Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Marzug A fortunate one
venus Marzuka A person who is blessed by the Allah
mars Marzuq One who has fortune and bliss
mars Marzuqah He who is blessed by God
mars Mas The lucky one
venus Masa Japanese name meaning true sand
mars Masaaki Brilliant Light, Prosper, Clear
mars Masab Name of a friend of Prophet Muhammad.
mars Masabih A lamp
venus Masada Foundation, Support
venus Masae One who is blessed with elegance
mars Masafumi Writings, Prosper, Elegant, History
mars Masaharu From Japanese 正 (masa) meaning "right, proper" or 雅 (masa) meaning "elegant, graceful" combined with 治 (haru) meaning "govern, administer" or 春 (haru) meaning "spring (the season)". This name can also be formed from other combinations of kanji characters.
mars Masahide Prosper, Excellence, Beauty
mars Masahiko From Japanese 雅 (masa) meaning "elegant, graceful" or 正 (masa) meaning "right, proper" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince". This name can be formed from other kanji combinations as well.
venus Masahir An ancient Arabic lute
mars Masahiro Wide, General, Ocean
mars Masakatsu Prosper, Win, Rule, Patient
mars Masakazu First son of Masa
mars Masaki Elegant, Beginning, Shine
venus Masako Justice
venus Masal From Turkish masal meaning "fairy tale, story".
mars Masalina Unknown
mars Masamba Means "leaves, vegetables" in Yao.
venus Masami Become Beautiful
mars Masanobu Prosper, Elegant, Trust
mars Masao A saint
venus Masara A magical woman
venus Masarrah A delighful person
mars Masarrat Word for happiness and delight
mars Masaru Victory
mars Masashi Commander, General
mars Masato Japanese name for justice
venus Masauna Plaster for a wound
venus Masaye Prosper, Right, Blessed
venus Masayo Elegant, Generation, Lifetime
venus Masayu Gold or golden.
mars Masayuki Elegant, Proper, Good Future
mars Mascara Mother Of Soldiers
mars Mase Stoneworker
mars Maseehuzzaman Messiah of the age
venus Masego Divine favor
venus Masel A clergyman
mars Masen Stoneworker
mars Masensen Berber form of Massinissa.
venus Masey An English name of the Old French origin, a variation of its Old English root, Macy. It means 'weapon'.
venus Masgaba One who is born with a vision and light
venus Masha star of the sea
venus Mashaal Radiating light - lamp, lantern, torch
venus Mashael Sources of light, light or radiance.
venus-mars Mashaka Trouble
venus Mashal A thing that radiates light
mars Mash'al A torch
mars Mashava Red
mars Masheer Advisor
venus Mashel Shinig light on something
venus Mashelle who is like God?
mars Mashhood A person who has witnessed something, who was present
venus Mashhuda To manifest or present somenthing
mars Mashhur A person that is well-know and famous
mars Mashkoor A person that is worthy of praise
mars Mashkur A person whose acts have gained his gratefulness of people
venus Mashmool A girl that is sought after
mars Mashooq A sweetheart that is deeply loved and beloved
mars Mashuq A beloved sweetheart
venus Masia A person with a bitter character
mars Masid One who wishes to know things
venus Masie Derived for old Greek language, meaning 'pearl'. May also be a variant of the name Macy, originnaly a surname and place name meaning 'domain belonging to Maccius'.
venus Masiela More Sky
mars Masih Blessed One; Christ
venus Masika Born on a rainy day
mars Masilamani A name of the Lord HAnuman
mars Masili An ocupational name, one who is a stoneworker
mars Masir A man who is going after his ultimate goal
venus Masira A woman who loves doing good deeds
mars Masis A place name from the city Masis in Armenia
venus Maskeen A humble and modest individual
venus Maslama A feeling of safety and security
mars Maslen Little twin
mars Maslorius A Celtic name given to Boys
venus Maslyn A petitte, little twin
venus Maslynn Little blooming flower.
mars Masmud A place name, Berber tribal confederacy of Marocco
mars Maso Twin
mars Mason Stone Worker, Brick Layer
mars Masood Lucky
venus Masooda A happy, lucky and fortunate individual
mars Masoom An innocent, enerring and dependable individual
venus Masoomeh Alternate transcription of Persian معصومه (see Masoumeh).
venus Masoon A well protected girl who is alwats safeguarded
venus Masota A girl who was a Gift of God
mars Masoud Lucky
venus Masouda One who is blessed with good fortune and happiness
venus Mas'ouda One who has fortune and luck
venus Masoumah A person who has no sinses, an innocent one
venus Masoumeh An innocent girl with no sins
mars Masozi Means "tears" in Tumbuka.
mars Masrani A common male name in India
mars Masroor A oleased and happy one
mars Masruq A male name with Indian and Hindu origin
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