Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Ljube From the Slavic element ľuby meaning "love".
mars Ljuben Macedonian form of Lyuben.
venus Ljubena Macedonian feminine form of Lyuben.
venus Ljubica From the Slavic element ľuby meaning "love" combined with a diminutive suffix. It can also come from the Serbian and Croatian word ljubica meaning "violet (flower)".
venus Ljubinka From the Slavic element ľuby meaning "love" combined with a diminutive suffix.
mars Ljubisa From the Slavic element ľuby meaning "love" combined with a diminutive suffix.
mars Ljubo Peace and love.
mars Ljubomir One who loves peace.
venus Ljubov Alternate transcription of Russian Любовь (see Lyubov).
mars Ljudevit Means "master of the people" from the Slavic elements ľudŭ "people" and vitŭ "master, lord". This name was borne by a 9th-century leader of the Slavs in Lower Pannonia who fought against Frankish rule.
mars Ljudmil Macedonian masculine form of Ludmila.
venus Ljudmila A person who is favoured by the people
mars Ljupcho Alternate transcription of Macedonian Љупчо (see Ljupčo).
mars Ljupco Diminutive of Ljubomir.
mars Lkhagvasuren Great Healer
mars Llacheu The Son oh Arthur, from the Arthurian Legend
venus Llanquipan Solitary lioness
mars Llanzo Llanzo is the Jamaican form of Lance and means servant or God like.
mars Lleu Light
venus Lleucu Dear Light
mars Llew Variant of Lleu. It can also be a short form of Llewelyn. It coincides with the Welsh word llew meaning "lion".
venus Llewela Variant of Llewella.
venus Llewella One whose lion-like bravery shines bright
mars Llewellyn Leader
mars Llewelydd A leader with the bravery like a lion's
mars Llewelyn Variant of Llywelyn influenced by the Welsh word llew "lion".
venus Lleyke form of LLEUCU - dear light
mars Lleyton A settlemen in the meadow
mars Lliam Variation of Liam which means Resolute Protection Or Irish short form of William
venus Llinos Linnet
mars Llorenc Catalan form of Laurentius (see Laurence 1).
mars Lloyd Grey
mars Lluc Catalan form of Lucas (see Luke).
venus Llucia Catalan form of Lucia.
mars Lludd Probably a variant of Nudd altered due to alliterative assimilation with his byname Llaw Ereint meaning "silver hand" [1]. Lludd Llaw Ereint is named as the father of Creiddylad in Culhwch and Olwen. He also appears in the Welsh tale Lludd and Llefelys as the king of Britain, the son of Beli Mawr.
mars Lluis Catalan form of Louis.
venus Lluisa famous warrior
venus Lluvia Rain
venus Lluvy Rain
mars Llwyd A gray-haired man
mars Llygad A person with gaying hair
venus Llyn A woman who came from the lake
mars Llyr He came from the sea
mars Llywarch A leader of the horses
mars Llywellyn Variant of Llywelyn.
venus Llywelya Leader
venus Llywelydd form of Llywelyn - from the ancient gods Lugos and Belinos
mars Llywelyn Leader
mars Llywernog A place name from a town Llywernog in Wales
venus Lmar Pronounced as Almar, Lmar means sun.
mars Lo A deminutive of Dolores and means Sorrow
venus Loa Spring Bird
mars Loakhan Man of the World; One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Loan Not Available
venus Loana Good light
venus Loane Feminine form of Elouan.
mars Loann Variant of Elouan.
venus-mars Loba To Talk
venus Lobelia A flower, known as lobelias
mars Lobhesh One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him as supreme power in Universe
mars Lobo Wolf
mars Loc Bud
mars Locana World; Universe; Earth; Indefinitely great expanse of space; All heavenly bodies
venus Locava The writings of the God
mars Loch Lake
mars Lochan The eye
venus Lochana Illuminating
mars Lochananda Pleasure
venus Lochani One with bright eyes.
mars Lochanpal Protector of desire
mars Lochanpreet One who has love for desire
venus Lochellen From Ellen's Lake
mars Lochlainn Means "Viking, Scandinavian" from Old Irish Lochlann, a name for Scandinavia. It means "land of the lakes", derived from loch "lake".
mars Lochlan Derived from the Irish meaning 'home of the Norse', 'Lachlan' is also a derivative of the English name 'Lawrence'.
mars Lochlann Variant of Lochlainn.
mars Lochlyn Warrior of the land of lakes
mars Lock From the land of lakes
venus-mars Locke Lock, Fastening
venus Locket pendant, ornament
mars Lockhart Fresh water fish
mars Lockie From the land of lakes
mars Locklan From the land of lakes
venus Lockley Place name, name given to someone who settles outside their birthplace, surname
venus Locklyn Land of the lakes
mars Lockwood An enclosed forest
mars Locryn Cornish form of Locrinus. It's the name of a region in southeastern Britain.
mars Locutus Latin name meaning one who speaks
mars Lod Name describing nativity, generation
mars Loday Wisdom
venus Lodema Guide, the one who shows the way
venus Loden From the town by the pond
mars Lodewijk Dutch combined name meaning Famous Warrior
mars Lodhi name of Afghan tribe
venus Lodima English name for a guide
mars Lodovico Famous Warrior
mars Lodowick Man from town Laurentum
mars Lodwig Famous in battle
venus Lodyma Guide, escort; occupational name for pilot
venus Lodzia Greek name describing brightness
venus-mars Loe King
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