Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Manola God is with us
mars Manolito God is among us
mars Manolo God Is With Us
venus Manolya She who rises above
mars Manomay Conquerer of ones heart
venus Manomohini A charming woman; An attractive and graceful women who is full of elegance
mars Manomohon Handsome; Beautiful; Appealing; Attractive; Good Looking; Charming
venus Manon Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Manona Beloved
mars Manonita One who is led by the mind
mars Manonith Carried by the Mind; Done by the Mind; One who is blessed with good mind
mars Manonmana A hindi Boy name
venus Manoo An original, unique man
mars Manooj A sanskrit name for Cupid
mars Manoop Indian name for son
mars Manor A shining light
mars Manora Unknown
venus Manorama Beautiful, attractive
mars Manoranjan One who pleases the mind
mars Manoranjana One who pleases the mind
venus Manoranjani One who entertains
mars Manorath Desire; Wish; Long; Crave; Wantings of a mind; Aspiration of Mind
mars Manoratha One who is full of desire
mars Manorgbe I shall live
venus Manorma Beautiful
venus Manoroma Beautiful; Pleasing; Charming; Good Looking
mars Manos God with us
mars Manoshan A muslim name
mars Manota One who is intelligent
mars Manotej One who thinks fast
mars Manoth A name for the Roman God
mars Manotosha An indian name for a Boy
mars Manouchehr A character in Shahnameh
mars Manouel Medieval Greek form of Manuel.
venus Manoush Sweet
mars Manpal A recpectful person
mars Manpaul A protector of heart
mars Manprasad Mentally Calm and Cool Person; Blessed with a peaceful mind
venus Manpreet One who is pretty on the eyes
venus Manprem One who is affectionate
mars Manque Condor
mars Manric Ruler, Exalted One
mars Manrico Ruler, Exalted One
venus Manroop One who has a beautiful mind
mars Manrulan A hindi Boy name
mars Mans Greatness
venus Mansa Third Born Girl
mars Mansab One who is dignified
mars Mansel From the Manse; Habitational name from France; Inhabitant of Le Mans
mars Mansell From the Manse; Habitational name from France; Inhabitant of Le Mans
mars Manser One who has a great heart
venus Mansey He with a beautiful heart
mars Mansfeld Coming from a hilly pasture
mars Mansfield Coming from a hilly pasture
mars Mansh A saviour
mars Manshaant One with a peaceful heart
venus Mansheela Love; Affection
venus Mansheetal Having a satisfied heart
venus Manshi Woman; Strong Minded Lady; A Feminine form of Manu
mars Manshoor One who has principles
venus Manshree A wish
venus Manshvi She who is intelligent
venus Mansi plucked flower
mars Mansige A man of victory
mars Manson Fierce one
mars Mansoor Victory
venus Mansoora One who is victorious
venus Mansooreh She who won
venus Mansooruddin A victorious one, a winner
mars Mansour One Who Triumphs
venus Mansukh Pleasure of Mind; Happiness and joy of the mind; One who has delighted mind
mars Mansukha A pleasure of mind
mars Mansur Victorious
venus Mansura One who is supportive
mars Mansurkhan A winning king
mars Mantas Wealthy, Prosperous
venus Mantej One who has a glorious soul
mars Mantek An optimistic person
mars Mantel Cloak bearer
mars Manten From the Man's Town; Hero's Town; A variant is Manton
mars Manth A devoted person
venus Mantha Another name for the Sun
mars Manthan Reflection Through Study; Churning
venus Manthara A holy chant
mars Manthri One who gives advices to king
mars Manti A lovable girl
mars Manton From The Sandy Earth
mars Mantosh A pleasure of mind
mars Mantra Beautiful holy chants and hymns
mars Mantram Holy name
venus Mantreh Divine Words
mars Mantus God Of The Dead
mars Mantvydas From Lithuanian mantus "intelligent" or manta "property, wealth" combined with the root vyd- "to see".
mars Manu One who thinks wisely; Founder Father of Human Beings; Original Man; A ruler of earth
mars Manuel God Is With Us
venus Manuela God Is With Us
mars Manuele Italian variant of Manuel.
venus Manuelita God is with us
mars Manuell God is with us
venus Manuella Spanish name meaning God is with us
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