Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Martanda The Sun; King of Thiruvithamkoor; Has a Sanskrit meaning as bird
mars Martans He is warlike and devoted to Mars
venus Marte lady; mistress of the house
venus Marteena dedicated to Mars
venus Marteina dedicated to Mars
mars Martel Of Mars
mars Martell Hammerer
venus Martella lady; mistress of the house
venus Martelle lady; mistress of the house
mars Martelli Hammersmith
mars Marten Of Mars
mars Martese War like or martial
mars Martez Mostly used as a surname, means "From the God Mars
mars Marth lady; mistress of the house
venus Martha Lady
venus Marthand A lady mistress
venus Marthe lady; mistress of the house
venus Marthena lady; mistress of the house
venus Marthese Maltese form of Martha.
mars Marthin Of Mars
venus Marthine lady; mistress of the house
venus Marthini lady; mistress of the house
venus Marthy Lady
mars Marti Of Mars
venus Martia dedicated to Mars
mars Martial A warring, military person
mars Martialis Original Latin form of Martial.
venus-mars Martie Of Mars
mars Martiinus Of Mars
mars Martijn Soldier
venus Martika A woman who is a soldier of Mars
mars Martillo Servant Of Mars, God Of War
mars Martim Rendered to Mars
mars Martin Warlike
venus Martina warlike
venus Martine Servant Of Mars
mars Martinet Mars
mars Martinez Descendant Of Martin
venus Martinha Portuguese form of Martina.
mars Martinho Portuguese form of Martinus (see Martin).
venus Martini A pettite woman who is a soldier of Mars
mars Martinien Warlike
venus Martinique Of Mars
mars Martino Servant Of Mars, God Of War
mars Martinos A man who is warring
mars Martins Of Mars
mars Martinson Mars
mars Martinus One with battling, warring personality
mars Martirio Martyr
venus Martisha Martial or warlike
venus Martita lady; mistress of the house
venus Martje lady; mistress of the house
mars Martne One who is always at war
mars Marton Of Mars
venus Martta lady; mistress of the house
mars Martti Rendered to Mars
venus Martuska Lady of the house
mars Marty Servant Of Mars, God Of War
mars Martyn Of Mars
venus Martyna Derived from the Latin meaning 'war-like, dedicated to Mars', it is used mainly in the Polish language
mars Martynas Lithuanian form of Martinus (see Martin).
venus Martyne lady; mistress of the house
venus Martynne lady; mistress of the house
mars Martzel Basque form of Marcellus.
mars Maru Something Precious; Used to suffix in Japanese names;
mars Maruca Of The Sea Or Bitter
mars Marudan He who comes from the magical trees
mars Marudeva Lord of the Desert; God of the Desert
venus Marudevi Name of lord Rishbhdev's mother.
mars Marudhan A person who lives in the enchanted trees
venus Marudhvathi A name of the Goddess Durga
mars Marudu A name of the King Marudu Pandiya
mars Maruf He does good deeds
mars Maruff One who is a Do-gooder
mars Marufirah He who is respected; another name for Quran
mars Marukatam A name of emerald
mars Marunda He who is industrious
mars Marus Of Mars
venus Marusa Diminutive of Marija.
venus Marushika Born with the blessings of Lord Shiva
venus Marusia A sea of bitterness
venus Marusya Russian and Ukrainian diminutive of Mariya.
mars Marut The Wind; The Storm God; The father of Hanuman and Bheema
venus Maruta A flashing, shining one
mars Marutatmaj Most Beloved Like Gems; One of many names of Lord Hanuman
mars Maruteesh A name of Lord Hanuman
mars Marutha The messanger of God
mars Maruthi A name of Bhimsen
mars Maruthi Prasad Blessings of Lord Hanuman; Offerings made for Lord Hanuman; Gift from Lord Hanuman
mars Maruti One of many names of Lord Hanuman; Son of Marut or Son of the Wind
mars Marutpati An Indian name
venus Marutta A sea of bitterness or sorrow
mars Maruvili A name of powerful God; protective
venus Maruxa One who is traveller; a bitter individual
mars Marv Great Lord
venus Marva Sage
venus Marvadene renowned friend
mars Marvan A brave person
mars Marve wonderful, extraordinary
venus-mars Marvel To Wonder, Admire
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