Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Mariah Bitter, Or From The Sea
venus Maria-Isabel Combination of María and Isabel.
venus Maria Jesus Combination of María and Jesús.
venus Maria Joao Combination of Maria and João.
venus Mariajose A bitterly wanted child
venus Maria-Jose Combination of María and José, the names of the parents of Jesus.
venus Maria Josefa Combination of María and Josefa.
venus Maria Josep Combination of Maria and Josep, the names of the parents of Jesus.
venus Marial star of the sea
venus Marialena star of the sea
venus Marialinda star of the sea
venus Marialisa star of the sea
venus Maria Lourdes Combination of María and Lourdes.
venus Maria-Luisa Combination of María and Luisa.
venus Mariam Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Mariama Beloved
venus Maria Manuela Combination of María and Manuela.
venus Maria Mar Combination of María and Mar.
venus Maria Mercedes Combination of María and Mercedes.
venus Mariami Georgian variant of Mariam, meaning bitter
venus Mariamne Beloved
venus Mariamu Swahili form of Miriam.
venus Marian Bitter, Or From The Sea
venus Mariana Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Marianah Of Mars
venus Marianda star of the sea; grace
venus Mariane Beloved
venus Marianel A star of rebelliousness
venus Marianela Beloved Star
venus Mariangela An angel of the sea of sorrow
venus Mariangely Maria Of The Angels
venus Maria Nieves Combination of María and Nieves.
venus Marianita Spanish diminutive of Mariana.
venus Mariann star of the sea; grace
venus Marianna Of Mars
venus Marianne Of The Sea Or Bitter
mars Mariano Warlike
venus Marianthi Combination of Maria and Greek ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower" (from names such as Chrysanthi).
mars Marianus Roman family name, which was itself derived from the Roman name Marius. This was the name of a few early saints.
venus Mariapia Combination of Maria and Pia.
venus Maria Pia Combination of Maria and Pia.
venus Maria Pilar Combination of María and Pilar.
venus Mariappan A name of the Goddess Mariamman
venus Maria Rosa Combination of María and Rosa 1.
venus Maria Rosario Combination of María and Rosario.
venus Mariasha A woman full of bittesness
venus Mariasole Combination of Maria and Sole.
venus Maria Soledad Combination of María and Soledad.
venus Mariateresa Bitter Harvester; A form of name is Maria Theresia
venus Maria-Teresa Combination of María and Teresa.
venus-mars Mariatu Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Maria Vittoria Combination of Maria and Vittoria.
venus Mariazinha Rebellious woman
venus Marib A woman with an ultimate goal
venus Maribel Combination Of Maria And Isabel
venus Maribell star of the sea; beautiful
venus Maribella Beloved
venus Maribelle star of the sea; beautiful
venus Maribeth Combination Of Maria And Elizabeth
venus Marica Beloved
venus Maricara A sea of bitterness, or rebelliousness.
venus Maricarmen One who has a sea of sorrow inside herself
venus Marice star of the sea
venus Maricel dedicated to Mars
venus Maricela Combination Of Maria And Celia
venus Maricella dedicated to Mars; star of the sea
venus Maricha A harsh and sour person
mars Marichi Ray of Light; Hope; Son of Brahma; One of the Saptarishi(Seven Sages); Ruler of people created by Brahma
venus Marichika A person who is a mirrage of ray of ligh
venus Marichka Ukrainian version of Maria, meaning star of the sea, bitter or beloved.
venus Maricia of the sea
venus Maricica Diminutive of Maria.
venus Mariclare bright, famous
venus Maricris One who swims in the sea of sorrow
venus Maricruz Rebellious, cross
venus Maricza A bitter woman
mars Marid A person with a rebellious personality
venus Maridel star of the sea
venus Marie Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Marie-Ange Combination of Marie and Ange.
venus Marieanne star of the sea
venus Marie-Christine Combination of Marie and Christine.
venus Marie-Claire Combination of Marie and Claire.
venus Marie-Claude Combination of Marie and Claude.
venus Marie-Eve Combination of Marie and Ève.
venus Marie-France Combination of Marie and France 1.
venus Marie-Francoise Combination of Marie and Françoise.
venus Marie-Helene Combination of Marie and Hélène.
venus Marie-Jose Combination of Marie and José, the names of the parents of Jesus.
venus Marieke Beloved
venus Mariel Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Mariela Elaboration Of Maria
venus Marie-Laure Combination of Marie and Laure.
venus Mariele She is the sea of sorrow
venus Marielena star of the sea
venus Mariella As a diminutive form of the name Maria, the name Mariella means 'bitterness' and is of particular popularity in Italy.
venus Marielle star of the sea
venus Marielos Contraction of María de los Ángeles.
venus Marie-Louise Combination of Marie and Louise.
venus Mariely One who is bright as a sea
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