Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Libera To live life in liberty and freedom
venus Liberata A liberated, free-spirited person
mars Liberato Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese form of Liberatus.
mars Liberatore Means "liberator" in Italian.
mars Liberatus Late Latin name meaning "freed, released". This name was borne by a 3rd-century saint and martyr.
venus Liberia Feminine form of Liberius.
mars Liberius Late Latin name that was derived from Latin liber "free". This name was borne by a 2nd-century saint and a 4th-century pope.
venus Liberta A felling of freedom and independence
venus Libertad A Spanish word meaning Liberty
venus Liberti Freedom
venus Liberty Freedom
venus Libet God is my oath
venus Libi God is my oath
venus Libia Spanish form of Libya.
mars Libiau To feel liberated
mars Libiauo A person who feelis free
venus Libirtey Freedom
venus Libitina Roman Goddes of funerals and death
venus Libiya A person whose heart belongs to God
venus Libke A loved one.
venus Libni Manuscripts
mars Libor Free
venus Liboria To be a free woman
mars Liborio Libertarian
mars Liborius Possibly a variant of Liberius, or possibly a Latinized form of a Gaulish name. Saint Liborius was a 4th-century bishop of Le Mans.
venus Libra The Scales, Equality
mars Librina Free
venus Liburty Freedom
venus Libuse Love
venus Liby God is my oath
venus Libya Latinized form of Λιβύη (Libye), the Greek name of the ancient region of Libya (North Africa). According to Greek legend Libya was the daughter of Epaphus, the king of Egypt.
venus Libye Original Greek form of Libya.
venus Licarayen Means "stone flower" in Mapuche, from likan "a type of black stone" and rayen "flower". According to a Mapuche legend this was the name of a maiden who sacrificed herself in order to stop the wrath of the evil spirit of a volcano.
venus Licha noble, exalted
venus Lichah noble, exalted
venus Licia Happy
mars Licio Light
venus Lictina Cobination of names, means Delightful and a Christian
venus Lida People's Favor
venus Lidah small winged one; loved by the people
mars Lidan I have an arbiter
mars Liddell Coming from a loud river valley
venus Liddie God is my pomise
venus Liddy Promise of God
venus Lidewei People who are considered holy and sacred
venus Lidewij People Battle
venus Lidi A person of honorable character, one who is noble
venus Lidia From Lydia, Greece
venus Lidiah Of Lydia
venus Lidian A woman from an ancient Kingdom of Lydia
venus Lidiann A woman who came from Lydia
venus Lidie from Lydia
venus Lidija from Lydia
mars Lidin A surname of Sweden Origin
venus Lidiya One who comes from ancient Lydia in Asian Minor
venus Lidka Coming from Lydia
venus Lidmila People who are gracious
venus Lidochka Coming from Lydia
venus Lidoine Name of Cavalon's daughter.
venus Liduvina A person who is a friend of the villafe
venus Lidweena the people's friend
venus Lidweina the people's friend
venus Lidwien Friend Of The People
venus Lidwina the people's friend
venus Lidwine the people's friend
venus Lidya A Girl whose origins are in ancient Kingdom Lydia
venus Lidziya Belarusian form of Lydia.
mars Lieb Dear one
mars Lieber Dear one
venus Liebetraud Lovely and powerful
venus Liebtraud Lovely and powerful
mars Lief A person first in the line of ancestry, a heir
venus Liege Gentle and smooth.
venus Lieke God's messenger
venus Liel Means "my God" in Hebrew, from לִי (li) "for me" and אֵל (ʾel) "God".
mars Liellus A little book; analytical natured
mars Liem From Sino-Vietnamese 廉 (liêm) meaning "clean, honest, upright".
mars Lien lotus
venus Liena A woman as beautiful as a Lotus Flowe
mars Lienart A surname used in Medival England, means hard as a lion
venus Liene Maiden or virgin
venus Lienna A beauty and grace of a Lotus flower
venus Lienor sun ray
venus Liepa Means "linden tree" or "July" in Lithuanian.
venus Lies God is my oath
venus Liesa God is my oath
venus Liesbet God is in an oath I made
venus Liesbeth God is my oath
venus Lieschen The perfection can be found only in God
venus Liese God is my oath
venus Liesei Abundance can be found in God
venus Liesel God Is My Oath
venus Lieselotte God Is My Oath/Free
venus Liesha Beautiful Angel
venus Liesi A person who finds God in the Oath
venus Liesja God is my oath
venus Liesje Dutch diminutive of Elisabeth.
venus Liesl God is my oath
mars Liesma Flame, Blaze
venus Lieu Willow Tree
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