Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Loukianos Greek form of Lucianus.
mars Loukios Greek form of Lucius.
venus Loukritia A freedom loving and attractive being
venus Loukya Worldly wise
venus Loulabelle A wonderful and beautiful princess
venus Loulou light
venus Louma Graceful woman
mars Loumarch A lonely, amusing and moderate human being
venus Louna Derived from Latin Luna meaning the moon
mars Loup Wolf
venus Loura Form of LAURA. laurel
venus Lourana From LAURA and ANA
venus Lourdes French Place Name
venus-mars Lourenca the bay, or laurel plant
venus Lourence the bay, or laurel plant; from Laurentum
mars Lourenco City of laurels
mars Lourens Frisian form of Laurentius (see Laurence 1).
venus Louressa From Latin word meaning cheerful
venus Lourine Form of LAURA. laurel
venus Louriz Form Of The Name Lourdes
venus-mars Louvain City In Belgium
venus Louve Female wolf
venus Louvenia One who inspires and leads
mars Louwis Walloon form of Louis.
mars Lov The one who vows
venus Lova Battle Noise
venus Lovai She who is loved or heavy rains
venus Lovdie From old English name Loveday, meaning lovely day
venus Love Full Of Love
venus Lovedaia Day of reconciliation
venus Loveday love, affection
venus Lovedaya A day of reconciliation and settling of disputes
mars Lovedeep A person who puts everyone before themselves
mars Loveen A persoon consumed in love and adoration
venus Loveie A lovely and happy soft hearted individual
mars Lovel One who is like a young wolf
venus Loveleen To Inbue, absorb or infuse
mars Lovell Small wolf
venus Lovella love, affection
venus Lovelle Wolf cub
venus Lovely Beautiful, charming and alluring one
venus Lovelyn A loved and cherised one
mars Lovemore From the English words love and more. This name is most common in Zimbabwe and elsewhere in the south of Africa.
venus-mars Lovender Combination Of The Words LOVE And LAVENDER
mars Loveneesh A name of the God of Love, a lovable person
mars Lovepal Love to God
mars Lovepreet Loving and an affectionate person
mars Loverich Loved and appreciated person
mars Loverick A person who loves deeply
mars Lovernaci One who finds love easily
mars Lovernacus Love has found him
mars Lovernii One who is loved and respecred
mars Loverun A feeling of love and adoration
mars Lovesh Few
venus Loveta A woman who is like a young wolf
mars Lovett Last name
venus Lovetta Resembling a young wolf
venus Lovette Little Loved One
venus Lovey Loved One
mars Loveyansh Part of Lady and Man; Love
venus Lovia A feeling of returned Love
venus Loviatar Meaning unknown. In Finnish mythology Loviatar, also known as Louhi, was a goddess of death and plague.
venus Lovice A person in love
venus Lovie Loved One
venus Loviisa Well-known fighter
venus Loviise Estonian form of Louisa. It means famous warrior.
mars Lovika Love at First Sight
venus Lovina One who is adored
mars Lovino A man who is loved by many
venus Lovis A famous warrior
venus Lovisa Famous warrior
venus Lovise Well-known fighter
mars Lovish Famous Battle; A modern Indian name referring to Love; Lovable Person
venus Lovorka From Croatian lovor meaning "laurel tree".
venus Lovota A fast Wolf; good natured
mars Lovpreet A person who has a loving personality
mars Lovprem A person with infatuating personality
mars Lovre Short form of Lovrenco. It means from Laurentum.
mars Lovrenc Slovene form of Laurentius, meaning from Laurentum.
mars Lovrenco Croatian form of Lawrence, meaning from Laurentum.
mars Lovro Short form of Lovrenc.
mars Lovyam Sun; Bright, Brilliant, Splendid and Glorious like Sun
mars Low Laurel, an award of Honor
venus Lowanna An Aboriginal name meaning A Girl
mars Lowden From the low valley
venus Lowdy A name given to children born on a Love Day.
mars Lowe A person who is like a young wolf, used as a surname
mars Lowell Little Wolf
mars Lowen Cornish vocabulary name meaning joyful.
venus Lowena A loud and famous warrior
venus Lowenna A woman who radiates joy
venus Lowery Family Of Lawrence
mars Lowgan Small hollow
mars Lowie One who fought in a famous battle
mars Lowis A warrior that fought famously in a battle
venus Lowise famous warrior
venus Lowra laurel
venus Lowran the bay, or laurel plant
venus Lowrelle laurel tree
venus-mars Lowrenn the bay, or laurel plant
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