Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Lowretta laurel
venus Lowri Laurel
mars Lowry Laurel
venus-mars Lowrynn the bay, or laurel plant
venus-mars Loxley Glade By The Lake
venus Loy An elderly person with a grey hair, a wise man
mars Loyal Faithful, True
venus Loyalty Loyalty
venus Loyce lord
mars Loyd A wise grey-haired man
venus Loyise famous warrior
venus Loyola From The Muddy Place
mars Lozano From Locarno, Switzerland.
venus Lozen One Who Has Stolen Horses
mars L'pree The prize
venus Lsss Young woman, Girl
venus Lssse A Girl
venus Lu famous warrior; light; famous warrior; other, foreign
venus Lua A contended, relaxes and joyful individual
mars Luai A strong and steady person
mars Luam Peaceful, Calm
mars Luan An Upspring
venus Luana Enjoyment
venus Luanda enjoyment
venus Luane enjoyment
venus Luann enjoyment
venus Luanna enjoyment
venus Luannah enjoyment
venus Luanne enjoyment
venus Luannie enjoyment
mars Luay A couragrous and strong person
mars Lu'Ay Brave, strong and courageous man
venus Luba dear
venus Lubaaba A deepest essence of life
venus Lubab The finest element
venus Lubaba A deepest essence of something
venus Lubabah Pure Girl
venus Lubabe The finest essence of life
venus Lubah dear
mars Lubaib Genuine, pure man
mars Lubaid An old name from Arabia
venus Lubaina The deepest essence of someone
venus Lubalethu A deep essence of a person
venus Luban Tree
venus Lubanah Wish
venus Lubania Flowers
mars Lubanzi Wide and deep or broad
mars Lubayd An old Arabian name
mars Lubayna A companion of Muhammad
venus Lubba A feeling of deep love
mars Lubbert Dutch form of the Old German name Leutbert, derived from the elements liut "people" and beraht "bright". Liutbert (or Liutpert) was an 8th-century Lombard king.
mars Lubdhaka Hunter
mars Luben Alternate transcription of Bulgarian Любен (see Lyuben).
venus Lubena Purity
venus Lubica Slovak form of Ljubica.
mars Lubin A heart of the sea
venus Lubina Adaptable person
venus Lublubah Affectionate and delicate person
venus Lubna Type Of Tree.
mars Lubomierz Polish form of Lubomír.
mars Lubomir Lover of the peace
venus Lubomira person who loves peace
mars Lubomiru Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Lubomír.
mars Lubor Slovak form of Lubor.
mars Lubos Love's peace
mars Luboslaw He who loved the glory
venus Lubov Alternate transcription of Russian Любовь or Ukrainian Любов (see Lyubov).
venus Lubova Latvian form of Lyubov.
mars Luc Used predominately in French, meaning 'man from Lucania'.
mars Luca From Lucania
mars Lucan One who comes from the city of Luca in Toscany
venus Lucania Of Lucania
mars Lucano Light, Luster
mars Lucanus Latin form of Lucan.
mars Lucas From Lucania
venus Lucasta Chaste Light
mars Lucca A place name, from Lucca, a town in the Italian region of Tuscany (derived from "luk," meaning "marshland")
venus Lucci Light
venus-mars Luce Light
venus Lucelly One who is illuminated by the light
venus Lucely A variation of Lucia, meaning light.
venus Lucena light
mars Lucentio Light
venus Lucera Coming From The Light
venus Lucerna lamp
venus Lucerne lamp
venus Lucero Light, Star, Horse Blaze
venus Lucetta Light
venus Lucette light
mars Lucho Warrior of great fame
venus Luci Light
venus Lucia Light
mars Lucian Light
venus Luciana Light
venus Luciann Latin word for light
venus Lucianna light
venus Lucianne Bringer of light
mars Luciano Light
mars Lucianus beaming light
venus Lucida Clear
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