Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Marcio He who is of Mars
mars Marcis Originally a short form of Mārtiņš, now used independently.
venus Marcita dedicated to Mars
mars Marcius Roman family name that was a derivative of the praenomen Marcus. This was the name of an early, possibly legendary, king of Rome.
venus Marcjanna Polish form of Marciana.
mars Marco Warlike
mars Marconi From The Family Of Marc
mars Marcos Of Mars
mars Marcu A form of Marcus, meaning God of war.
mars Marcus Warlike
venus Marcy Warlike
mars Mardav Softness; Simple; Delicate
venus Mardava She who is full of kindness
venus Mardea Last
venus Mardel A boundary hill
venus Mardell Meadow Near the Lake
venus Mardelle Coming from the valley
mars Marden from the valley with the pool
venus Mardhiah She who is loved and respected by all
venus Mardi Tuesday
venus Mardia A wishful person
venus Mardie She who is born on Tuesday
venus Mardina She who is righteous and just.
mars Mardochaios Biblical Greek form of Mordecai.
mars Mardochee French form of Mordecai.
mars Mardocheus Biblical Latin form of Mordecai.
mars Mardon From the Valley with the Pool; An English Surname from location
mars Mardoqueo Spanish form of Mordecai.
mars Marduk Probably from Sumerian amar-Utuk meaning "calf of Utu", derived from amar "calf" combined with the name of the sun god Utu. This was the name of the chief Babylonian god, presiding over heaven, light, sky, battle, and fertility. After killing the dragon Tiamat, who was an old enemy of the gods, he created the world and sky from the pieces of her body.
venus Mardy One who is Tuesday-born
venus Mare Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Marea One who is of the sea
venus Mareana Of the sea
venus Mared Pearl
mars Maredudd The great lord
venus Maree Of The Sea Or Bitter
mars Mareechi Ray of light
venus Mareechin Indian name for the Sun
venus Mareen from the sea
venus Mareena from the sea
venus Mareesa star of the sea
venus Mareesha She who travels a lot
venus Mareike Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Mareina from the sea
venus Mareisa star of the sea
mars Marek Warlike
mars Mareks Latvian form of Marek.
venus Marekyn A wished-for child
venus Marelaine A Brazilian name
venus Marelda famous battle maid
venus Marella star of the sea; shining sea
venus Marelle star of the sea
venus Marely A sea of bitterness
venus Marelyn star of the sea
venus Maren Pearl
venus Marena from the sea
venus Marenda Admirable
mars Mareo He who is rare
venus Maresa A pregnant mother
venus Maresella star of the sea
venus Maressa star of the sea
venus Maret Old Greek - Pearl; A variation of the name Margaret
venus Mareta One who is like a pearl
venus Marete Pearl, a variant of Margaret.
venus Maretta star of the sea
venus Marette star of the sea
venus Mareye Walloon form of Maria.
mars Marez An idealistic person with strong desires
venus Marfa Teacher
venus Marfisa Meaning uncertain. The poets Boiardo and Ariosto used this name in their Orlando poems (1495 and 1532), where it belongs to a Saracen warrior queen. She is the twin sister of Ruggiero, though separated at birth.
venus Marg Pearl
venus Marga pearl
venus Margaid Armenian name meaning pearl
venus Margalit pearl
venus Margalita Variant of Margalit.
venus Margalo pearl
venus Marganita From the name of a type of flowering plant common in Israel, called the scarlet pimpernel in English.
venus Marganor A variation of the name Margaret meaning pearl
venus Margara An old Greek name for a pearl
venus Margareeta Finnish and Estonian variant form of Margaret.
venus Margareete Margareete is a form of Margaret and means pearl.
venus Margaret Pearl
venus Margareta Pearl
venus Margarete pearl
venus Margareth British name for a pearl
venus Margaretha Old Greek - Pearl; A variation of the name Margaret
venus Margarethe pearl
venus Margarett A pearl from the sea
venus Margaretta Pearl
venus Margarette pearl
venus Margaria A daisy flower
venus Margarid Western Armenian transcription of Margarit.
venus Margarida pearl
venus Margarit pearl
venus Margarita Pearl
venus Margarite pearl
venus Margaritis Pearl
mars Margarito A man with pearls
venus Margaruite pearl
venus Margat Person who is a cluster of bloosoms and like a pearl
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