Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Minah Yiddish variant of Marie, meaning bitter.
venus Minako Beautiful
venus Minakshi Eyes
mars Minaku Berry Woman
venus-mars Minal Fruit
venus Minalaya A place where fishes are kept or found.
venus Minali Fish Catcher
venus Minami Unkown Meaning
venus Minana Miracle
mars Minanatha The Lord of fishes, the care-taker of fishes
mars Minaraja Some one who is the king of the fish.
mars Minas A bright light in the darkness or the dark times
mars Minatbar A boy who is grateful and appreciative
venus Minati Prayer
venus-mars Minato Harbor
venus Minaxi One with eyes as fish
mars Minaz A desire for something, one who wish
mars Mincho Son Of My Right Hand
venus Minda Light Of Knowledge
mars Mindaugas Possibly from Lithuanian mintis "thought" or minti "to remember" combined with daug "much". This was the name of a 13th-century ruler of Lithuania.
venus Mindee sweet
venus Mindel Bitter sea
venus Mindelynn A comfort lake or a lake of comfort
venus Mindi sweet
venus Mindie sweet
venus Mindl A peaceful person, a restful nature
venus Mindry Born with the feelings to other people, an empathic person
mars Mindwell A person with calm and peaceful mind
venus Mindy Combination Of Mel And Linda
venus Mine Will helmet
venus Minea A person who is determined to protect others
venus Mineko Beautiful, Root, Child
venus Minenhle From Zulu imini "day" and hle "beautiful".
mars Miner Coal Miner
venus Minerva Goddess Of Wisdom
venus Minerve French form of Minerva.
mars Minesh King of Fish; Ruler of Fish; Leader of Fish
venus Mineta One who is merciful and generous.
venus Minetta determined protector
venus Minette Of The Sea, Bitter
mars Mineyo Summit, Peak, Generation
venus-mars Ming Bright
venus-mars Minga Carry One Another
mars Mingan Grey Wolf
venus Mingnon cute
mars Mingo Short for Domingo
mars Mingus An estate-owner, who lives in a manor
venus-mars Ming Yue Bright Moon
mars Minh Bright And Clever
venus Minha A gift or a blessing from the Almighty.
mars Minhaaj The right way or method to do something
mars Minhaas The right method or curriculum of the activities
mars Minhaj The proper guidance or instructions to do the work correctly
mars Minhajuddin The right way or the path of the belief
mars Minhal A kind, generous person, the one who is honoured
venus Mini A tiny or a small version of anything, mostly a pet name
mars Minik A tough layer of fat, to seal the skin cuts. A title given to Denmark's Prince Vincent.
venus Minika Calmness; Peace; Quite
venus Minimol Small Daughter; Little one; Small child
venus Miniona Favorite, Darling
venus Minisha The Goddess of fish, also the devotee of Lord Krishna
venus Miniya Wish, Desire
mars Minjarra Fruit
venus Min Jee Brightness and wisdom
mars Min-Ji Intelligent, Sharp
venus Minjonet Combination Of Min And Jonet
mars Min Joon Min means Quick, Clever, Sharp, Joon means talented or handsome
mars Min-Jun From Sino-Korean 敏 (min) meaning "quick, clever, sharp" or 旼 (min) meaning "gentle, affable" combined with 俊 (jun) meaning "talented, handsome". Other hanja combinations are possible.
venus Min Jung Bright and noble
venus Minka Strong-willed Warrior
venus Minke Diminutive and feminine form of Meine.
mars Minko Bulgarian diminutive of Mihail.
venus Minley One who is raised in a challenging environment; traveller
venus Minna Strong-willed Warrior
venus Minnah A kind blessing form the Almighty, The mercy from the Almighty
venus Minnat The grace of the Almighty, the merciful
mars Minnatullah The blessing or the grace from the Allah
venus Minne determined protector
venus-mars Minnesota Sky-Colored Water
venus Minnette love
venus Minni Germanic - Will; Desire; Helmet; Protection; Faithful Guard; A variant form of Mary; A diminutive of Miriam
venus Minnie Of The Sea Or Bitter
mars Minnota It means Minisota; cloudy water
mars Minnu An open bright shiny sky
venus Minny star of the sea; determined protector
venus Minodora A variant of Menodora, meaning gift.
venus Minoo Paradise, Heaven
venus-mars Minor Junior, Younger
mars Minoru Truth
mars Minos King
mars Minowa Of Unknown Meaning
venus Minrada She who gives wisdom and love
mars Min-Seo Calm, Clever
mars Min-Su From Sino-Korean 民 (min) meaning "people, citizens" or 旼 (min) meaning "gentle, affable" combined with 秀 (su) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding" or 洙 (su), which refers to a river in China. Other hanja combinations are possible.
venus-mars Mint Mentha Herb
venus Minta Defender, protector
venus Mintie One who have the quality of mint, cool like mint
mars Minto Great; Habitational name from a place near Denholm; A Scottish Surname
mars Mintoo A healthy person, a strong one
mars Minttu Finnish variant of "Mint", a cool persona
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