Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Lieux Places
mars Liev Lion-like
venus Lieve Sweet
mars Lieven Dear One
mars Lievin Flemish form of Leobwin.
venus Liezel God is my oath
venus Liezl God is my oath
venus Lif Life, To exist
mars Liffild The one who lives, a person who exists
mars Lifris A mighty way of existing and living
mars Lifton A person who lives in the town beside the hill
mars Liga From the Latvian holiday Līgo, celebrated at the summer solstice.
venus Ligarda A conservative, creative and idealistic individual
venus Ligaya Goddes of the Earth, a person who loves earth
venus Ligeia Name of the Siren in a Greek legend. A Woman of a beutiful, Clear Voice
mars Light Illumination
mars Lighten Remove Weight Or Illuminate
venus Lighting Lighting
mars Lightning A bolt, a lighting in the sky
venus Ligia musical
venus Ligita Possibly a derivative of Līga.
mars Ligongo A Brazilian term meaning who is this.
mars Ligu Shy; Writing; Picture; Portray; A Painting
mars Ligulf One who lives in the land of the fjords
venus Lih She is mine in Hebrew
venus Lihi This woman belongs to me
venus Li Hua Pear Blossom
mars Lihuen Variant of Liwen using Spanish spelling conventions.
venus Liia My god is a perfiction
venus Liidia Estonian form of Lydia.
venus Liili Liili means lily flower.
venus Liilia Liilia is Estonian form of Lily and means lily flower.
venus Liina A warrior of the army
mars Liir A strong-willed, resolute protector
venus Liis Liis is the short form of Eliisabet and means my God is an oath.
venus Liisa Promise of God
venus Liisi Promise of God
venus Liisu Estonian diminutive of Eliisabet. It means my God is an oath.
venus Liiza form of ELIZABETH - consecrated to God
mars Lijesh Light; Bright; Brilliant; Radiant; Luminant
mars Li Jie Li means Beautiful, Reason, Logic, Establish, Black, Dawn, Jie means Heroic, Outstanding
venus Li Jing Li means Reason, Logic, Establish, Black, Dawn, Beautiful, Jing means Quiet, Still, Gentle, Essence, Spirit, Clear, Crystal
venus Lijla Lily flower
venus Lijsbeth Dutch form of Elizabeth.
venus Liju Beautiful and idealistic person
mars Li Jun Li means Beautiful, Reason, Logic, Establish, Black, Dawn, Jun means Talented, Handsome, King, Ruler
mars Lijupaul An ambitious person; one who is distinguished
mars Likeke Courageous ruler
mars Likesh One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Likha Written; Learned; One who is well versed in writing
mars Likhil Learned; Educated; Skilled in writing; One of many names of Goddess Saraswati
mars Likhit Written
venus Likhita An Author; Writer; One who is well versed in writing; Article
mars Likhith Written; Learned; One who is well versed in writing
venus Likhitha An Author; Writer; One who is well versed in writing; Article
mars Likhitri An Author; Writer; One who is well versed in writing; Article
mars Likilesh Learned; Educated; Skilled in writing; One of many names of Goddess Saraswati
venus Likit Short form of Rikîna. It means queen.
mars Likith Written; Learned; One who is well versed in writing
mars Liko Bud
mars Likuleesh Poet
venus Lil Short form of the name Lily, meaning purity and beauty
venus Lila Night
venus Lilabati A charming and playful individual
venus Lilabelle Combination of Lila and Belle
venus Lilac Bluish Purple Color Or Flower.
venus Lilach The Lilac Flower
mars Lilachanchal The one who plays sports, full or sport
mars Liladhar Lord Vishnu
mars Liladhya Son of Vishwamitra
venus Lilah Lilac Tree
venus Lilaina Variation of the name Lily, name of the flower
mars Lilambuja Beautiful lotus
venus Lilan Yodel
venus Lilas lily
mars Lilavatara Lord Vishnu
venus Lilavati God's will
venus Lile Person from the island
venus Lileas Lily flower
venus Lili Lily
venus Lilia Lily
venus Liliah Lilac Tree, Lily Flower
venus Lilian Lily
venus Liliana Lily
venus Liliane lily
venus Lilianna Combination Of Lily And Anna
venus Lilianne From the name of the flower lily, pure and beautiful
venus Lilias lily
venus Lilibet God is my oath
venus Lilibeth God is my oath
venus Lilidh Scottish variation of name Lily, name of the flower lily
venus Lilie Derived from the Latin word lilium , meaning 'Lilly flower'.. The name has many variant spellings and can also be used as a pet name for Helen or Elizabeth. The Lilly is also a symbol of purity.
venus Lilien Variation of the name Lilion, from Latin name of the flower lily
venus Lilienne Form of the name Lily, symbol of purity
venus Liliha Angry Disregard
venus Lilija Icelandic form of Lily, meaning pure.
venus Lilijana Slavic variation of names Lily and Elisabeth
venus Lilika Lily
venus Lilike Lily
venus Liliko Bird
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