Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Loraine from Lorraine
venus Lorainne Variant of Lorraine.
venus Loralai Name of the Siren of German legends, who sat on the rock and lured sailors to their deaths.
venus Loralee An alluring woman who sings and lures man
venus Loralei One whose singing lures man to their destruction
venus Loralie A siren whose singing lures man to their death
venus Loralle the bay, or laurel plant
venus Loralyn A woman whose beautiful song leads man to destrucion
mars Loran City of laurels
venus Lorana Unknown
mars Lorance He came from the place of Lime trees
mars Lorand Famous Land
venus Loranda She who wears a crown of laurel leaves
venus Loranna laurel
mars Lorant Famous Land
venus Lorayne from Lorraine
venus Lorca A place name of the region Navarre in Spain
mars Lorcan Silent Or Fierce
mars Lorccan Old Irish form of Lorcán.
mars Lord A keeper of loaf
venus-mars Lore Crowned With Laurel
venus Lorea Variant of Lore 2.
venus Loreanna laurel
venus Loredana Created name by George Sand, based on a Venetian surname Loredan
venus Loree the bay, or laurel plant
venus Loreen the bay, or laurel plant
venus Loreena A safety of the harbor
venus Loreene laurel
venus Lorel the bay, or laurel plant
venus Lorelai A siren who sings and lures man to their deaths
venus Lorelei Alluring Enchantress
venus Loreley A song of the beautiful woman that leads man to death
venus Lorelii A luring rock in the Rhine River
venus Lorella A Siren from the River Rhine
venus Lorelle Laurel
venus Lorelotte Pet form of Charlotte that means feminine
venus-mars Loren Laurel
venus Lorena Laurel
mars Lorence A person who comes from the place of lime trees
mars Lorencio A form of Lawrence, meaning from Laurentum.
mars Lorencz He who is from ancient Laurentum region
venus Lorenda She who is victorius and honorable
venus Lorene Laurel
venus Lorenia laurel
venus Lorenn the bay, or laurel plant
venus Lorenna laurel
mars Lorens From Laurentum
mars Lorenso Of Laurentum
mars Lorents Comes from ancient Italian city, Laurentum
mars Lorentz A variant of Lorenz which is a German form of Laurence
mars Lorenz Of Laurentum
venus Lorenza from Laurentum
venus Lorenzina from Laurentum
mars Lorenzo Laurel
venus Loreta laurel
venus Loreto A place name, ancient city of Laurentum
venus Loretta Laurel
venus Lorette the bay, or laurel plant
venus Loretto A Boy from ancient Italian city Laurentum
venus Lorey the bay, or laurel plant
venus Lori Laurel
venus Loria laurel
mars Lorian laurel
venus Loriana laurel
venus Loriann laurel
venus Lorianna Laurel tree, symbol of Dignity and Voctory
venus Lorianne laurel
venus Loribelle laurel
venus Lorica Breastplate
venus Lorie Laurel
venus Loriel laurel
venus Lorien God of dreams
venus Lorilee laurel
venus Lorilynn laurel
venus Lorimar Occupational name, saddle maker
mars Lorimer Harness Maker
venus-mars Lorin Laurel
mars Lorinc City of laurels
venus Lorinda Created Name
venus Lorine the bay, or laurel plant; from Lorraine
mars Loring From Lorraine In France
mars Loris laurel
venus Lorisha Variation of the name Laurel, laurel tree
venus Lorissa cheerful
venus Lorita the bay, or laurel plant
mars Loritz German variation of the name Laurel, laurel tree crown
mars Lorn One who is Forsaken; Famous bearer
venus Lorna Fox
venus-mars Lorne Fox
mars Loro Great Power; Mighty; Strong
venus Lorra laurel
venus Lorrae laurel
venus Lorraina from Lorraine
venus Lorraine from Lorraine
venus Lorrayne from Lorraine
venus Lorree laurel
venus Lorrella laurel tree
venus Lorrelle Form of name Laura, laurel tree
venus-mars Lorren the bay, or laurel plant; from Laurentum
venus Lorretta Laurel
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