Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Mintu A healthier person, one who is strong
mars Mintxo Basque diminutive of Firmin.
venus Minty Diminutive Form Of Aminta Or Araminta
venus Mintze Bitter
mars Minu Eden
venus Minuette A pretty small one, a delicate person
venus Minuit midnight
venus Minuyara A fish from the deep water
mars Minver A fair skinned person. Name of a famous Cornish Saint
venus Minya Wish, Desire
mars Minyamin Right-hand Son; Similar to Benedict; Derived from Hebrew name Minyan meaning to count or to number
mars Minyomei Right-hand Son; Similar to Benedict; Derived from Hebrew name Minyan meaning to count or to number
mars Minyomi Right-hand Son; Similar to Benedict; Derived from Hebrew name Minyan meaning to count or to number
venus Minyonette cute
venus Minyonne cute
mars Minze Mint
venus Mio Beautiful, Cherry Blossom. Thread
mars Miodrag Derived from the element mio, a Serbo-Croatian form of the Slavic element milŭ meaning "dear", combined with dorgŭ meaning "precious".
mars Miomir Derived from the element mio, a Serbian form of the Slavic element milŭ meaning "dear", combined with mirŭ meaning "peace" or "world".
venus Miosoti A small flower or a tiny shrub
mars Miqayel One of the closest archangel of the God
mars Miqdad A Strong or powerful person. Name of a companion of Prophet.
mars Miqdam A courageous person from the battlefield
mars Miqsam A Good luck, a fortune. Name of the Prophet's companion
mars Miqueias Portuguese form of Micaiah.
mars Miquel Who is like God?
venus Miquela who is like God?
venus Miquella The one who passes the message of God
mars Mir An aristocrat, a commander, a prince
venus Mira Look, Admirable
mars Miraaj A route to the sky, an elevated route to the heaven
mars Miraan A princess or a royal girl from the princely estate
venus Mirabai An ocean of knowledge, A women of sea. A poetess and devotee of Lord Krishna
venus Mirabel Wondrous
venus Mirabell wonderful
venus Mirabella Wonderful
venus Mirabelle Wonderful
venus Mirabilis A remarkable person, an amazing beauty
mars Mirac Ascension
venus Miracle Divine Act
venus-mars Mirage Illusion, Fantasy
venus Mirah Glad
venus Mirai Future
venus Mirain A beautiful girl, someone who is calm or brings calmness
mars Miraj Place Of Ascent
mars Mirajul A patient person, one who belongs to the path of heaven
venus Miral A large body of water sparkling brilliantly in the day light.
venus Miran worthy of admiration
venus Mirana wonderful; peace; prosperous
venus Miranda Admirable
venus Mirandah worthy of admiration
venus Mirari Miracle
mars Miras Heritage, inheritance
mars Mirash A desert, or a deserted land or place
venus Mirasol A fully grown beautiful sunflower
mars Mirat A mirror, where one can see oneself
mars Mirata An object that reflects the image: a mirror
venus Miray Glowing like a moon
venus Miraya Lord Krishna's devotee
mars Mirce Derived from the Slavic element mirŭ meaning "peace, world".
venus Mircea Peace
mars Mirche Peace, world
mars Mirco Great, famous
mars Mirdul A tender or a soft person, a delicate person
venus Mirdza Derived from Latvian mirdzēt meaning "to shine, to glitter". This is the name of a tragic character in the play Vaidelote (1894) by the Latvian poet and playwright Aspazija.
venus Mireia To admire, a one who is admired
venus Mireilla admire
venus Mireille Admirable
venus Mireio admire
mars Mirek A peaceful nature, ambassador of peace
venus Mirel In Hebrew it means something spoken of the God. In Celtic it means a bright sea
venus Mirela An admired person, most admirable
venus Mirele The person who is admired the most
venus Mirelha Variant of Mirèio using classical Occitan spelling conventions.
venus Mirell admire
venus Mirella Admirable
venus Mirelle wonderful; peace; prosperous; admire
venus Miremba Peaceful
venus Mirembe Woman of peace
mars Miren Rebellious woman
venus Mirena Of the sea
venus Mirette Admirable
venus Mireya Admirable
venus Mirham star of the sea
venus Miri Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Miria The Holy virgin mother Mary
venus Miriam Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Miriama Slovak variant of Miriam.
venus Mirian Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Miriana wonderful; peace; prosperous
venus Mirica Miracle
venus Miricah Miracle
venus Mirielis The beautiful, one who is admired
venus Mirielle Sea Bright
venus Mirilla wonderful; peace; prosperous
venus Mirinda Beautiful, Admirable
venus Mirit Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Miriyana A prosperous, one who wished for a child
venus Mirja star of the sea
mars Mirjahaan The King or the ruler of the world
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