Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Lokprakash Light
mars Lokprasad Light of the World; Brilliance and brightness of the world; Blessing of the world
mars Lokpreet People lover, one who has great love for the people
mars Lokprem One who loves people
mars Lokraaj The one who rules people
mars Lokranjan Lord Vishnu
mars Lokroop Embodiment of the people
mars Loksewak The one who is absorbed in serving others
venus Lokshita The one who prays for the world
mars Loksurya Good Boy, obedient Boy
mars Lokya Lord of All Worlds; Supreme Being in the Universe
venus Lol Laughter
venus Lola Sorrows
venus Lolade God is with you.
venus Lolah Sorrows
mars Lolaksi The Power of Lord Ganesha; Brilliance, brightness and radiance of Lord Ganesha
mars Lolek Free Man
venus Loleta free man
venus Loletta free man
venus Lolicia Elaborated form of Lola.
mars Lolika King; Ruler; Emperor; Leader; Chief
venus Lolita Sorrows
venus Lolitta Spanish name meaning manly
venus Lolla Sorrows
venus Lollia Derived from latin Laurus, laurel tree
venus Lollie the bay, or laurel plant
venus Lolly Laurel
venus Lolo Old Greek word for lotus flower
mars Lolonyo Love Is Beautiful
venus Loloo Name given for pearls or gems found in an ocean
mars Lolotea God's Gift
venus Lolotte free man
venus-mars Lolovivi There's Always Love
venus Loma Born on a small hill
mars Lomaharshana Light of the World; Brilliance and brightness of the world; Radiance of the world
mars Loman From The Wood Land
mars Lomasa Name of a Rishi; Hairy; Wooly; Shaggy
mars Lomash Sage
mars Lombard A long-bearded person
mars Lomesh Name of a Rishi
mars Lomman Means "little bare one", derived from Old Irish lomm "bare" combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a 5th-century saint, a nephew of Saint Patrick.
mars Lon Noble
venus Lona Light
mars Lonan Blackbird
mars Lonato Flint Stone
venus Londa A woman who is shy
venus Londen London
venus-mars London From The Great River
venus Londre An escapade, a Lark
venus Londun London
venus Londyn London
venus Lone Woman from Magdala
venus Lonee oak tree; lion
mars Loneen Unknown
mars Lonell A lion cub
mars Loner A person who enjoys solitude
venus Lonette idol; linnet, a small songbird
mars Long Dragon
mars Longin From Latin name Longinus, means long
venus Longina Feminine form of Longinus.
mars Longinus Roman cognomen derived from Latin longus "long". According to Christian legend Saint Longinus was the name of the Roman soldier who pierced Jesus' side with a spear, then converted to Christianity and was martyred. The name was also borne by the 3rd-century Greek philosopher Cassius Longinus.
venus Longo Quiet
mars Longwang From Chinese 龙 (lóng) meaning "dragon" and 王 (wáng) meaning "king". This is the Chinese name of the Dragon King, a god associated with water and rain.
mars Longwei Dragon greatness
venus Loni Lion
venus Lonie oak tree; lion
venus Lonika One of many names of Goddess Lakshmi
mars Lonn A strong, firce person
venus Lonna Light
mars Lonnard A person of a character like a Lion
mars Lonnell A young lion, a lion cub
venus Lonni oak tree; lion
venus-mars Lonnie Noble, Ready
mars Lonny Laurel
mars Lono New information
venus Lonore Shining light
venus Lony London
mars Lonyn Battle-ready, skillful and noble person
mars Lonzo Short of Alonzo, A noble and ready person
mars Lookman Name of wisdom man mentioned in the Quran
venus Looli unknown
venus-mars Loot Something that is hidden adn covered
mars Lootah Red
venus Lopa Wife of a sage
mars Lopaka Brilliant fame
venus Lopamudra Wife of Lord Agastya Muni
mars Lope Spanish form of Lupus (see Loup).
mars Lopesh To mingle; To get mixed; To disapper
mars Lopez Son Of Lope/Lobe
venus Lopika Sweetness
venus Lopini Tongan word for the robin bird
mars Lopo Portuguese form of Lupus (see Loup).
venus Loppa A famous woman worrior
mars Loquail Unknown
venus Lor Limburgish short form of Laurens.
venus Lora Laurel
venus Lorabelle laurel
venus Lorah laurel
venus Lorain from Lorraine
venus Loraina from Lorraine
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