Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Michellette A graceful blessing from the God
venus Michelyne Diminutive of Michelle.
venus Michi Righteous Way
mars Michiaki Path, Road, Lane
mars Michial The angel of the Almighty
mars Michiel The one who carries God's message.
venus-mars Michigan Great Lake
venus Michiko Beauty, Wisdom
mars Michinori Street, Road, Law, Virtue
mars Michio Man On A Journey
venus Michiye Beatuiful, Knowledge, Sense
venus Michiyo Companion, Road, Beautiful, Generation
mars Michol Biblical Latin form of Michal 2.
venus-mars Michon Who Is Like God?
venus Miciah the priceless gift from God.
venus Miciela A blessed gift from God
mars Micjo Esperanto diminutive of Michael.
mars Mick Who Is Like God?
mars Mickael the very expensive skills from God.
mars Mickal the God is supreme.
venus Mickayla Form of MICHAEL - who is like God
venus Mickee who is like God?
mars Mickel God is Almighty and there is no one can be like him.
venus-mars Mickey Who Is Like God?
mars Micki who is like God?
venus Mickie who is like God?
mars Micky who is like God?
mars MickyMisha Who is like God
mars Micol Who Is Like God?
venus Micole brook
mars Micos Type Of Monkey
mars Mictlantecuhtli Lord of Mictlan
venus Midajah A person with mystic powers and rational mind
mars Midas momentary and excellent industry.
venus Middleton From The Middle Town
venus Mide the one who is in need of water.
venus Midge who is like God?
venus Midha Praise, Compliment
venus Midhaa the one sho is recognized with gratefulness.
venus Mid'haa recognize with gratitude.
venus Midhah tribute or inspiration.
mars Midhat Praise, Compliment
mars Midhil gentle ness.
mars Midhilesh father of Seetha devi.
mars Midhinesh the Lord Indira, who is the monarch of paradise.
mars Midhush producing in abundance.
mars Midian Strife or upheaval
venus-mars Midnight 12:00 AM
mars Mido Praiseworthy
venus Midori Green
venus Mie three way division.
mars Mieczysław Possibly derived from the Slavic elements mečĭ "sword" and slava "glory".
venus Mieczysława Feminine form of Mieczysław.
venus Mieke the unpleasant or harsh taste.
venus Mieko Already Prosperous
venus Miela Means "sweet" in Esperanto, derived from mielo "honey", ultimately from Latin mel.
venus Mielikki Derived from Finnish mieli meaning "mind, mood". This was the name of a Finnish goddess of forests and hunting. By some accounts she is the wife of the god Tapio.
venus Mielle Honey, sweet as honey, sugary
venus Mien Stout protector
venus Miep Dutch diminutive of Maria.
mars Miervaldis A ruler of peace, King of peace
mars Mies the favorite son of the planter.
venus Miesha alive and well
mars Mieszko well known gentel man.
venus Mietta minor and sugary.
venus Miette Pearl/little One
venus Mieze Hebrew - Small; Bitter
mars Miftaah fundamental or basic.
venus Miftah the one who guides others to the upright path.
mars Mifzal marvelous and hallowed person.
venus Migdalia tower
venus Migdalla tower
venus Migdana Gift
venus Migina Fairy Woman
venus-mars Migisi Eagle
mars Migl One who shares joy and remains united
venus Migle Derived from Lithuanian migla meaning "mist".
venus Mignon Favorite, Darling
venus Mignonette Favorite, Darling
venus Mignonne cute
mars Miguel Who Is Like God?
venus Miguela who is like God?
mars Miguelangel A God-like angel, or a angel of God
mars Miguel-Angel Spanish cognate of Michelangelo.
venus Miguelina who is like God?
venus Miguelita who is like God?
mars Miguelito Diminutive of Miguel.
venus Mi-Gyeong From Sino-Korean 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with 京 (gyeong) meaning "capital city" or 景 (gyeong) meaning "scenery, view". Other hanja combinations are possible.
mars Miha Miha is the short form of Mihael and means 'Who is like God?
mars Mihael Slovene and Croatian form of Michael.
venus Mihaela who is like God?
mars Mihaelo Original Esperanto form of Michael.
mars Mihai there is none like the great God.
mars Mihail A lovely gift from the God
venus Mihaila who is like God?
mars Mihailo The precious gift from God
mars Mihails A form of Michael, meaning who is like God.
mars Mihaita Pet form of Mihai, meaning who is like God?
mars Mihajlo Serbian form of Michael.
mars Mihal Who Is Like God?
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