Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Margaux Pearl
venus Margawse Arthurian legend name, mother of Gawain
venus Marge Pearl
venus Margeaux French name meaning pearl
venus Marged Pearl
venus Margeen pearl
venus Margene One who has pearly eyes
venus Margeree pearl
venus Margeret pearl
venus Margeretta pearl
venus Margerey pearl
venus Margeria A daisy flower
venus Margerie pearl
venus Margerita pearl
venus Margery pearl
venus Margerye A pearl-like girl
venus Marget pearl
venus Margette pearl
venus Margetud German name for pearl
venus Margey pearl
mars Margh Margh is Cornish form of Mark and means consecrated to the god Mars.
venus Margharita pearl
venus Margherita pearl
mars Marghoob A desired one
venus Marghretta pearl
mars Marghub Desirable
venus Marghuba A coveted, desired girl
venus Margi pearl
venus Margie Pearl
mars Margielyn Beautiful Pearl
venus Margies pearl
mars Margin One who guides
venus Margisia pearl
venus Margit Pearl
venus Margita pearl
mars Margiteut A kind hearted, generous being
venus Margitta German variant form of Margaret.
venus Margize pearl
venus Margo Pearl
mars Margondes A judgemental and hard working individual
mars Margor A french name for pearl
venus Margoria Spanish name for Marjorie meaning pearl
venus Margot Pearl
venus Margotton Pearl
venus Margred pearl
venus Margreet Limburgish form of Margaret and a Dutch variant of Margriet.
venus Margret pearl
venus Margreta Old Greek - Pearl; A variation of the name Margaret
venus Margrete pearl
venus Margreth pearl
venus Margretha Dutch name for pearl
venus Margrethe Old Greek - Pearl; A variation of the name Margaret
venus Margrett pearl
venus Margrid pearl
venus Margriet Dutch form of Margaret. This is also the Dutch word for the daisy flower (species Leucanthemum vulgare).
venus Margrieta Pearl
venus Margriete Variation of the name Margaret, meanini pearl
venus Margrit pearl
venus Margrita Pearl
venus Margrjet Icelandic version of Margaret, meaning pearl.
venus Margry A nickname for Margaret, pearl
venus Marguarette pearl
venus Marguarita pearl
venus Marguerita pearl
venus Marguerite Pearl
venus Marguita pearl
venus Marguretta French name for a child of light
mars Margus A variant of Margus, meaning from Mars.
venus Margy pearl
mars Marhalt A person who has a good heart and strong mind
venus Marharyta A variation of the name Margaret meaning pearl
venus Marhaus One who is from a famous estate
venus Marhilda Germanic - A famous Battle maiden
venus Marhildi Germanic - A famous Battle maiden
venus Marhta lady; mistress of the house
venus Mari Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Maria Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Maria Angeles Combination of María and Ángeles.
venus Maria Auxiliadora Means "Mary the helper" in Spanish, a devotional title of the Virgin Mary.
venus Maria Belen Combination of María and Belén.
venus Mariabella A beautiful Mary
venus Maria Carmen Combination of María and Carmen. This was the most popular name for girls in Spain from the 1940s to the 1970s.
venus Maria Chiara Combination of Maria and Chiara.
venus Maria Concepcion Combination of María and Concepción.
venus Maria-Cristina Combination of María and Cristina.
venus Maria Cruz Combination of María and Cruz.
venus Maria de Jesus Means "Mary (the mother) of Jesus" in Spanish, a compound of María and Jesús.
venus Maria de la Cruz Means "Mary of the cross" in Spanish, a devotional title of the Virgin Mary.
venus Maria de las Mercedes Means "Mary of mercies" in Spanish, a devotional title of the Virgin Mary.
venus Maria del Carmen Means "Mary of Mount Carmel" in Spanish, a devotional title of the Virgin Mary (see Carmen).
venus Maria del Mar Means "Mary of the sea" in Spanish, a devotional title of the Virgin Mary.
venus Maria de los Angeles Means "Mary of the angels" in Spanish, a devotional title of the Virgin Mary.
venus Maria de los Dolores Means "Mary of sorrows" in Spanish, a devotional title of the Virgin Mary.
venus Maria Dolores Combination of María and Dolores.
venus Maria-Elena Combination of María and Elena.
venus Maria Fernanda Combination of María and Fernanda.
venus Maria Francesca Combination of Maria and Francesca.
venus Mariagart A person who appreciates art and design; ambitious
venus Maria Grazia Combination of Maria and Grazia.
venus Maria Guadalupe Combination of María and Guadalupe.
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