Family Friend
venus Kulminder The name means King of the Family
mars Kulmohan Kulmohan means Family Charm
mars Kulon The West
venus Kulooq The huge one
mars Kulpreet Kulpreet means Love of Familiy
mars Kulprem Kulprem emans Family Love
venus Kulpynai Strawberry
mars Kulratan The name means Gom of the Family
venus Kulroop Kulroop means Embodiment of Family
venus Kulsoom Kilsoom means One who has Full Healthy Cheeks
venus Kulsum Kulsum means Beautiful
mars Kultar Kultar means Emancipator of Family
mars Kultaran Kultaran means Cool Mind with Friendly Nature
venus Kulthoom The name means Daughter of the Prophet
venus Kulthum Kulthoom means Prophet's Daughter
venus Kulus Kulus means Clearness, Purity
mars Kulveer Hero
venus Kulvinder Kulvinder means Familily od the God of Heaven
mars Kulvir Brave soul of the community
mars Kulwant Kulwant means The Vessel of Purity and Righteousness of the Sprirtual Family
mars Kulwaran Kulvaran means Lovely Family
venus Kulwinder The name means Family of God and Heaven
venus Kulya Eagle
venus Kuma Bear
mars Kumaar Boy; Son; Offspring; Descendant; Child
mars Kumaglak Kumaglak is a fictional name featured in "Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner".
mars Kumail Kumail means Complete, Perfect
mars Kumana Kumana means Name of the Prince
mars Kumanan Name of a Charitable Prince
venus Kumani Destiny
mars Kumar Prince
mars Kumara Son
mars Kumaran One of man names of Lord Muraga; Son of Lord Shiva; Young and Youthful
mars Kumarappan One of man names of Lord Muraga; Son of Lord Shiva; Young and Youthful
mars Kumarasami The name means Bachelor God
mars Kumaravel One of man names of Lord Muraga; Son of Lord Shiva; Young and Youthful
mars Kumaresan Kumaresan means Lord Murugan
mars Kumaresh The name means Lord of Youth
mars Kumari Son
venus Kumaria The name means A Princess, another name for the Lord Durga
mars Kumarila The name means A Sanskrit Scholar
mars Kumarkant Kumarkant means King
mars Kumarpal A Jain King of Medieval Gujarat; Disciple of Hemchandra; Raja ka Palak
venus-mars Kumba Black Fruit Tree
mars Kumbh Name of a Rashi; A variant of Kumbha meaning Pot or Pitcher which had the immortal nectar
mars Kumbha One who carry a deep vessel to hold liquid, a mass Hindu pilgrimage
mars Kumbhaja Kumbhaja means Son of Pitcher
mars Kumbhakarna The name means Generally Good-Tempered but Huge, Ravenous and Powerful
mars Kumbikhanna One with a good temper.
mars Kumbla Lord of Youth; Immortal Lord; Eternal God
mars Kumbukani Means "remember" in Chewa.
venus-mars Kumi Braid
venus Kumiko Long Time, Beautiful
venus Kumkum Vermillion
venus Kumsal Means "beach" in Turkish.
mars Kumsan One who has affectionate and practical nature; One who is creative, beautiful and experienced
venus Kumud Lotus
venus Kumuda Pleasure
mars Kumudesh Kumudesh means The Moon
venus Kumudini Lotus
mars Kumur Prince; Heir to thrown; Royal Descendant
venus Kumush Kumush means Anciant Man
mars Kun Earth
mars Kuna One of many names of Lord Vishnu
mars Kunaal Son of King Ashoka
mars Kunaala Kunaala means Lotus Flower
mars Kunal Kunal means Of Gold, Golden
mars Kunala Water lily
venus Kunani Beautiful
mars Kunavaan One with good qualities; A variant spelling is Gunavaan
mars Kunchacko One who admires social justice, harmony and family
venus Kunda Flower
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