Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus-mars Maro Myself
venus Marolie From Marie, meaning the sea of sorrow
venus Marolyn Bitter dwells by the torrent
mars Maron Male Saint
venus Marona Hebrew - Flock of Sheep
mars Maroney A descendant of the hero. Used mainly as an English surname
mars Maronie One who is the son of the hero
mars Maroof A good deed, someone who does good deeds
venus Maroofa She who actc from kindness, who does good deeds
venus Marooke An English female name
venus Maroona sheep
mars Marouane A solid stone from marou that was used to make fire in ancient times.
mars Maroun One who has a Saint's name
venus Marqooma A well-defined person, someone who is good in writing
mars Marque Of Mars
mars Marquel A warlike person, one who is like the Mars
mars Marques Warlike
venus Marquesa One who works with a hammer.
mars Marquese A man who is like Mars the God of War
venus Marquesha Borderland Ruler
mars Marquess A nobleman of the hereditary rank
venus Marquetta Land Owner
venus-mars Marquette Land Owner
mars Marquez Marquis
mars Marquinhos Portuguese diminutive of Marcos.
mars Marquis Noble Title, Landowner
venus-mars Marquise Lord
venus Marquita dedicated to Mars
mars Marquon Combination of Mark and Quon
venus Marra Bitter
venus Marralin A female british name
venus Marralynn star of the sea
venus Marre She is a wished-for daughter
venus Marrelda famous battle maid
venus Marretje From Marie, a wished-for daughter
venus Marri M = Chinesee Tribe F Or
venus Marriah A person who is seen by Yahweh
venus Marriam Pious and God-fearing woman devoted to God
venus Marrian A rebelleousness in the person
venus Marrianne The feeling of rebelleousness
venus Marriba A woman considered the star of the sea
mars Marric He is the star of the sea
venus Marrica Combination Of Mary And Erica
venus Marriet Derived from Mary, meaning 'bitterness' in Hebrew or 'pearl' in Old Greek.
venus Marrilee joyful
venus Marrilin star of the sea
mars Marrill He has the light of the sea
venus Marrilyn star of the sea
venus Marrilynn Bitter dwells by the sea tide
venus-mars Marrim Of Unknown Meaning
mars Marrio One who is like the God Mars
venus Marrioria She is like the God of war
venus Marriposa butterfly
venus Marris of the sea
venus Marrisa A dame of the sea
venus Marrissa of the sea
venus Marrissia A fair lady of the sea
venus Marrlen star of the sea; pretty
venus Marrlin star of the sea; pretty
mars Marrok A knight that was thought to be a warewolf
venus Marry Of hebrew and old greek origin, meaning 'bitterness' and 'pearl', commonly used as a girl name but a significant boys name too.
venus-mars Mars God Of War
mars Marsad A companion of prophet PBUH
venus Marsaili Young warrior, rendered to Mars
venus Marsala Sweet wine
venus Marsali A maiden who is like a pearl
venus Marsalina dedicated to Mars
mars Marschall Horsekeeper
mars Marsden Marsh valley
mars Marsdon A person who is from the boundary of the valley
venus Marsee dedicated to Mars
venus Marseea dedicated to Mars
venus Marseille A woman sweet as wine
venus Marseilles La Marseillaise
venus Marsella dedicated to Mars
venus Marselle dedicated to Mars
venus Marsellonia dedicated to Mars
venus Marsey dedicated to Mars
mars Marsh Horsekeeper
venus Marsha Warlike
mars Marshal Horsekeeper
mars Marshall keeper of the horses
venus Marshanda A brave and bold girl.
mars Marshe Horsekeeper
mars Marshel A servant who takes care of the horses
venus Marshella dedicated to Mars
venus Marsia dedicated to Mars
venus Marsiella dedicated to Mars
mars Marsilea Four-leaf Clover
venus Marsilla Warring; A variant of Marcella
venus Marsillia A woma who dedicated herself to Mars
venus Marsita dedicated to Mars
venus Marsona A young woman who is like the God Mars
mars Marsten he is from the town near the marsh
mars Marston From The Marsh Town
mars Mart Of Mars
venus Marta Lady
venus Martah Of Mars
mars Martan A person dedicated to be warlike
mars Martand Sun
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