Names starting with the letter K

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter K, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a K. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Kyneburg The name means The Royal's Valley
mars Kyng Variation of King which means Monarch
venus Kyniska The name means Female Puppy, Puppy Dog, name of the Princess of Sparta
venus Kynlee The name means She is of Fair Skin
venus Kynley The name means She is from the Royal Meadow
venus Kynnedi Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kynnedy Form of Kennedy - armored head, helmeted chief
venus Kynnley The meaning of the name is She comes from the Royal Fortress
venus Kynthia From Kynthos
venus Kynthija from Mount Kynthos
mars Kynton From The Royal Manor
venus Kynzay Royal victory
venus Kynzee Royal victory
venus-mars Kyo Cooperation, Capital. Village, Apricot
venus Kyoko Mirror
mars Kyon Young warrior
venus Kyong Brightness
mars Kyosti Finnish form of Gustav.
mars Kyosuke Respectful
venus-mars Kyou Cooperation, Capital. Village, Apricot
venus Kyouko Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 京子 or 恭子 (see Kyōko).
venus Kyra Lady
venus Kyrah Black
mars Kyran From Cyrene In Libya
mars Kyree Kyree means Benevolent
venus Kyreena lord
venus Kyrene From Cyrene In Libya
venus Kyrenia The name means Mermaid
venus Kyrha lord
venus Kyria Lady
venus Kyriake Alternate transcription of Greek Κυριακή (see Kyriaki).
venus Kyriaki The name means The Seventh Day of Creation, Sunday
mars Kyriakos Greek form of Cyriacus.
venus-mars Kyrie The Lord
venus Kyrielle The meaning of the name is She is a Poetess
mars Kyril Lordly
mars Kyrillos Greek form of Cyril.
mars Kyrilu Norman form of Cyril, meaning lord.
mars Kyrin Dark-haired
mars Kyrk Dweller by the Church; Church; The Church of Scottish; A variant spelling is Kirk
mars Kyrkwode The name means From the Forest of the Church
mars Kyro Variant of Cairo.
mars Kyron Of Celtic origin meaning 'little dark-haired one'.
mars Kyros Lord
venus Kyrra lord
venus Kyrsten The name means She is the follower of Christ
venus Kyrstin follower of Christ
mars Kyrstyan The name means he who has Christ in his Heart
mars Kyrus Kyrus means The Sovereign Power
mars Kyrylo Kyrylo name means The Lord, God
venus Kysa Pure
mars Kyson Son Of Ky
venus Kyssandra The name means She Shines and Excells
venus Kythereia Greek form of Cytherea.
mars Kyu Standard
mars Kyubok One who is blessed by God.
mars Kyung Respected
venus Kyung-Hee Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 경희 (see Gyeong-Hui).
venus Kyung-Ja Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 경자 (see Gyeong-Ja).
venus Kyung Mi Honored and beauty
venus Kyung-Sook Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 경숙 (see Gyeong-Suk).
venus Kyung Soon Honored and mild
venus Kyveli Dark Haired
mars Kywan God is merciful
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