Names starting with the letter L

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter L, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a L. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Lucie Light
venus Luciela light
mars Lucien Light
venus Lucienne light
mars Lucifer Bringer Of Light
venus Lucija the one who shines, light
mars Lucijan One who is born into light.
venus Lucila light
venus Lucile light
venus Lucilia light
mars Lucilio Italian form of Lucilius.
mars Lucilius Light
venus Lucilla Little Light
venus Lucille Light
venus Lucina light
venus Lucinda Light
venus Lucinde French form of Lucinda.
venus Lucine Light
venus Lucineh Alternate transcription of Armenian Լուսինե (see Lusine).
venus Lucinna light
mars Lucio Light
mars Lucious light, shining bright
venus Lucita light
mars Luciu A form of Lucius, meaning illumination or light.
mars Lucius Light
venus Lucja Light of the day
mars Lucjan Polish form of Lucianus.
mars Lucjo Esperanto diminutive of Ludwig.
mars Lucjusz Light of the day
mars Luck The meaning is 'Fortunate', 'in possession of good luck'.
venus-mars Lucky Fortunate
venus Lucrece Wealth
venus Lucrecia succeed
venus Lucreecia succeed
venus Lucreesha succeed
venus Lucreisha succeed
venus Lucresha succeed
venus Lucretia Wealth
mars Lucretius Wealth, Profit
venus Lucrezia succeed
mars Lucus From Lucania
venus Lucy Light
venus Lucyja light
venus Lucyle light
venus Lucyna light
venus Lucza light
venus Luda Love of the people
mars Ludacris Ludicrous
mars Ludde Well-known fighter
mars Ludeca A considerate and moderate individual
mars Ludek Well-known fighter
venus Ludella Mischevious elf, fairy
venus Ludema A person who is passive and easy going
mars Ludger People's Spear
venus Ludie Graceful, favorable people
mars Ludis Fame or war.
venus Ludivine Female version of Ludwig
mars Ludlow From The Loud River Hill
mars Ludlowe From the Prince's hill, Mountain of the King
venus Ludmila People's Favor
venus Ludmiła Polish form of Ludmila.
venus Ludmilla graceful people
mars Ludo Derived from Latin name Louis, meaning light
mars Ludolf People with wolf
mars Ludovic Famed Warrior
venus Ludovica famous warrior
mars Ludovico An illustrious fighter
mars Ludovicus Latinized form of Hludwig (see Ludwig). This form is also used as a baptismal name by Dutch and Flemish speakers, though it is commonly rendered Lodewijk in daily life.
venus Ludovika Famous warrior
mars Ludoviko Esperanto form of Ludwig. This is the Esperanto name of the philologist Ludwig Zamenhof (1859-1917), the creator of the Esperanto language.
mars Ludovit Possibly originally a form of Ljudevit, though it is now considered to be the Slovak form of Ludwig.
venus Ludowika Famous warrior
venus Ludumila Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Ludmila.
mars Ludumilu Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Lyudmil.
mars Luduvico Variation of Ludwig, mighty warrior
mars Ludvig Famous warrior
mars Ludvigs Fame or war.
mars Ludvik Well-known fighter
mars Luðvik Icelandic form of Ludwig.
mars Ludwig Famous Warrior
venus Ludwiga Famous warrior
mars Ludwik Polish name meaning brave, famous warrior
venus Ludwika A brilliant warrior
mars Lue Born at daybreak, light
mars Lueis A renowned fighter
venus Luell A notorious elf
venus Luella Combination Of Lou And Ella
venus Luelle famous warrior; other, foreign
venus Luellen A famous elf, fairy
mars Luellyn One who is a Lion like leader
venus Luena Meaning unknown, possibly from the name of a city in Angola. It was popularized in Portugal by a character on the telenovela A Única Mulher (2015-2017).
venus Luetta Fame of a fighter
venus Lufa Enghlish name of the meaning love
mars Lufe A name for love
mars Luffa A logical, amusing and dignified individual
mars Luffechild A lovechild
venus Luffy Unknown
mars Lufti Gentle
mars Lug Old Irish form of Lugh.
mars Lugaid Old Irish form of Lughaidh.
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