Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Liling Sound of white jasmine
venus Lilinoe Goddess of haze
venus Lilion Latin name after the flower lily, meaning pure
venus Liliosa Spanish variant of name Lily
venus Lilis Of the night
venus Lilit Spirit of the night, Ghost
venus Lilita Flower lily
venus Lilith Of The Night
mars Lilitha Ray Of Light
venus Lilium Latin word meaning lily
venus Liliwen A blessed white Lily; wonderful
mars Liliwin Honest and hard working individual
venus Liliya Lily
venus Lilja Lily
venus Liljana Macedonian form of the name Lily
venus Lilka Lily
venus Lill Nordic short version for Elisabet, meaning God is my oath
venus Lilla From The Lily Flower
venus Lillah Variation of name Bethia, meaning daughter or worshipper of God
venus Lillas lily
venus Lillemor Little mother, Danish name
venus Lilli Lily
venus Lillia A derivative of the English name 'Lily'. The Lily flower is a symbol of purity, innocence and beauty
venus Lilliah symbol of purity
venus Lillian Lily
venus Lilliana Lily
venus Lilliane lily
venus Lilliann lily
venus Lillianna lily
venus Lillianne lily
venus Lillias lily
venus Lillibet Alternate from Elizabeth, meaning God is my oath
venus Lillie Lily
venus Lilliella From name Lillie, flower lily
venus Lillienna Combination of names Lillie and Anna
venus Lillienne Variation of name Lillie, from flower named lily, symbol of purity
venus Lillis Greek name for the flower lily
venus Lillith belonging to the night
venus Lilly Lily
venus Lillyan lily
venus Lillyana Long version of the flower name lily
venus Lillyanne lily
venus-mars Lilo Generous One
mars Liloo Unknown
venus Lilou Occitan pet form of French Liliane
venus Liluye Singing Hawk While Soaring
venus Lily Lily Flower
venus Lilya Alternate transcription of Russian Лилия or Ukrainian Лілія (see Liliya).
venus Lilyan lily
venus Lilyana Lily Flower
venus Lilyann Lily
venus Lilyanna Alternate form of Liliane, after flower lily
venus Lilyanne Combination of the names Lily and Anne
venus Lilybell Blend of names Lily and Elizabeth, meaning purity, innocence and God is bountful
venus Lilybelle French form of names Lily and Elizabeth, meaning God of plenty and innocence
venus Lilybeth Lily and Elizabeth, English name
venus Lilymay Lily is of Old Greek origin meaning 'shining one' it is an alternative spelling of Lily and May derives from the English vocabulary.
venus Lily-Rose Combination of Lily and Rose.
mars Lim From the woods
venus Lima Name of the Goddess of treshold
mars Liman Liman is a Lebanon term for bright, shining and lustrous.
mars Limazah Narrator
mars Limba African tree; happiness
mars Limbani Means "be strong" in Chewa.
venus Limber Joy, Happiness
mars Limbikani Means "work hard" in Chewa.
venus Limees Something that's tender, delicate and soft to touch.
venus Li Mei Pretty Rose
venus Li Ming Pretty And Bright
mars Limoges Carrying Spears
venus-mars Limon Lemon
venus Limor myrrh
venus Limpa A person who has thoughtful nature
venus-mars Lin Pretty
venus Lina Short Form Of Names Ending In Lina
venus Li-Na Li means Beautiful, Reason, Logic, Establish, Black, Dawn, Na means Elegant, Graceful, Delicate
venus Linaeve Tree Of Song
venus Linah sun ray
mars Linas Lithuanian form of Linus. This is also the Lithuanian word for "flax" (a cognate of the name's root).
mars Linc Colony on the lake
mars Linch From a bank or a slope
mars Lincoin A settlement by the pool
mars Lincoln From The Lake Settlement
mars Lincon Settlement by the water
venus Lincy Indian name
mars Lind Wetland belonging to Lincoln
venus Linda pretty
venus Lindael Person who lives near the valley of linden trees
venus Lindah Beautiful
venus Lindalee pretty
mars Lindall Linden tree valley
venus Lindan Lime tree
mars Lindberg Hill with lime trees on it
mars Lindbergh Mountain where the lime trees grow
mars Lindburg A German name that refers to a person living near a Hill
mars Linddun A person who resided by the linden tree
venus Linde From near a lime tree
mars Lindeberg A resident of the Hill where linden trees grow
venus Lindee pretty
venus Lindel She who lives where the linden trees grow
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