Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Markiyan Ukrainian form of Marcianus.
mars Markko From Mars
mars Markku Rebellious
mars Marko Of Mars
mars Markooz The one who is well centered
mars Markos Of Mars
mars Marks Of Mars
mars Marku Romanian form of Marcus, meaning defense or of the sea.
mars Markus Of Mars
mars Markuss Dedicated to Mars (the Roman god of war
mars Marl A lovely wood
venus Marla Combination Of Maria And Magdalene
venus Marlaina star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marlaine She who is from Magdala
mars Marlais Blue
mars Marlan A little hawk
venus Marlana star of the sea; from Magdala
mars Marland Person who lives near a lake
venus Marlane star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marlar Garland
venus-mars Marlas Combination Of Maria And Magdalene
venus Marlayna star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marlayne star of the sea; from Magdala
venus-mars Marlea star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marleah woman from Magdala
venus Marlee Combination Of Mary And Lee
venus Marleen woman from Magdala; star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marleena star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marleene star of the sea; from Magdala
venus-mars Marleigh Pleasant wood
venus Marleina star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marleisha Created Name
venus Marlele star of the sea
venus Marlem Unknown
venus-mars Marlen star of the sea
venus Marlena Combination Of Mary And Magdalene
venus Marlene Combination Of Mary And Magdalene
venus Marleni star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marlenie German comtraction of Mary Magdalene
venus Marlenn star of the sea; pretty
venus Marlenne star of the sea
venus Marlette star of the sea
venus-mars Marley From The Boundary Field
venus Marleyna Girl from the meadow
venus Marli Combination Of Maria And Magdalene
venus Marlia One who is bitter; ambitious person
venus Marlie Combination Of Mary And Magdalene
venus Marlies wished-for child
venus-mars Marlin Combination Of Maria And Magdalene
venus Marlina star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marlinda Woman from Magdala
venus Marline woman from Magdala; star of the sea; from Magdala
venus-mars Marlinn star of the sea; pretty
venus Marlis Combination Of Maria And Elizabeth
venus Marlisa star of the sea; God is my oath
venus Marlise wished-for child
venus Marlisha star of the sea; God is my oath
venus Marliss star of the sea; God is my oath
venus Marlissa star of the sea; God is my oath
venus Marlo Lake Remains
venus Marloes Maria+Louise
mars Marlon little hawk
venus-mars Marlow Lake Remains
venus-mars Marlowe Hill by the lake
venus Marly Combination Of Maria And Magdalene
venus Marlyn star of the sea; from Magdala; star of the sea; pretty
venus Marlyne woman from Magdala
venus Marlynn star of the sea
venus Marlynne star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marlys star of the sea; God is my oath
venus Marlyse star of the sea; God is my oath
venus Marlyssa star of the sea; God is my oath
mars Marmaduke Leader of the seas
mars Marmalade A Preserve From Citrus Fruit.
mars Marmar Marble stone
venus Marmara radiant
venus Marmareen She who is like a marble
venus Marmarin Marble-like woman
mars Marmee Mother
venus Marmel Vineyard of the Lord
mars Marmik Perceptive; Piognant; Touching;
venus Marna from the sea; star of the sea; from Magdala
venus Marne from the sea; sparkling, shining
venus Marnee from the sea
mars Marnell from the sea
venus Marnetta from the sea
venus Marnette from the sea
venus Marney sparkling, shining; from the sea
venus Marni Rejoice
venus Marnia sparkling, shining
venus Marnica Variation of the name Marni meaning to rejoice
venus Marnie From The Sea
mars Marnin Causing Joy
venus Marnina Causing Joy
venus Marnisha from the sea
venus Marnita To put in front of one's eyes
mars Marnix From a Dutch surname, derived from the name of a village in Savoy, France. It is given in honour of the Flemish and Dutch statesman Philips of Marnix (1540-1598), also a notable writer.
venus Marnja sparkling, shining; from the sea
venus Marny A woman who brings joy
venus Marnya sparkling, shining; from the sea
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