Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Kurtt Wise counsel
mars Kurtys Courteous
mars Kurtyss Courteous
mars Kuru Kuru is the name of the Ancient King, The Founder of the Kuru Dynisty
mars Kuruk Native American - Bear; The names Kuruc and Kuruck are derivatives of Kuruk
mars Kurumuni A Tamil name which is one of many names of Agathiyan; Virtuous Person; Puritan
mars Kurundi The name means The One Who lives in the Kurus Land
mars Kurupath A surname of Indian Origin; Mainly found in state of Kerala
mars Kurus Name of many Persian Kings and Rulers
mars Kurush Old Persian form of Cyrus.
mars Kuruvilla Unconquerable; Invincible; Unbeatable; Indestructible
venus Kusa The sacred grass
mars Kusagan A youthful person; name of Lord Murugan
mars Kusagra King
mars Kusalin Kusalin means the Sacred, Green Grass
mars Kuselar Lord of Welfare; Lord of richness; God of prosperity
mars Kush Son of Lord Rama
mars Kusha Kusha means Talented One
mars Kushaada Having a lot of capacity, capacious
mars Kushaal Well Being; Happiness; Delighted; Proficient; Clever;
mars Kushaan Clever; Brilliant; Intelligent; Smart; Skilled; Proficient
venus Kushaaneh A girl who strives
mars Kushabahu Suitable one; one who is happy and charming
mars Kushad Talented
mars Kushadwaj Name of Janak's Brother; One who is blessed with happiness and wellness
mars Kushagra The name means The Inteliigent King
mars Kushaiah The name means Hardenss, Gravity
mars Kushaj Lotus; Sacred Grass; Bright; Brilliant; Radiant; Luminant
mars Kushak King; Ruler; Emperor; Leader; Chief
mars Kushal Sharp
venus Kushala Happy
venus Kushali Clever
mars Kushalin The meaning of hte name is He who possesses Skills and Happyness
mars Kushan Name of Son of Lord Rama; One who is happy and delighted
mars Kushank One piece of grass; One who is happy and delighted
mars Kushanth One with creative and learning abilities
mars Kushanu Fire
venus Kushi A Kushite
mars Kushik One who is happy and delighted; Grandfather of Rishi Vishwamitra
mars Kushin Valmiki
venus Kushmandini A Jain yakshini
mars Kushpreet The name means Loving and Delightful One
mars Kushtrim Cry of war
mars Kushwah Descendant from Kusha who was son of Lord Rama; Descendant of Suryavansh dynasty
mars Kushwaha Descendant from Kusha who was son of Lord Rama; Descendant of Suryavansh dynasty
mars Kushwant The name means He possessess Happyiness
mars Kustaa Staff of the Gods
mars Kusti Finnish diminutive of Kustaa or Aukusti.
mars Kusum The name means a Sort of Flower
venus Kusuma Yellow Bloom
mars Kusumakar Spring
venus Kusumanjali Flower
venus Kusumavati Flowering
mars Kusumba Kusumba means Flower Kind
mars Kusumesh The name means Lord of the Flowers
mars Kusumit Blossomed; Flowering; Blooming; Flourishing; Budding
venus Kusumita Flowers
venus Kusumkali The name means a Kind of a Flower
venus Kusumkalika The meaning of the name is She is like a Flower
mars Kusumkar Spring; Garden; Flowering; Blossoming; Blooming; Flourishing
venus Kusumkomol The name means She is Soft as a Flower
venus Kusumlata Flower
mars Kusumoda Kusumoda means The Sea of Flowers
venus Kusumodini The name means She is the Queen of the Flowers
mars Kutaiba Lord of Flowers; Lord of Blooms; Lord of Blossoms; Lord of Spring
mars Kutaja Good; Born in a Pitcher; Indra's Seed; A good seed
venus Kutaka Kutaka means The Flower's Song
venus-mars Kuthun Cuts The Binding String
mars Kutraalan The name means God Sivan
mars Kutsa Lightning
mars Kutsav Kutsav name means Happy Boy
mars Kutumb Kutumb means Family or a Clan
mars Kuukburi One who has responsible and stable nature
venus Kuukuwa One who is born on Wednesday.
venus Kuulei My Garland Of Flowers
mars Kuval Water Lily
mars Kuvala Intelligence
mars Kuvam Sun
mars Kuvar Kuvar means Scent
mars Kuvara Scented
mars Kuvaya Water
venus Kuvira Courageous
mars Kuwarjeet Kuwarjeet means Prince
mars Kuwat Means "strong" in Javanese.
mars Kuyilan The name means Sweet Like Cuckoo
mars Kuzaiyadu Wisdom; Knowledge; Intelligence; Brilliance
mars Kuzey From the north
mars Kuzih Great Talker
mars Kuzma Harmony, universe
mars Kuzman Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian form of Cosmas.
mars Kvana Humming
mars Kvanh Kvahn means Melodious Sounds
venus Kveta Flower blossom
mars Kvetoslav Derived from the Slavic elements květŭ "flower" and slava "glory".
venus Kvetoslava Feminine form of Květoslav.
venus Kvetuse Diminutive of Květoslava.
mars Kvido Czech form of Wido.
mars Kvigr A young bull.
mars Kwabena Born On Tuesday
mars Kwadwo The name means Born on Monday
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