Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Mihalia who is like God?
mars Mihalis An angel carrying out God's judgement
venus Mihaliya who is like God?
mars Mihaly Who Is Like God?
mars Mihammad Worthy Of Praise.
mars Mihangel Who Is Like The Lord?
mars Mihas Mihas is a form of Michael and means who is like God.
mars Miheer the ruler fo the deep sea.
mars Mihemed Kurdish form of Muhammad.
venus Mihewi Sun Woman
venus Mihika haze, miasma, droplets.
mars Mihir Sun
venus Mihira the great Sun.
mars Mihirkiran Rays
mars Mihit the Goddess Surya, Sun.
mars Mihkel Estonian form of Michael, meaning who is like God?
mars Mihkkal Northern Sami form of Michael.
venus Miho An Ear Of Rice
venus Mihoko child of shielded loveliness.
mars Mihovil Croatian form of Michael, meaning who is like God.
mars Mihr the pledge and promise.
mars Mihran A rain of kindness by Almighty
mars Mihrdat Parthian form of Mithridates.
mars Mihuthan the person who has superfluous in whole things.
mars Mihyar the name of a famous poet.
venus Miia Finnish form of Mia.
mars Miigwan Means "feather" in Ojibwe.
venus Miika who looks like God, who is like unto the powerful God.
venus Miillaaraq Humming
mars Miiltiathis Red earth or earth which is of red color
venus Miina Short form of Vilhelmiina.
venus Mija Discontent towards authority, the one who is resisting control, disagreeable taste
mars Mijndert Power Strong
mars Mijo Diminutive of Milan or Mihovil.
mars Mik who can stand equal to the most high God.
venus-mars Mika Beautiful Smell
mars Mikaail The main angel of Allah who brings Allah's judgements
mars Mikaeel the messenger Angel of the most high and powerful God.
mars Mikael the talent from the almighty God.
venus Mikaela Form of MICHAEL - who is like God
mars Mikaelah An angel of Allah, the messenger
mars Mikaere Who is like God
mars Mikah The angel of God
venus-mars Mikaia Who Is Like God?
mars Mikail A variant of the biblical name Michael, which poses the rhetorical question 'who is like God?'.
mars Mika'Il one of the four most powerful Angels, Michael in English
venus Mikaila Form of MICHAEL - who is like God
venus Mikailah Who Is Like God?
mars Mikaili Who Is Like God?
mars Mikako Beautiful, Scent, Child
mars Mikal The dear messenger of God
mars Mikala Who is Yahwe?
venus Mikalah Hebrew- Who is like God?,Latinate feminine form of Michael
mars Mikalai Alternate transcription of Belarusian Мікалай (see Mikalay).
venus Mikalay Belarusian form of Nicholas.
venus Mikalyn Female form of Michael that means God's messenger
venus Mikan A Japanese word that means Orange or tangerine.
venus Mikara Created Name
venus Mikasa A Nara Word that means three hats of Bamboo. Also means "to resolve
mars Mikasi Coyote
venus Mikaya American variant of the name Malachi that means the messenger or the angel.
mars Mikayeel Someone who is like the messenger of God.
mars Mikayel Armenian form of Michael.
venus Mikayla Who Is Like God?
venus Mikaylah Form of MICHAEL - who is like God
venus Mikaylee One who carries God's messages
mars Mikayo Beautiful, Scent, Generation
mars Mike Who Is Like God?
mars Mikeal One who provides the message of God
mars Mikel Who Is Like God?
mars Mikelis A form of Michael, meaning who is like God.
mars Mikell Someone who is equivalent to messenger of God.
venus Mikella who is like God?
mars Mikelle who is like God?
mars Mikelo Modern Esperanto form of Michael.
venus Mikenna An African name that means who brings the Joy.
venus Mikenzi A Gaelic word that means Son of Kenneth.
venus Mikenzie Form of MACKENZIE - son of a wise ruler, born of fire
mars Mikesh a mate, a companion or an associate.
venus-mars Mikey Who Is Like The Lord?
venus Mikha Hebrew form of Micah.
mars Mikhael Hebrew- Who is like God?,Latinate feminine form of Michael
mars Mikha'El Biblical Hebrew form of Michael.
venus Mikhaela Female version of mikail that refers to the message carrier of God
mars Mikhail Who Is Like God?
mars Mikha'Il Arabic form of Michael.
venus Mikhaila who is like God?
mars Mikhailo Alternate transcription of Ukrainian Михайло (see Mykhailo).
venus Mikhal Biblical Hebrew form of Michal 2.
mars Mikhayahu Hebrew form of Micaiah.
venus Mikhayla who is like God?
mars Mikheil Georgian form of Michael It means who is like God?
mars Mikhilesh An Indian name that refers to Lord Shiva.
mars Mikhol Derivative of Mikel that means someone like God's messenger.
venus-mars Miki Beautiful, Chronicle
venus Mikia Unknown
mars Mikiel Maltese form of Michael.
venus Mikiesha Her Life
venus Mikiko Beginning, Beautiful, Child
mars Mikin A strong person in Hindi. Someone with incredible strength.
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