Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Marisah Beloved
venus Marise Beloved sun
venus Marisela Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Marisella star of the sea
mars Marisen An aggressive young man
venus Marisha bitter
venus Marishka A sea of melancholy, sorrow
venus Mariska Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Mariske star of the sea
venus Marisol Sunny Sea
venus Marissa of the sea
venus Marisse Beloved
venus Mariste A young woman of the sea
venus Maristela star of the sea; star
venus Maristella The one who rebells, a rebellion
venus Marit Pearl
venus Marita Pearl
venus Marite Diminutive of Māra.
venus Maritere Maria Teresa
venus Marites A lady of the sea
venus Maritess A sea of sadness
venus Marith A defiant woman
venus Maritsa star of the sea
venus Maritta Finnish diminutive of Maria.
venus Maritza Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Maritzah Pearl
mars Mariu Sardinian form of Marius.
venus Mariuerla Wagtail Bird
venus Mariun Hebrew - Wished for child; Sea of bitterness; To Swell; A variant form of Maria; As Mary; A variant of Marion
mars Marius Warlike
mars Mariusz Rendered to Mars
venus Mariutza A dark-skinned woman.
venus Marivel miracle to marvel at; wonderful, extraordinary
venus Marivella miracle to marvel at; wonderful, extraordinary
venus Marivelle wonderful, extraordinary
venus Marixa Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Mariya One who is greatly loved
mars Mariyadasan One who is loved by many
venus Mariyah The beloved one
venus Mariyam A variation of Mary; bitterness
venus Mariyan Bulgarian form of Marianus.
venus Mariyana Bulgarian variant of Mariana.
venus Mariyka Diminutive of Mariya.
venus Mariza of the sea
venus Marja Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Marjaan A small and delicate pearl
venus Marjaana Finnish form of Miriam.
venus Marjam merry
venus Marjan star of the sea
venus Marjana A Quranic name referring to a coral
venus Marjanah A precious stone, gem
venus Marjane One who is bitter
venus Marjani Coral
venus Marjanita Daughter of the sea.
venus Marjanne star of the sea
venus Marjary Variation of Marjorie which means Pearl
venus Marjatta Diminutive of Marja.
venus Marje pearl; star of the sea
venus Marjean Combination Of Mary And Jean
venus Marjer A rebelliousness, bitterness
venus Marjeria A greek name for pearl
venus Marjerie pearl
venus Marjery pearl
venus Marjeta pearl
venus Marjey pearl
venus Marji pearl
venus Marjia Desired, desirable, wished for
venus Marjie pearl
venus Marjo One who has deep inner desires and truths
venus Marjolaine marjoram
venus Marjolein Maria+Lina
mars Marjolijn Marjoram Herb
mars Marjon star of the sea
venus Marjorey pearl
venus Marjori pearl
venus Marjoria A name of a herb marjoram
venus Marjorie Pearl
venus Marjory pearl
venus Marju Estonian variant of Maarja.
venus Marjukka Diminutive of Marja.
venus Marjut A beloved girl
venus Marjy pearl
mars Mark Warlike
venus-mars Marka A People In Western Africa
mars Markanday A Devotee of Lord Shiva; A Sage who Wrote Devi Mahatmyam
mars Markandeya Sage
venus Markaret She who is a mainden in war
mars Markas Lithuanian form of Marcus (see Mark).
mars Marke A gleaming one
mars Markel Warlike
mars Markell Elaboration Of Mark
venus Markella She who is sour and bitter
venus Marketa Pearl
venus Marketta pearl
mars Markham Border or extremity of a homestead
venus Markia Warlike/Christ-Bearer
mars Markian One who has big eyes
venus Markie Warlike
venus Markisha A word for cinnamon
venus Markita Warlike
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