Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Mikino Beautiful, Beginning, Tree Trunk
mars Mikio Tree Trunk, Husband, Happiness
mars Mikita Belarusian form of Niketas.
mars Mikk Who is Godlike? Estonian form of Michael
mars Mikkael Icelandic version of Michael, meaning who is like God.
mars Mikkel Who Is Like God?
venus Mikkeli Refers to someone equivalent to the God's messenger.
venus Mikkeline Which man is like God?
venus Mikki who is like God?; three trees together; quick, nimble
mars Mikkjal Faroese form of Michael.
mars Mikkli Who is like God? Estonian form of Michael
mars Mikko Who Is Like God?
mars Miklavz Slovene form of Nicholas.
mars Miklos People's triumph
mars Miko A present from the Almighty.
mars Mikola The victory or a win of the people.
mars Mikolaj This name is used predominantly in Polish and derives from Old Greek meaning 'victory of the people'.
mars Mikołaj Polish form of Nicholas.
mars Mikolas People's triumph
mars Miksa A form of Maximillian, meaning greatest.
venus Miku Beautiful, Sky, Long Time
mars Mikul Comrade
mars Mikula People's triumph
mars Mikulas People's triumph
venus Mikyla who is like God?
mars Mikyle The one who is like or equivalent to the carrier of the God's message.
venus Mi Kyong Beauty and brightness
venus Mi-Kyung Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 미경 (see Mi-Gyeong).
venus Mila People's Favor
venus Milaan A Hindi word that name "to meet" or "to join
venus Milaana modern name, from Italian city of Milan
venus Milabelle A beautiful girl, full or grace
mars Milad Birth
venus Milada my love
venus Miladena favored
venus Milagra Miracle
venus Milagritos miracles
mars Milagro Miracle
venus Milagros Miracles
venus Milagrosa Means "miraculous" in Spanish. It is taken from the phrase medalla milagrosa meaning "miraculous medal", referring to the devotional medal made by Adrien Vachette based on Saint Catherine Labouré's visions of the Virgin Mary in Paris in 1830.
mars Milam From the house situated near mill
venus-mars Milan From The Middle Of The Plain
venus Milana favored
mars Miland From The Middle Of The Plain
venus-mars Milandu A Case To Answer
venus Milani A soft and gentle affectionate touch
venus Milania The humanitarian union
venus Milanka favored
mars Milann French variant of Milan.
mars Milap Coming together
venus Milaslava One who likes or wants to be glorified
mars Milba Amiable Protector
mars Milbourn Mill Stream; Border; From the Mill Stream; A variant form of Melbourne
mars Milbourne Mill Stream; Border; From the Mill Stream; A variant form of Melbourne
mars Milburga Amiable Protector
mars Milburn Mill on a stream
venus Milcah queen
venus Mild Kind, Soft-spoken, tolerant, Mild-tempered, Patient
venus Milda Goddess of Love and Friendship
venus Mildburg Derived from the Old English elements milde "gentle" and burg "fortress". Saint Mildburg or Milburga, the sister of Saint Mildred, was a daughter of a 7th-century Mercian king. She was supposedly in possession of magical powers.
venus Mildgyð Old English name derived from the elements milde "gentle" and guð "battle". This was the name of a 7th-century saint, the sister of Saint Mildred.
venus Mildgyth A tender gift, a small one
venus Mildoina A mild power of someone
venus Mildraed Someone of little strength
venus Mildred Mild Strength
venus Mildrid gentle strength
venus Mildryd Old English - Gentle Adviser; Gentle Strength; A variant of the name Mildred
venus Mildryth A person of gentle strength
venus Mildþryð Old English form of Mildred.
mars Mile Gracious
venus Milee Hard-working
venus Mileena favored
mars Milek Victorious People
mars Milen Gracious
venus Milena People's Love
venus Milenka Black
mars Milenko Dear, one who is cherished by all
mars Miles Soldier
mars Milesant A proud soldier, boastful
mars Milesanta A proud warrior, who takes pride in war
venus Milesent A variant of the name Millicent which means hard worker in old Greek
venus Mileva From the Slavic element milŭ meaning "gracious, dear".
venus Miley Smiley
mars Milford A ford on a mill
mars Milgen One who looks out for opportunities
venus Mili Who Is For Me?
venus Milia A Rival person, one who imitates
mars Miliama Bitter
mars Milian Swedish and Norwegian short form of Maximilian.
venus Miliana eager
venus Miliani Gentle Caress
mars Milias A Hard working person
venus Milica Work
venus Milicent brave strength
venus Miligrosa miracles
venus Mililani praise, give thanks
mars Milind Bee
venus Milinda A bee, honeybee, name of a king
mars Milintica He Waves Fire
venus Milisendis A variant of the name Millicent which means hard worker in old Greek
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