Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Mariem Beloved
venus Marie-Madeleine Combination of Marie and Madeleine, referring to Mary Magdalene from the New Testament.
mars Marien star of the sea; grace
venus Mariena Of Mars
venus Mariene A woman who is the star of the sea
venus Marienna A bitter lovliness
venus Marie-Noelle Combination of Marie and Noëlle.
venus Marie-Pierre Combination of Marie and Pierre.
venus Marie-Rose Combination of Marie and Rose.
venus Mariesa Beloved
venus Mariessa Beloved
venus Mariet star of the sea; lady; mistress of the house
venus Marieta A puddle of sorrow
venus Marie-Therese Combination of Marie and Thérèse.
venus Marietjie Afrikaans diminutive of Maria.
venus Marietta Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Mariette Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Marifel Combination of Miria-sea of sorrow and Felicity-happiness
mars Marig A person who is an illusion, a mirage
venus Marigny A place name, a neighborhood of the City of New Orleance
venus Marigold Yellow Flower
venus Marigot A sea of good sorrowness
venus Mariha A joyfull and cheerfull girl
venus Marija Bitter Sea
mars Marijan Slovene form of Marianus, meaning male.
venus Marijana A graceful woman in the sea of bitterness
mars Marijani Means "coral" in Swahili, originally a borrowing from Arabic مرْجان (marjān).
venus Marije As Mary
venus Marijeta Croatian diminutive of Marija.
venus Marijka A rebellious woman
venus Marijke Of The Sea Or Bitter
mars Marijn A man from the sea
venus Marijo Croatian form of Marius.
venus Marijona Lithuanian feminine form of Marianus.
venus Marijose Short form of María José.
venus Marijse Dutch form of Marise.
mars Marijus Lithuanian form of Marius.
mars Marik A form of Mark, meaning warlike, martial.
venus Marika Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Marike As Mary
venus Marikit Beautiful
venus Marikka A woman of turbulent personality
venus Mariko Real, True, Village
venus Marilag Means "beautiful, gorgeous" in Tagalog.
venus Marilda emerald; famous battle maid
venus Marilee Combination Of Mary And Lee
venus Marilena star of the sea
venus Marilene star of the sea
venus Marilin star of the sea
venus Marilis shining sea
venus Marilisa star of the sea
venus Mariliza Star of the sea
venus Marilla Combination Of Mary And Priscilla
venus Marillyn star of the sea
venus Marilou star of the sea
venus Marilu Combination Of Mary And Lu
venus Marily A famous rebell
venus Marilyn Combination Of Mary And Lynn
venus Marilyne Combination of Marie and Line.
venus Marilynn star of the sea
venus Marilynne star of the sea
venus Marimar Contraction of María del Mar.
venus-mars Marin Of The Sea
venus Marina Of The Sea
venus Marinalee A woman from the healing sea
venus Marinda from the sea
venus Marine from the sea
venus-mars Marinel Of The Sea
venus Marinela A maiden of the sea
venus Marinell from the sea
venus Marinella from the sea
venus Marinelle from the sea
mars Mariner One who lives by the sea
venus Marinette French diminutive of Marine.
mars Marinho Rendered to Mars
mars Marini Pretty
venus Marinka Croatian and Slovene diminutive of Marina.
mars Marinko Croatian and Serbian diminutive of Marin.
venus Marinn To drown in the sea of sadness
venus Marinna from the sea
mars Marino Rendered to Mars
mars Marinos A young man of the sea
mars Marinus From the Roman family name Marinus, which derives either from the name Marius or from the Latin word marinus "of the sea". Saint Marinus was a 4th-century stonemason who built a chapel on Monte Titano, in the country that is today known as San Marino.
mars Mario Warlike
venus Marioara A wished child
venus Mariola A bitter dame
venus-mars Marion Bitter, Or From The Sea
venus Mariona A dame from the sea of misery
venus Marionna A maiden of the sea of misery
venus Mariora A dame from the sea of heartache
venus Marioria A sea of the misery
mars Marios A person full of bitterness and misery
venus Mariota A woman who looks like a pearl
venus Mariposa butterfly
venus Mariquilla star of the sea
venus Mariquita star of the sea
mars Mariraj One who is the king of the world
venus Maris Of The Sea
venus Marisa Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Marisabel God is my oath; of the sea
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