Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Maralyn star of the sea
venus Maralyne One who drowns in the sea of bitterness
venus Maralynn star of the sea
venus-mars Maram Wish, Desire
venus Marama She is like the moon
venus Marami Sympathetic; Aspiration; A variant of the name Maram
venus Maramiya Sympathetic; Aspiration; A variant of the name Maram
venus Maran A woman of the sea
venus Maranda worthy of admiration
mars Marant A warlike person
venus Maranz A fruit oragne
venus Maranzie A girl who is like the fruit orange
mars Marappan A Hindi Boy name
mars Maraqab A person of high rank, a praiseworthy person
venus Marared form of MARGARET - a pearl
mars Marat Life cycle
mars Maratib A person of excellence and dignity
venus Marava The Raga of the tradiotional Hindustani music
mars Maravan A person who is brave and fearless
venus Maravilla miracle to marvel at
venus-mars Maraville wonderful, extraordinary
venus Maraya admired
venus Marbella A Spanish place name
venus Marbelle Beloved
venus Marbita Plentiful
mars Marboar An English male name
mars Marboart A name given to Boys in England
mars Marc Warlike
venus Marca A person with rebelliousness in her heart
mars Marcaeus A man who is like the hammer
venus Marcail A girl pretty as a pearl
mars Marc-Antoine Worthy of praise
mars Marcario Bless, blessed by God
mars Marcas Rendered to Mars, warlike
venus Marce A war-like, gleaming person
mars Marceau Of Mars
venus Marcee dedicated to Mars
venus Marceen dedicated to Mars
mars Marcel Young Warrior
venus Marcela Young Warrior
venus Marcele dedicated to Mars
mars Marceli Pledged to Mars
mars Marcelin French form of Marcellinus.
venus Marcelina Young Warrior
venus Marcelinda dedicated to Mars
venus Marceline Young Warrior
mars Marcelinho Portuguese diminutive of Marcelo.
mars Marcelino Young Warrior
mars Marcell Young Warrior
venus Marcella Young Warrior
venus Marcelle dedicated to Mars
venus Marcellette French feminine diminutive of Marcellus.
venus Marcellin Marcellin is a form of Marc and means from Marcus or refers to the Roman god of war.
venus Marcellina dedicated to Mars
venus Marcelline dedicated to Mars
mars Marcellino Maori is the Maori of Mark and means from Marcus.
mars Marcellinus Roman family name that was derived from Marcellus. Saint Marcellinus was a pope of the early 4th century who was supposedly martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian.
mars Marcello Young Warrior
mars Marcellus Young Warrior
mars Marcelo Of Mars
venus Marcelyn dedicated to Mars
venus Marcena Martial
venus Marcene dedicated to Mars
venus Marcenia dedicated to Mars
venus Marcey dedicated to Mars
venus Marceyne dedicated to Mars
venus-mars March Month Of March Or Walk In Unison
venus Marcharie pearl
mars Marchel A woman who has the strenght of the hammer
venus Marcheline War Like
venus Marchella dedicated to Mars
venus Marchelle dedicated to Mars
mars Marchello Pledged to Mars
venus Marchery pearl
venus Marchesa A french title, a wife of Marchese
venus Marcheta pearl
mars Marchi A hostile person
venus Marchieta pearl
venus Marchita dedicated to Mars
mars Marchland From the March; Land in or along border regions : borderland
mars Marchman From the March; Land in or along border regions : borderland
venus Marci Warlike
venus Marcia Warlike
mars Marcial Rendered to Mars, warlike
venus Marciana dedicated to Mars
venus Marciane dedicated to Mars
venus Marcianne dedicated to Mars
mars Marciano Servant Of Mars, God Of War
mars Marcianus Roman family name that was a derivative of the praenomen Marcus. This was the name of a 5th-century Eastern Roman emperor. It was also borne by a 2nd-century saint: a bishop of Tortona, Italy.
venus Marcie Warlike
venus Marciella A young warrior
venus Marcila dedicated to Mars
venus Marcile dedicated to Mars
venus Marcilee dedicated to Mars
venus Marcille dedicated to Mars
venus Marcilyn dedicated to Mars
venus Marcilynn dedicated to Mars
mars Marcin Servant Of Mars, God Of War
venus Marcina dedicated to Mars
venus Marcine dedicated to Mars
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