Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Lindell From near a lime tree
mars Linden The name Linden has two different meanings. One is 'mound' or 'hill' and the other is 'lime tree'.
venus Lindey Beautiful
mars Lindhard He is strong like a Linden tree
venus Lindi pretty
venus Lindie Beautiful
venus Lindira pretty
venus Lindita The Day Is Born
venus Lindiwe A person who has waited a long time, patient person
venus Lindka pretty
mars Lindlea A wood of Linden trees
venus Lindlee One who comes from the Lime woods
venus Lindleigh A person who comes from the place of Lime trees
venus-mars Lindley From The Lime Wood
venus Lindly A woman whose home is near a Lime tree woods
mars Lindon A linden tree hill
venus-mars Lindsay From The Lake Settlement Island
venus Lindsea Wetland belonging to Lincoln
venus Lindsee Lincoln's marsh; island of linden trees
venus Lindsei A woman who comes from the region Lindsey
venus Lindseigh Lincoln's marsh; island of linden trees
venus-mars Lindsey From The Lake Settlement Island
venus Lindsi She whose home is an island of the Linden trees
venus Lindsie An island where Linden trees grow
venus Lindsy Lincoln's marsh; island of linden trees
venus Lindsye An island of Linden, Lime trees
venus Lindy Diminutive Form Of Lindsay Or Linda
venus Lindzai She who is from the Lime tree island
venus Lindzay A place of the Lime trees, an island
venus Lindzea A place name, known as Lincoln's Wetland
venus Lindzee A woman from the island of Lincoln in England
venus Lindzei A Girl who comes from the Lincoln island in England
venus Lindzeigh A place name, Girl from the Lincoln island
venus Lindzey A name that refers to the Lincoln Island in England
venus Lindzi A woman from the Lincoln island, a Lime tree island
venus Lindzie One who is from Lincoln island, a wetland in England
venus Lindzy She came from the Lime tree island
venus Lindzye One who lives on the island where the Lime trees grow
venus Line A brave woman warrior
venus Linea lime or linden tree
venus Lineke A Goddes of joy and happiness
mars Linell ruddy-complected
venus Linen Cloth Woven From Flax
venus Linet Lake
venus Lineta Lake
venus Linetah Lake
venus Linete Lake
venus Linett Lake
venus Linetta Lake
venus Linettah Lake
venus Linette Pretty One
venus Lineysha Intelligent
mars Linford A Linden tree ford
mars Linfred A peaceful individual with a peaceful personlity
venus Ling Sound Of Jade/Dawn
mars Linga Symbol of Shiva
mars Lingadevaru One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
mars Lingaiah One of many names of Lord Vishnu
mars Lingam Abstract representation of Shiva that is used for worship
mars Lingamoorthy One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
mars Lingamurthy One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
mars Lingamurti One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
mars Lingan One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
mars Lingapandi One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
mars Lingappa One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
mars Lingappan A name of the God Sivan
mars Lingaratnam A precious gift from Lord Shiva; God's Gift
mars Lingasamy One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
mars Lingesan One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
mars Lingesh One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him in form of Linga
venus Linh Not Available
venus Liniksha A lovable woman.
venus Linit To rest and be calm
mars Link A Link
mars Linkin A person from the Lincoln city in England.
mars Linkoln Settlement by the water
venus Linleah Woman who lives near the flax fields
venus Linlee One who comes from the fields of flax
venus Linleigh The fields where flax flowers grow
venus Linley She who lives near the meadow where the flax grows
venus Linly Fields of flax
venus-mars Linn pretty; ruddy-complected
venus Linna lime or linden tree
venus Linnae lime or linden tree
venus Linnaea lime or linden tree
mars Linnaeus Lime Tree
venus Linne A person named after the twinflower
venus Linnea Lime Tree
mars Linnel He who is like a twonflower
mars Linnell ruddy-complected
mars Linnet idol; linnet, a small songbird
venus Linneta Lake
venus Linnetah Lake
venus Linnete Lake
venus Linnett Lake
venus Linnette idol; linnet, a small songbird
mars Linnie sweet
venus Linnit A woman who many worship and idolize
venus Linniue An idolized woman
mars Linnuis A person who comes from the lake colony
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