Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Marvela To Wonder, To Admire
venus Marvele wonderful, extraordinary
mars Marvell wonderful, extraordinary
venus Marvella miracle to marvel at; wonderful, extraordinary
mars Marvelle miracle to marvel at; wonderful, extraordinary
venus Marvelyn wonderful, extraordinary
mars Marven A sea friend
venus Marvene Great Lady
mars Marvin Great Lord
venus Marvina renowned friend
mars Marvolo One who is ill will; a character from Harry Potter
mars Marvyn One who lives in the sea fortess
venus Marwa Flint Stone
venus Marwaareed A jewel, gem stone
venus Marwah A mountain in Makkah
mars Marwan Flint Stone
venus Marwarid A jewel
mars Marwin Famous friend
mars Marwood One who is from the lake forest
mars Marwynn Celtic - Friend of the Sea; Marvelous; Sea Lover; A form of Marvin
mars Marx Of Mars
venus Mary bitter
venus Marya Seen by Yahweh
venus Maryam Sea, Flower, Bitter
venus Maryamu Hausa form of Maryam.
venus Maryan star of the sea; grace
venus Maryana Of Mars
venus Maryann A variant of the name Mary, meaning 'bitterness' or 'longed for child'.
venus Mary-Ann Combination of Mary and Ann.
venus Maryanna star of the sea; grace
venus Maryanne star of the sea; grace
venus Mary-Anne Combination of Mary and Anne 1.
venus Marybel Beloved
venus Marybell star of the sea
venus Marybelle star of the sea; beautiful
venus Marybeth star of the sea
venus Mary-Beth Combination of Mary and Beth.
venus Marycruz star of the sea
venus Marye A wished-for child
venus Maryella A sea of sorrow
venus Maryelle Italian diminutive of Maria
venus Maryellen Combination of Mary (bitter) and El
venus Maryetta star of the sea
venus Marygold A flower name
venus Marygrace A graceful person who shares joy
venus Maryia Belarusian form of Maria.
mars Maryinane Unknown
venus Maryjane Combination Of Mary And Jane
venus Mary-Jane Combination of Mary and Jane.
venus Maryjo star of the sea
venus Mary-Jo Combination of Mary and Jo.
venus Maryk star of the sea
venus Maryka star of the sea
venus Mary-Kate Combination of Mary (bitter) and Ka
venus Maryl shining sea
venus Maryla Rebellious woman
venus-mars Maryland Mary's Land
venus Marylea joyful
venus Marylee star of the sea; joyful
venus Marylene Combination of Marie and Hélène.
venus Marylin star of the sea
venus Maryline Combination of Marie and Line.
venus Marylou star of the sea
venus Mary-Lou Combination of Mary and Lou.
venus Marylu star of the sea
venus Marylyn Beloved
venus Marylynn star of the sea
venus Maryn from the sea
venus Maryna Of the sea
venus Marynia Ukrainian variant of Mary, meaning bitter.
venus Maryon star of the sea
venus Maryonn star of the sea
venus Maryrose A bitter rose
venus Marys of the sea
venus Marysa star of the sea
venus Maryse star of the sea
venus Marysia star of the sea
venus Maryska Ukrainian variant of Mary, meaning bitter.
venus Marysol Beloved sun
venus Maryssa of the sea
venus Marysue Mary (bitter); Sue (lily)
venus Marytza Pearl
venus Maryvonne Combination of Marie and Yvonne.
venus Maryweld Mary of the woods
venus Maryzela star of the sea
mars Marzal A father of Martin, surname
venus Marzanna Probably a Polish variant of Marianna.
venus Marzatie A muslim girl name
mars Marzell German variant of Marcellus.
venus Marzena Rebellious woman
venus Marzhan coral
mars Marzhin Marzhin is Bretons form of Martin and means from Mars
venus Marzhina Marzhina is Bretons form of Martina and means from Mards
venus Marzia martial
venus Marzieh A satisfatied person
mars Marzio He who is war-like
venus Marziyah Another name for Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
mars Marzooq One who has been given talents
venus Marzooqa The blessed one
mars Marzouq One who is blessed by God
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