Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Milisent brave strength
mars Milit Comradeship
venus Milita A kind and generous person
venus Militsa Bulgarian form of Milica.
mars Milivoj Gracious soldier
mars Milivoji Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Milivoj.
venus Milja Trying to excel or become equal
venus Miljana Feminine form of Milan.
mars Miljenko Croatian diminutive of Milan.
venus Milka rival; laborious; eager; flattering, hardworking; queen
venus Milke queen
mars Milkha A king or a monarch
mars Milko A dearest one, a graceful person
venus Milla Industrious
venus Millan The Loving and Gracious person
venus Millar Mill Worker; One who Grinds Grain; A variant form of Miller; An English and Scottish Surname
venus Millaray Blossom of gold
mars Millard Guardian Of The Mill
venus Millay Surname
mars Millburn Mill Stream; Border; From the Mill Stream; A variant form of Melbourne
mars Millburne Mill Stream; Border; From the Mill Stream; A variant form of Melbourne
venus Mille helper to the priest
venus Millee helper to the priest
mars Millen A worker who grinds grain
mars Miller Grain grinder
mars Millford A stream of water across the mill
venus Milli Derived from wither Camilla or Millicent, this name can mean either 'hard worker' or 'attendent at a ritual'.
venus Millianna A Saint from the mill
venus Millicent Strong worker
venus Millie Diminutive Form Of Mildred Or Millicent
venus Milligan A Christianity ritual of shaving head
venus Millisent bee; honey; brave strength
venus Millissent bee; honey
mars Millman Mill Worker; One who Grinds Grain; A variant form of Miller;
mars Mills Near The Mills
mars Millward Mill Guard; Guardian of the Mill; A variant form is Millard
venus Milly Diminutive Form Of Mildred Or Millicent
mars Milman Mill Worker; One who Grinds Grain; A variant form of Miller;
venus-mars Milne From The Mill
mars Milo Soldier
mars Milodorgu Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Miodrag.
mars Milodrag He who is dear and precious
mars Milogost Gracious and dear guest
mars Miłogost Derived from the Slavic elements milŭ "gracious, dear" and gostĭ "guest".
mars Milogostu Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Miłogost.
mars Miloh one who forgives easily
mars Miloje From the Slavic element milŭ meaning "gracious, dear", originally a diminutive of names beginning with that element.
mars Milojica Diminutive of Miloje.
mars Milojko Variant of Miloje.
mars Milomir Derived from the Slavic elements milŭ "gracious, dear" and mirŭ "peace" or "world".
mars Milon Army man, favored
venus Miloni An achiever, a winner
mars Milorad A graceful joy or care
mars Miloradu Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Milorad.
mars Milord My Lord
mars Milos Favored
venus Milosh Gracious, dear
mars Miloslav Favor or glory
venus Miloslava Favour, grace
mars Miloslavu Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Miloslav.
mars Miłosław Polish cognate of Miloslav.
mars Milosz A pet form of Milos, derived from Slavonic origin meaning 'fame, glory'.
mars Miłosz Polish cognate of Miloš.
mars Milot A boastful soldier, a proud one
venus Milou A famed warrior
mars Milovan To Caress
venus Milred A strength that is very gentle
mars Milret One who has independent nature and is brave
mars Milt From The Mill Town
venus Milta Talk or conversation.
mars Miltiades Derived from Greek μίλτος (miltos) meaning "red earth" and the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides). This was the name of the general who led the Greek forces to victory against the Persians in the Battle of Marathon.
mars Miltiathis Red colored soil, red earth
mars Milton From The Mill Town
mars Milun The union of two, getting together
venus Miluse Originally a diminutive of names beginning with the Slavic element milŭ meaning "gracious, dear".
venus Miluska Variant of Miluše.
venus Milvi Coined by Estonian writer Mats Tõnisson in 1914, of uncertain meaning.
mars Milward Mill Guard; Guardian of the Mill; A variant form is Millard
venus Milzie brave strength
venus Mim Short for Miriam (rebellion)
venus Mima Dove
venus Mimansa The research to derive the root cause or root of any object, one who is always eager to know
venus Mimi Diminutive Form Of Any Name Beginning With M
mars Mimir God Of Prophecy
venus Mimis Goddess Of Harvest
mars Mimiteh New Moon
venus Mimma dove
venus Mimmi A one who wished to adopt a child, a bitter sea
venus Mimosa Tropical Shrub
venus Mimouna In Hebrew it means belief or faith. In Arabic it means good luck or prosperity
venus Mimoza From the Albanian and Georgian word for the mimosa plant, a flowering herb. It is ultimately derived from Greek μῖμος (mimos) meaning "mimic".
mars Mimrah A lively person, a joyous person.
venus Mimsy A pleasant or a beautiful one, one who is above all
mars Mimum A warm hearted, supportive individual
venus Mimzy Short for Miriam
venus Min cleverness
venus Mina Strong-willed Warrior
venus Minaal Fish Catcher
venus Minadoras A gift from the moon or a light of the moon
mars Minadus A focused and desirable individual
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