Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Kwaku Boy born on Wednesday
mars Kwam God's Gracious Gift
venus Kwamboka One who was born while crossing a river.
mars Kwame Born On Saturday
mars Kwamena one who is born on Saturday
mars Kwan Strong
mars Kwang Wild
venus Kwanita God Is Gracious
venus Kwanjai Sweetheart
mars Kwanza Beginning, Birth
mars Kwanze First Fruits
mars Kwasi Born On Sunday
mars Kweku Variant of Kwaku.
mars Kweli Truth
mars Kwende Let's Go
mars Kwesi Variant of Kwasi.
venus Kwina Queen
mars Kwint Fifth
mars Kwinten The name means Fifht
venus Kwyn The name means Descendent of Conn, Wisdom
mars Ky A water strait, a very narrow passage of water
venus Kya Diamond in the sky
mars Kyabra Australian Place Name
venus Kyah Kyah has a Greek meaning of 'pure' or 'torture'.
venus Kyal The name means Narrow, a Strait
venus Kyall narrow, straight
mars Kyan Ancient
venus Kyara Kyara means Bright, Famous
mars Kyauta Means "gift" in Hausa.
mars Kyaw Famous, fame
venus Kybele Ancient Greek form of Cybele.
mars Kyd Kid
venus Kyda Kyda means Preserved, Strong
mars Kyden Narrow Little Fire
mars Kye Ocean
mars Kyel narrow, straight
venus Kyelle A narrow strait of a water
mars Kyeseam Is having an idealistic and loving nature
mars Kygo One who is born to protect
mars Kyi Clear
venus Kyine She who smells sweet
mars Kyjuan God is merciful
venus Kyla Narrow
venus Kylah Narrow
mars Kylan Combination Of Kyle And Ryan
mars Kylar Church, Monk's Cell
venus Kylara Unknown
venus-mars Kyle Narrow
venus Kylea boomerang
venus Kylee Boomerang
venus Kyleen boomerang
venus Kyleena Kayleena means Slender, Boomerang
venus Kyleigh Boomerang
mars Kylemore Long Narrows
mars Kylen boomerang
venus Kylene Narrow
mars Kyler Church, Monk's Cell
venus Kyley boomerang
venus Kyli boomerang
venus Kylia Narrow
mars Kylian Church man
venus Kylianne boomerang
venus Kylie Boomerang
venus Kylila darling, beloved
venus Kylilah darling, beloved
venus Kylillah A versatile and intuitive being
mars Kylin boomerang
venus Kylise The name means She who Won, Victorious One
venus Kylli Short form of Kyllikki.
mars Kyllian French variant of Killian.
venus Kylliana The name means Christian Woman
mars Kyllikki Abundance, Enough
mars Kyllion The name means Victory
mars Kylo Variation of Kyle which means Narrow spirit of Land
venus Kylyne A philosophical, narrow minded and charming individual
venus Kylynn A name for sweet and spiritual person
venus Kylynne A fortunate, happy and creative individual
venus Kym Meadow
mars Kymani The name means Adventurous Traveller
venus Kymbat Expensive, precious, dear
venus Kymberlee Cyneburg's field
venus Kymberleigh Cyneburg's field
venus Kymberley Cyneburg's field
venus Kymberlie Cyneburg's field
venus Kymberly Cyneburg's field
venus Kymbra Cyneburg's field
venus Kymbre The name means Diamon brearing Rock
venus Kymbrely Cyneburg's field
venus Kymme Cyneburg's field
mars Kymmy Means Bold, Brave
venus Kymsa Form of Kimberley
venus Kyna Royal
mars Kynan Hound
mars Kynaston From an English surname that was originally derived from a place name meaning "Cynefrið's town" in Old English.
venus Kynborough A royar fortress, or a royal stronghold
venus Kyndal the Kent river valley
venus Kyndall the Kent river valley
venus Kyndra greatest champion
venus Kyndria greatest champion
mars Kyne Royal
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