Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Manuelo God is with us
mars Manuj It has a Sanskrit meaning as Human; Son of Manu; A variant of Manuja
venus Manuja She who is human
venus Manukha One who has human form
venus Manumina A small piece of fur under the chin
venus Manuprairna One who is insirational
mars Manura Good for mankind
mars Manuraj Kuber
mars Manus Great/Army Man
venus Manushi A kind woman
venus Manushri Goddess Lakshmi
mars Manushya A human being
mars Manute An African name
venus Manva Mind or mind identifier
mars Manvanthar The age of transition
mars Manvay Good Friend; Companion; Well Wisher; Supporter and Guide
mars Manveer One with a brave heart
mars Manvel One who is from a great estate
mars Manvendra King among men
mars Manvesh One who has a gift of music
venus Manvi One with best qualities
mars Manvik A kind hearted person
venus Manvinder A lord of the heart
mars Manvir One with a courageous mind
mars Manvit A human being
mars Manvith One who is human
mars Manwant A persong who has a strong heart
mars Manwantbir A warrior who has a strong heart
mars Manwantpal The protector of the strong hearted people
venus Many Jewel
venus Manya bitter
mars Manyam One who is like the forest
venus Manyara Means "you have been humbled" in Shona.
venus Manyiten Woman Heart
venus Manyn Beloved
mars Manyu Mind; Wise; Powers; To think
mars Manyudeva A man of good spirits
mars Manzar A sight or a view
mars Manzi Occupational name for one who raised steers. Mostly used as a surname
mars Manzie Short for Amanda, Almanzo
mars Manzir One who raises caution and who warns others
mars Manzoor Accept
venus Manzoora An admirable and accepted woman
venus Manzuma A woman who is like a poem or a song
mars Manzur An admired and aknowledged man
venus Mao True Center
mars Maoilios Means "servant of Jesus" in Scottish Gaelic.
mars Maol Chaluim Scottish Gaelic form of Malcolm.
venus Maoli A Dominican Republic term for handmaiden
mars Maolsheachlann Modern Irish form of Máel Sechlainn.
mars Ma'ome Means "ice" in Cheyenne [1].
mars Maona God, He Who Made Earth
venus Maor Means "a light" in Hebrew.
venus-mars Maovesa Horse
mars Mapappa Someone who has been detached or removed
mars Mapelai Lovable
mars Mapiya Heavenly
venus Maple Maple
mars Maponos Means "great son", from the Celtic root *makwos meaning "son" (Gaulish and Brythonic mapos) combined with the divine or augmentative suffix -on. This was the name of a god of youth worshipped in Gaul and Britain. He was commonly equated with the Greco-Roman god Apollo [1][2][3].
mars Maqadar A fate, desitiny
mars Maqbool An accepted, aknowedged and beloved individual
venus Maqboola A person who is aknoledged and accepted
mars Maqbul A prayer that is accepted by the God
venus Maqbula A preyer aknowledged and accepted by God
mars Maqeem A resident, someone who stays
mars Maqitreni An Irish male name
mars Maqsood One who is intended to marry, a proposed person
venus Maqsooda A woman who is proposed
mars Maqsud A person who is destined to get married
mars Maquilla Unclear
mars Maquinna Unclear
venus-mars Mar The Sea
venus Mara bitter
mars Maraal Armenian - Deer
venus Maraala A woman greaceful as a swan
venus Maraam Aspiration; Wish; Desire
mars Maraatib A man of excelence and nobility
venus Marab Person focused on getting to the final point, reaching the goal
venus Marabel star of the sea
venus Marabella A sea of bitterness and sorrow
venus Marabelle star of the sea
venus Marabeth One who is like the sea of bitterness
venus Marable A marvelous woman
venus Marache From Mexican "mariachi", a style of mexican music
venus Marae Bitter
venus Maraed Woman who is pretty as a pearl
venus Marah bitter
venus Marai A woman of rebellious nature
venus Maraia A daughter that was wished for
mars Maraimalai A male name of Hindi origin
mars Maraimani A Hindu Boy name
venus Maraja Means "made of the sea" in Esperanto, a derivative of maro "sea", ultimately from Latin mare.
venus Marajade A female name of Hindi origin
venus Maral Swan
venus Marala Swan
venus Maralah From Maralah, Palestine
venus Maralin Beloved
venus Maralina bitter
venus Maralinda bitter
venus Maraline bitter
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