Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Loefel One who is fearly loved
mars Loegaire Means "calf herder", derived from Old Irish lóeg "calf". In Irish legend Lóegaire Búadach was an Ulster warrior. He saved the life of the poet Áed, but died in the process. This was also the name of several Irish high kings.
mars Loek Dutch short form of Lucas.
venus Loela Sorrows
venus Loelia night
venus Loella famous warrior; other, foreign
venus Loes Superior fighter
venus-mars Loften Dwellers Of The Loft House
mars Lofton People from town Lofthouse
mars Logachandran Moon of the world; Beautiful and Brilliant Radiance of the Universe
mars Logaiah Supreme being of the world; Man of the Universe
venus-mars Logan From The Hollow
mars Loganathan Powerful, clever Boy
venus Logann hollow
venus Logaratchagi A woman with bright eyes.
mars Logesh Name of a God; One of many names of Lord Shiva considering him as the supreme being of Universe
mars Logeshwaran One of many names of Lord Shiva considering him as the supreme being of Universe
mars Logithan Leek Garden
mars Logu God which blesses
mars Loha Iron, strong as iron
mars Lohajit Diamond
mars Lohan From Brittany, the meaning is 'the light'.
mars Lohattama Gold
venus Lohavara A person who is responsible and stable
mars Lohendra Lord
mars Lohengrin From the earlier form Loherangrin, derived from Lothringen, the German name for the region of Lorraine. It appears in Arthurian legend, initially in the 13th-century German poem Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, belonging to a son of the knight Parzival. The tales were adapted by Richard Wagner for his opera Lohengrin (1850).
mars Loherangrin Form of Lohengrin used by the 13th-century German poet Wolfram von Eschenbach.
venus Lohini Red skinned
venus Lohinika A considerate and loving individual
mars Lohit Red
venus Lohita River Brahmaputra
venus Lohitaka Red gem, ruby
mars Lohitaksh Red eyed Boy
mars Lohitaksha Lord Vishnu
mars Lohitashwa One with a red horse
mars Lohith beautiful lord; name of Lord Shiva
venus Lohitha One of many names of Goddess Lakshmi
mars Lohithaswa Weapon of Siva Trishul, name of Lord Shiva
mars Lohitya Red
mars Lohot A person who is lively and likes experience
venus Loi Chinesee word for thunder
mars Loic Famed Warrior
venus Loida The best
venus Loie Understanding
venus Lois Better
venus Loisa Spanish name describing something holy
venus Loise famous warrior
mars Lojza Warrior of big fame
mars Lojze Short form of Alojz, meaning he who is famous in war or battle.
mars Lok Joy
mars Loka word, universe; one who is wordly
mars Lokachara Customs
venus Lokajanani name of Goddess Laxmi, mother of the world
mars Lokajit Conqueror
mars Lokajita Victorious
mars Lokakanta One of many names of Lord Vishnu signifying him as protector of universe
mars Lokakriti Creator of the world
mars Lokakshi Eye of the world; Eye of the Universe
venus Lokamata Mother
venus Lokamatri name of Goddess Lakshmi, mother of the world
mars Lokamaya A form of Goddess Durga
venus Lokamba Leader
mars Lokamitra Friend
mars Lokanand Happiness of the world; Joy of the universe
mars Lokanath Lord Shiva
mars Lokanathan Name of Lord Shiva
venus Lokanayaki Leader
mars Lokanetra Eye of the world
mars Lokaniya Rule of the world; Righteous principles of the world
venus Lokapaavani River Cauvery
mars Lokapradip Light of the world
venus Loka priya Lustrous person
mars Lokapujya Worshipped by the universe
mars Lokaranjan Lord Vishnu
mars Lokasundar Most Handsome person in the world; Attractive and appealing person
venus Lokasundari Beauty
mars Lokasunder Handsome
venus Lokavya One who deserves heaven; One who deserves the world of God
mars Lokbhushan Ornament of the world
mars Loke He who breaks/destroys
mars Lokej Guardian of honour
venus Lokelani heavenly rose
mars Lokender One of many names of Lord Shiva considering him as the supreme being of Universe
mars Lokendra Lord Shiva
mars Lokesh Lord Of The World
mars Lokesha One of many names of Lord Shiva considering him as the supreme being of Universe
mars Lokeshwar Lord Shiva
mars Lokhande A surname of Maharashtrian Origin; A sub-clan of the Bhoite clan of Marathas
mars Lokhu Lucky Person; Well destined; Good Fortune; Blessed
mars Loki Trickster God
mars Lokin One who possesses the World; Owner of the world; Lord; God
mars Lokit The enlighted being; Lord; God; One who has conquered the materialistic world
mars Loklaj Honour of the preple
mars Lokmeet One who is friend of the people
mars Loknaath Lord of the World; God of the World; Supreme being of the world
mars Loknath Lord Vishnu
mars Lokni Rain Coming Through Hole In Roof
mars Lokottar Divine
mars Lokpal Defender, protector of the people
mars Lokpradeep Gautam Budha
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